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Everything posted by bigred75
Rudy Remember the Titans Varsity Blues, hahaha (entertaining at least)
Major league....................................great movie
I am doing it for you...............I know if I were to speak, or type correctly you would never be able to understand me. If seems as though your doing a good job with the way it was written. Keep up the good work.....................I know its tough for you, but hooked on phonics must have worked for you to some degree. If and when they put a etch a sketch on here I will draw you some pictures, therefore you will not have to worry about that whole reading thing. I am here for you..........................
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW come on why get PNG brought the wood, and vidor did not respond. Do I smell a poor loser....................I am with ya maybe Vidor should have sent their JV..................but thats a whole different story.
Once again I think baseball is tough but so is football. Natural talent will take you far in both sports, but so will working hard.....I choose football because I like it better. And despite what people from Vidor think, play 10 years of football in the NFL and then play 10 years in the MLB. I guarantee your body will tell you which one is easier to make a living at.................................Like it or not its the truth.
you know you are correct I am a blooming idiot because I do not see things your way.
Now nowhere in my post did I say baseball was not difficult to play but hey its not brain surgery......................
Your telling me I guess if I just just did this :pp baseball then the people on there would say :dr bigred75
Its called a game, not work................shoot give me the chance to play 6 days a week 150 game season for that money.......................no brainer. I am not saying it doesnt take work to get there, but lets not make it seem tougher than it really is.
Yeah I am with SilsbeeD on this one. You can't say God given talent makes you excel in football and not baseball. If you do not have good hand eye, you are not hitting, and some people learn it and some are blessed with it. Just like with football some have good size and speed, some have to hit the weights and the track harder to excel, so I ain''t buying that one. Both are tough, they both have their challenges. I like football better, so naturally I think that. I think you can make a easier living at playing baseball though.
Who talks to much?????
I do tend to stick out in a crowd, cardinals tend to fly above the rest as well, but since some are growing tired and weary of all this blabbering it seems, I might have to lay this one to rest until the next oustanding topic unveils itself. I am always looking for a good entertaining post to get involved in, and regardless of our differences DR., this has kept me entertained over the past few days.
Oh no excuse me DR. grammar police, and I never said traveling made me smarter or living eleswhere, it does however make you more aware. Your not living in ignorance only knowing what is in SE Texas or vidor for that matter. Trust me there is more out there, and more points of view, not all wrong. UHHH not sure about the taking personal shots thing, your the one if I remember trying to play the "if your not one of US (which who would want to be)" then you can not make a comment. That was and is a ridiculous statement, but oh I am sorry I guess I should not have said anything about your beloved baseball program. Being that I am not from Vidor I should not have participated in talking about the topic in the first place. Still laughing at that one. Get real fella the fact is if anyone does not line up with what your topic or comments are you people (vidorians), you have issue with it. Explain that one to me. I mostly only give it once someone goes at me. So check yourself, MR. I didn't start it, or should I say DR. I didn't start it. OPINIONS baby (not child like), are wonderful things.................
Well how about that grandslam, I am a doctor as well.........SO I guess that makes us even. As for living here, or I should say being from here, well I am born and raised. But I at least have seen other parts of the US and World other than what lies 100 or so miles north or south of I-10. As for trying to get support on the posts I make....That is not my goal. I am not here drumming up support for me or BC. My goal is that when someone post BS I am here to call them on it. This thing did not get personal until someone took it there long ago. I do not see how standing up for the misuse of the word retarded is wrong. Sure I might have said a few things after that, that might have been aimed at one poster or another. Do I really care what you guys think of what I write........uhhhhh NO. I make myself laugh, that is what counts. If you want to stop picking on me thats up to you, I can go all day, but to say its not fare, well get some original material. Someone already used that one. What's funny is that you think I am arogant or Ignorant, when that is the whole reason I made a comment on here in the first place. So guess what, you might see me that way, but the show must go on..............who knew Vidor has so much support.....................and here we all thought that was just a part of Rose City. I can understand if you do not want to admit your from there, and disguise yourself as a Bridge Citian.
