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Posts posted by GUNHO

  1. #8 is ok for now I guess. Came out flat agaisnt a very good RF team and hurt the rankings. Were good at flying under the radar. On the other hand, Im sure none of our opponents really think we are that low. LOL!!

    Rankings are for the kids to brag about and some adults to beat their chest.Heck,with what WO-S started with I think that's  pretty good.A teams true colors will come out in the playoffs anyway.

  2. I wouldn't worry too much about this kid, First, he doesn't think Crosby should play WO-S as they should favor Houston area "5A powers" like Foster, only to find that WO-S scheduled Foster over the past two years and Crosby has not.  So then he has to back up and make it look like Foster is gonna donkey stomp WO-S, but then he looks at the stats and sees that might not happen.  He is just scrambling to find any way he can to portray Crosby as being oh so superior to WO-S.

    Gas, this guy crawls backward so much that he will probably be Crosby's rep for the Intl. Crawfish Festival over in Breaux Bridge next year!

    I'm still trying to figure out what he is saying.lol

  3. It's coming, very soon. Was suppose to get it this year while putting in the new track. Donor got sick and had to back out. Was told it should be back on the table next year or year after.

    Turf...You talking about turf.Heck we can't even get our scoreboard fixed at WO-S.Ain't been working right for 3-4 years now.smh.

  4. You have to really, really love HS football or have a lust for abuse to become a HS official. LOL! With some of the ways fans (I have been guilty also) and coaches get after those guys its amazing we have enough to even cover all our games. Its not the money either. They dont make but a 100 bucks or so correct?? Sometimes we should realize these guys are basically volunteering to help our kids out just as we do from the stands etc. Cant let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

    Yeah.Sometimes we think they make calls on purpose and we know that's not the case.They make the call or no call on what they think they saw.They get a lot more right than wrong.Now I can't wait for Friday to holler at them when they screw up.lol

  5. PNG will compete for the district championship. Overall good game. Both teams need to clean up penalties. Morse is a great Qb, timing just seemed a little off with his receivers. Wos has to capitalize on turn overs. If I remember correctly, we didn't score on any of them. All in all this game did exactly what it was supposed to, help each team get better. One of the things I was most impressed with was the PNG players helping our kids up after tackles and vice versa. Class act PNG! Good luck to the NDN's and I'll be rooting for yall. Last thing is is making 4 of 4 extra points! What? Yes he missed a field goal but it was straight down the middle and just a little short. That can be corrected. 

    as negative as I was bout our kicking last week.....4for4 and almost a field gold.Great job coaches.

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