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Everything posted by lumberman367

  1. Im just saying Deweyville basically brought Bickham in to win football games and he does a great job at that .Wether he liked Jackson or not he was one of the winningest coaches in basketball at dvill and was a great teacher to move him to middle school is a disgrace to him.I think the baseball team was pretty good and we had one of dvilles best baseball players wanting to coach there and they didnt hire him so now he's at a district rival so we'll see how that works out and from what im hearing the basketball coach is the baseball coach .Tell me how that works when baseball starts in jan. in the middle of district.
  2. Rick can you honestly tell me why coach Jackson left .Did he not like Bickham or the other way around or did he just find a better job.I was under the impression that he liked it in Dville and i meant Vines earlier sorry.I'm not meaning to ruffle your feathers but it always seems basketball and baseball tale back stage to football and we have always been more productive in those sports since i have been aroundand your a smart man and you know that and by the way i was betting on Dville in that game against Buna and lost so tell me im not a pirate at heart
  3. So what your saying is Coach Jackson resigned and what about Graves what happened to him.I love Football I'm just saying It always seems like football gets the royal treatment and baseball and basketball get the shaft.I can remember my junior year in baseball after to regional baseball runs in the playoffs having to duct tape my shoes cause we didnt have any new shoes that year but the football team was like 2-8 and got new shoes. That just doesnt seem right.
  4. So Rick what your saying is that the school board had nothing to do with that decision to let Bickham bring in his own staff.That Mr Summers and the principal had total control of that.I may leave in Buna but I'll always be a Pirate at heart.
  5. By the way I'm not a football hater I just think you and the other school board members sell out for football.I know you still support Deweyville in all sports but what happened last year didn't have to happen.Deweyville had a great basketball coach and you got rid of him for what reason.
  6. So what your saying is that Deweyville still should be good next year to so Bickham should stick it out another couple of years
  7. So how long before Bickham leaves for another job?
  8. knowing dville he's probaly a football guy who there making coach basketball
  9. This is the way it always goes in deweyville football rules over the other sports.Here's an interesting fact for you in dville when i was a freshman we made the playoffs in basketball in 1993 for the first time since my dad's senior year which was 1972 .Guess what happened that same year .Yep your right dville started football so you can say football ruined the great traditon of basketball in Deweyville.My dad tells me all the great stories about how Dville was the greatest back in the sixties and early seventies.Ever since football we been pro football and everything else got put on the back burner.When i was in high we went to the payoffs in basketball 3 years and baseball 2 years and football ZERO years and we had a PRO football AD that hated other sports.One year in basketball our coach quit right before school and we were ranked and the school board and AD wouldnt hire somebody that wanted to coach but instead put a retired coach in there that told us in practice they were making him coach us. Tell me something isnt wrong with that picture.Yea so we the players went and found somebody that wanted to coach us.Yea we still went to the playoffs didnt do as good as we should have but did alright. The problem is we arent a football school we are a basketball baseball school that has football.So Deweyville as a whole needs to realize that and hire a basketball and baseball coach and fill in with football.Coach Jackson was great to me when i was there I only got to spend one year when him .Coach Jackson taught me so many of the little things that made me better.When I was there I got to enjoy 3 playoff teams and loved playing there.Deweyville has once again sold theirselves to the devil(football) for a couple years in the playoffs while we have some good kids then Bickham will leave to go to another school with more athletes and more money and willl leave Dville without anything just like when Tilton took a playoff run and ran right afterwards.Dewyville isnt a football town its just every once in awhile we have a good group with good numbers just like 97 and these 2 years then we will suck again.Coach Jackson was the best thing to happen to dville basketball in a long time and then you let an outside come and ruin that for a couple of years of football promise hope your happy with these playoff runs cuz they'll be over soon and Bickham will run while the gettings good.Coach Jackson see ya later Your slowest greatest point guard you ever coached yes and you can bet he knows who I am.
  10. To all you young people out there. You need to look back a couple of years. I know everybody on this list .I heard every thing about this kid this year and he sounds great and all everthing.I was to young to know about Mark Burke but Levi Moore was the greatest running back from Deweyville.This is Chad Shepherd and I know Levi is my best friend but he was the man. Everybody knew he was getting the ball and couldnt stop him all Dville had was Levi right, Levi Left and Levi up the middle.The coaches here were retarded then except his senior year.He had more heart and desire than anyone i know and may not have been the best out of them but pushed his self and became the best.You can talk to anybody that played against him and that man punished you when he ran the ball.Logan was great too but undersized on a very good to with a huge line that paved the way for him and for all u non-believers Levi played defense too.Levi may not had the best number but he was the greatest and his senior year he moved to fullback to make the team better .So all you young folks go back and look at some tape its out there i've seen it .Then you'll know who the greatest running back was go read that message from the guy who played against him he knows first hand how good he was.We all know its not what the moms or dads think it s what the people across the line thinks and all our friends from other schools all say even today when we talk to us i hated seeing levi coming cause he wasnt running around us he was going to run over us .I didnt play football cause we sucked then and i didnt like losing so say what you want but i know what the people against Levi thought when they had to face him .Good luck Dville
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