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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Yeah I thought about that as well, hahaha. But hey if your gonna ask us to tell on ourselves you deserve what you get...................right or wrong. What is we stupid???
  2. Yeah that is true, whats good for the goose, is just good for the goose. The gander gets the shaft......
  3. Hit the road then.............and don't come back,,,,,,,no more no more no more.....Go scout somewhere else...............
  4. Well what team is it that you are referring to pro21..............Whats up with the mullet comments, just because that is the way you choose to wear your hair does not mean that you should go around calling everyone that. And no I will wait for you to bring me my sandwich. What is a typical BC fan anyway????
  5. Well with your attitude the way it is why would we want to give you a scouting report on us. Where are you from?? I guess if it is too much to ask as you put it for us to give you a report, then dont ask................................Watch like everyone else. Now...Where is my sandwich..............
  6. pro21 wrote: . Well away with you then, and go make us some sandwiches....................
  7. Yada Yada Yada.............hey log back on when you have better material.............I am in need of some entertaining and your just not cutting the mustard.................
  8. :tired Did I hear someone talking??? I thought I did but then I noticed it was someone from OF with a opinion about football..............do they play that over there, or is that strictly a girls basketball school, with a little golf thrown in...........................
  9. Hey jackleg.............if you would have joined in the conversation ten years ago then you might know what that post was about...........now go back to sleep................Also where is that pick coming from the early 80's I think.......................Geez.
  10. Butt Kisser......................................... :mrgreen:
  11. I agree James Brown was good, Granger was good as well.
  12. It was a joke, lighten up people....................I thought it was funny. Deep down you know it was.......................
  13. I know he was a good running quaterback as JoesBros stated earlier..............I was just giving you grief because you saying Beasley right off the bat.
  14. I vote Hart for Jasper.................
  15. Ned puts on Vidor..................7-1.
  16. Yeah come on that WOS stuff is making me sick. Come on change the title back to Quaterback, I liked it better...............................
  17. So who wins the 3A title next year............................Boys or Girls...........??? Gonna be a tough one..........
  18. Man this stuff is getting personal around here.........................................
  19. NO we produce lineman...................................
  20. Man for a minute there I thought I was reading about the worst teams next year...........................not the best teams, then I saw Vidor on there and then that confirmed it for me.............It was the worst teams in the area next year..................
  21. Is this the same thing as a quarterback?????????????? Just busting your chops.....
  22. Who said I loved it???????????????? It is fourth on my list...................................... Thanks for the clarification though, without you I would have been living in ignorance for the rest of my life..
  23. The rookie Major League (the first one) Sandlot For the love of the game
  24. Hoosiers Hoosiers Hoosiers Hoosiers Did I mention Hoosiers.....................
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