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Posts posted by GUNHO


    I honestly think even when we were in 5A(old 4A) early 2000's, we had the same amount of talent and kids we have now. We have always been out numbered and even out sized. The difference is being in 4A(3A), teams are a lot more matched to us. Even if you want to go way back to when I played, we never had over 35 dressed out on Varsity and had over 1k student in the HS.

    That's what I was getting at Kicker.We have done pretty good for the number of kids that come out and play.Going 3,4 rounds deep for years says you have a good program regardless weather you make it to state.We have just ran into teams that were better than us and that ain't no reason to hang your head.

    Even though it is pretty torturous to read MightyMouses comments having grown up with Mustang football running through my veins, at some point you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. I am not discrediting any of the teams in years past for accomplishing what they have but whether many of yall want to admit to it or not, we haven't lived up to standards in many of those years. Playoff games which we were the better team (More talent, better coaching, etc.) have slipped by us. At some point we do have to be real with ourselves and understand that 3rd&4th rounds aren't enough with the program that we have, we have to and I am confident that we will eventually get over that hump and make it back to Dallas.
    On a side note, Stangs prevail @ Stallworth.

    I understand what you are saying but for the number of kids that come out and play I think we have done real well.We actualy didn't do this well in the old 4A class as for as how far we've gone in the playoffs each year consistently.

    this should be one heck of a game reason is that giddings has played some very very good teams and has one of the larger team size in the state

    Yes Skip they have played some very good teams and lost to all of them.Actualy their best showing was their win last week against a 7-3 Wharton team but I thought that game was a toss up.Giddings is no cake walk but they are not in the same leauge as WO-S imo.Stangs well take this one.

    Looking at Giddings scores from the season, it does look like they can score some points, but it also looks like they can give up alot too.

    Here is the breakdown on wins and losses.

    W- 52-35 Gonzales 4-6 team
    W- 34-31 Wemberley 7-3
    W- 19-16 Columbus 3-8
    W- 35-28 Sealy 5-5
    W- 56-0 Salado 0-10
    W- 49-0 Smithville 2-8
    W- 31-14 Wharton 6-4

    L- 21-35 Bellville 9-1
    L- 31-62 Cuero 8-2
    L- 39-56 La Grange 10-0
    L- 32-33 Caldwell 6-4

    Seem to have problems with teams .500 and over.Only three of their seven wins have come against teams over.500.All four losses have been to teams that were above.500.They have only managed two wins in a row twice.Their last seven games have been win then a loss.
    Giddings has a good ball club and I expect them to be a test but WO-S will stop that run game of theirs or slow it down.
  5. Like it or not, the call on the punt was made. Had it gone against WOS I am sure I would be kinda mad also. However, there is nothing that can be changed about that game and it is what it is. HJ fans are assuming that WOS would have reacted the same way only up 7 as we did up 14. I would assume that different plays may have been called and who knows more scoring for WOS? I guess the lesson is that you can't give up more than 35 points to an outstanding team and expect to win. HJ is going to have to tighten up their D.


    Like I said before, this game meant something for WOS unlike in previous meetings with HJ. I knew they would match HJ's intensity. Doesn't hurt the fact that many of them knew of a certain poster on here making comments for HJ that fired them up even more.


    HJ still had plenty of time to make up 13 points if they could have shoved the ball down our throats like most thought they would.WO-S defense was just a tad better than they thought and WO-S was the one that ran the ball the best.HJ just had to many 3 and out period.


    If HJ plays defense like they're capable of, you certainly will have to stop the run or HJ will score on every possession. If HJ scores every time they touch the ball WO-S will have a tough time. Every time you throw the ball, you take a huge risk in getting a turnover, far greater than running the ball. If WO-S relies on that, it will get ugly. HJ secondary may not be committed to Alabama, but it doesn't mean they aren't good.

    I said score for score.That does not include all those what ifs.

    If they don't stop the run, how on earth would they win? HJ has an incredible running game. No one has stopped it yet, and no one has won yet. If you can't stop it, they'll run it down your throat. West Orange HAS to stop the run to win.

    They don't have to stop the run to win.They just have to match score for score and not let HJ have the ball last with time to score.How's your kicking game?

    That would really depend on each others D. Which team, LaMarque or Lagrange, is better suited to stop the Wing T? Which one can stop the pass from the spread better?  That is what it boils down to. It sounds crazy, but  the game tomorrow night might make the difference in the playoff runs of both teams and win/loss could become better for either team depending on the next matchups. I.e. If LaGrange can be beat easier with the Wing T, would be better for HJ to play them. And vice versa. Now I know there will be a few games before those matchups but is interesting.

    Yeah that's what I ment by matchups,that's what it's all about.Top bracket would play either Giddings or Wharton but that's not set in stone yet and Bellville in the bottom bracket in the second round.After this weekend all the brackets will be set and everyone will know where they fall.Then we can really analize it.

    I don't post much but just for the record, win lose or draw I will be headed to the deer lease very shortly after this game is over. Just in case for some reason I get called out and don't answer till I feel like coming home. lol
    No injuries for either team. After this week we should be pulling for each other. That being said, Lets eat Mustangs! I'll take a 1 point win.
    Let's Go Meet em!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Honestly...... I have no clue..... I hope HJ brings down the thunder..... From what I understand, we have made some defensive changes for this week, but I don't know if it will be enough... I was hoping we would put a couple more guys on the d-line and try to pressure ol Jack into mistakes... I hope that's the road we take but I'm not the coach.... This is why..... Defensively, I would not be satisfied with only bringing 11.... I would try to figure out a way to bring 12 lol.... I feel like HJ, at times, has dominated each opponent. Seems like we step up to our competition. If we come in with the heart and determination we had against Silsbee last year, WOS is in for a long night... If we come out like we did against HF, will be a long night for the Hawks and a long year for me.... I say, good luck to both teams, hopefully an injury free game, and no excuses on Saturday..... See you guys tomorrow!

    Good post bedelmon.I think WO-S can take the Hawks but it will take a great effort the Hawks have a great team.If the Hawks can create some turnovers WO-S could be in for a long night.So we shall see what happens.

    Wait, you're saying you'd rather play La Grange?

    No.I'm saying the loser of wo-s/hj has to play a team that is just as good as the winner of the wo-s/hj game in the third round.In this case it would be LG but LM is no cake walk either.At the start of the season district 11 and 12 were given no thought at all and at that time I said a team seems to always get it togather that no one gave any chance to and that team has turned out to be LG.At first it looked like wo-s/hj had a great shot at getting out of the region.Now it looks like from a great shot to maybe just a good shot.Who ever gets out will beat the region 4 winner and a trip to Jerry World.I know it's all about how you match up with the team you play and not won/lost records so I might be just overthinking this.
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