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About lumberman367

  • Birthday 03/21/1978
  1. Win State? They couldnt beat a 2A school at nationals.. Given is was coaching that lost that game for them. HF would be smart to let Jon Burris coach this team if he is still in the school district
  2. Russell Delome will be coaching the 13 and under baseball team. This is very good news for the team and we are looking for a even better year then last year
  3. Sunday Aug. 16th @2 pm at the Buna girls softball field by the football stadium.The team is looking for all positions. Team will have a new coach this year.For more info contact Chad Shepherd @ 409-679-0267
  5. Good thing all of Buna's kids are playing select now
  6. The Franchise is looking for some players give me a call 409-679-0267
  7. Yea I agree the football coach should always be the AD no doubt about it.All I'm saying is how about for baseball and basketball why not find a good coach that would stay awhile and give him a chance to get a program established.I'm sure the new coach is a great guy and coach.But the first thing the school board does is let the new coach bring in his new staff and they usually have to stick one of them in basketball and baseball that doesn't know anything about it.I love Dville wish it nothing but the best.
  8. Deweyville needs to realize they are not a football town.When I went to school there they gave football everythingand they maybe won 10 games all of my high school years.The basketball and baseball teams went to the playoffs just about every year.To be good in football you have to have numbers and Deweyville only has that every once in a blue moon like 97 and the last couple of years. Deweyville could always completed in the other sports if they didnt keep hiring AD's that fire or get rid of the baseball and basketball coaches.This has been a long running tradition.Why don't you try something different and keep a coaching staff for more than 5 years.Now,I know small schools are just stepping stones for young coaches and they are going to come and go.But, they could find some good older coaches and still want to coach and want some security to be at a place for a while.Deweyville needs to realize what they are and hire coaches accordingly.
  9. Come on, arrogant? You are talking about people who all think their kids are the greatest baseball players ever.You dont have to tell them they are going to be first rounders or franshise players, they already think that. My team is called The Franchise and I named them that because I like Florida and their colors. So if you think its arrogant so be it. Its a name.Get over it. We dont tell our parents we can make their kids great.We tell them we are going to give them a good and fun enviroment for baseball. We don't win every tournament but we do win some; its not because we have an arrogant name or we promise our parents the world.Our team is a little different from alot of select teams.Our parents don't pay a dime and we are going to keep it that way for as long as i can.We are trying to give our kids a better opportunity to play better competition and to get better. So if it seems our names are arrogant we might be cause I don't know about you but I think my team can beat any team out there.I have that much confidence in my kids.
  10. The Franchise baseball team is looking for a couple of players for next season.We are looking for a very good catcher and a couple other players for the fall and spring.We are going to be looking for a couple players with great parents and great attitudes.We are currently 3rd in state and looking to stay strong the rest of the season.We won the South Zone Championship in the fall and looking to so the same in the spring.You can contact Chad Shepherd @ (409)679-0267
  11. Stanley Bonewitz was amazing in the state tournament his senior year.The only reason he didn't break the state tournament record was because his dad took him out of the game before he broke the record.Also i think in both games he had 10+ assists he was awesome
  12. 11 and under AA USSSA baseball
  13. The Franchise Select Baseball team from Buna is looking for a couple of players to fill the roster for the spring season.We just won the Fall South Zone Championship in Houston.The tryout is at the Buna Little League for more info contact Chad Shepherd at (409) 679-0267
  14. Cody from what i heard i hope u can pitch for your team
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