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Everything posted by Dallas64

  1. Trent would you happen to have an extra state champs shirt in 2xl.. if you do i will gladly pay you Sunday but my brother seemed to forget about me ..if not thats okay...
  2. It is done but lets set the record straight it is a fohawk but it will be painted blue....Would not miss it for the world...Already have our room and I will be there for the opening ceremonies...By the way what time does it start....
  3. I drove 4 hrs from Dallas to watch my nephew and a bunch of 9 year old kids I had only met once but this weekend was incredible...I fell in love with this group of kids that fought  hard in every game...They faced teams from all over Houston and Austin...These kids played their hearts out it was a pleasure to see and be around such a great group of kids, parents and a special shout out to the coaches...Trent you had a plan and it went great...Good Luck at the World Series.....I will be there...GO BUCKS
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