Ok I am not hating on Vidor, but there is no way they are in the same league with PNG. I like the previous poster can attest to the learning the fight song at a young age.An older sibling was in Kindergarten or 1st grade and already knew the fight song, and taught it to me when I was 3 or 4. Every little kid at PNG had a purple windbreaker and indian shirt and wore it with pride. Like I said about the fight song on a previous thread, when I heard that I got pumped, and was on the opposing team.
NIce try grandslam, but your wrong all accounts, but I would not expect much from you. Its funny how your pulling the old Jerry Seinfeld, your in the band or choir, "not that there is anything wrong with that." As far as embarrassing BC how am I doing that??? I do not remember ever coming on here trying to speak for all of BC, I am speaking for BIGRED75.........And if you ever lived anywhere other than here you might be able to comprehend what I am writing. As for the intelligence part of things, I probably have more education than you could possibly try to attain in your lifetime. Its funny, why you want to get so personal when I have not said anything to you??? Just remember next time when you decide to reply on here and try to make a point of some sort, that will make me tremble in my boots, don't just "sing it" bring it, not that there is anything wrong with that...............
Well 3amagic, I can understand that you can not comment. When someone gets the best of you sometimes you just have to turn tail and run, and admit that you can not hang with the big dogs. So I will just take your lack of response for what it is worth, the admission that you literally have nothing to say worthwhile, BUT hey I was not aware that you had written something worthwhile up to this point. OH wait you haven't..................As for Bobcat who is one annex away from being located in VIDOR, support from her is not worth anything either. They are still upset about the basketball comments from over a month ago, oh wait, do they even play baseball in OF????? I will take it easy on ya Bobcat being that you got roped in this my 3a--lack of magic, and you have not willingly entered this, he is trying to drum up support for his lack of conscious thought, he must be a politician.
Man Orangeboy that was harsh..........................Buna is a stellar 2A school...........hahaha
Well I guess my post was a freudian slip from the Vidor thread as well, so for me I guess it is ego. But you are right touche' for the eggo...........................
Hey batterup......................lego my ego.
bleachercreature wrote: I guess your name is fitting then..............................
Well now that you have decided to be a participant and not a voyeur of this thread, let me say that your two cents are not worth what you think, but your welcome for keeping you entertained, I will be here all day, and half the day on saturday. I might take sundays off. As far as me using the word Touche', I am confident enough in my manhood to use that word, and do so with authority. If your feeling a little bothered by the use of the word, then maybe you ought to be the one concerned. Now enough with that nonsense, or two cents, lets not forget this is a thread about vidor and its superb baseball program, that the JV seems to have. Lets move on...................
Ok let me explain this then, I will put it simple english because you seem to be having a tough time with words like TOUCHE'. First the Baby comment was not a derogatory one. It was misinterpreted by you, I was not calling you a baby, as in a small child. I was saying it as a figure of speech, like you would call a girlfriend, baby. Hey baby, does that clarify that. As for not taking it, well I might have to disagree, to you it only seems that way, for I know I dish more out than I take, and any time I see you on here along with a few lucky others, I know its going to be a good day. I can not disclose as to my clothing that I might be wearing or that I wear, for that is personal and even though I call you baby, I am not ready to make the big reveal. So a mystery that will remain. What would that explain though?? That I wear a bullet proof vest and like french words??? This has been entertaining though.......until next time.
Well I am glad that you think you are so smart that you got me to PROVE that I am arogant. Whatever baby, its all for fun on here. I think its funny that so many get all hyped up over comments I make. Right, wrong, or indifferent. I do not think that this will be the only time you will say I am arogant on here, but the truth hurts about me being right MOST of the time. But for this one little chink in my armor I say TOUCHE'.................to you for pointing it out. That vidor isnt out of it, I do not really care but thats ok, you succeeded in proving me wrong. One point for you, does that make your 4Amagic now??
Well nice try but I do not think so. This is the FIRST time I have been wrong on a topic, and I am BIG enough to admit it. I have no problem eating crow when I am wrong, but it does not happen very often, despite what you think as a casual follower.