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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Well if your not a fan of the district then why are you on here making comments........Ok so it comes down to thursday, big freaking deal. As far as the Once again I am wrong thing........There is a first time for everything...........
  2. yeah I think you are right because now the playoff picture is not there anymore.
  3. So what your saying is that the score of this game was no fluke????
  4. Oh my word, you say one vidor joke and people get ALL offended. Holy cow, are we not a little touchy about the Vidor thing. Also Bleed Orange I do not need your help. If this is a Vidor thing then let Vidor have their own webpage for just VIDORIANS and the rest of us will not have the privelage to read such outstanding topics like about JV beating Varsity, and the old umpire that just can't make the right call. Give me a break people.................LIGHTEN up, exept for the comment about someone being retarded I could really CARE LESS what happens in vidor. But it is amusing to see just how upset you all get when someone says somthing you do not like. :BB
  5. I am not sure I should even comment on this topic its so bad.
  6. BC.............. smokem if ya got em..................
  7. First off I understand that you might not know any different but lets not use this term to descrbe someone, it really shows your ignorance. Secondly, lets not say the UMPS cost us the game. Regardless of the call HOW could this score be close............It shouldn't plain and simple.
  8. Now that was funny..................
  9. Who knows who is leading who over there, maybe they should have called the school board as well, hahaha, or even tried to get a hold of mackey, and colbert to see what they would have done (joke). What a mess that place is. They would not know how to pour pee our of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.................................
  10. I was not there but checked the updates on here when I got home. Once I saw that PNG had a run in the tenth I logged off. What an idiot I was to think it was over. haaha.
  11. The word is definitly getting out there Coop. Hard to believe that 500 members have joined, whether they have more than one screenname or not, haha. It will be smoking come August, expecially with the new realignments. Oh Boy get ready for some doozies. Gonna have to dig in and get ready for some heated ones. You know there coming, just STAY TUNED........................
  12. I am in agreement as well, a police presence of a couple of cops would help remedy this situation. The only thing is that the shooting has happened and now who really WANTS to play there. I know if my kids had a game scheduled there that would definitly be on my mind, as sad as that sounds. Tough break for the Titans. That ISD always seems to be in the news in a negative light.
  13. Thanks for your input bobcat, you know I am here to set you OF people straight on any topic we talk about, hahaha. As for 3amagic, it just seems funny no matter how you beat a team, whether it be errors, hitting, bad calls from an ump, or whatever there are always people like you who want to get on here and play the blame game. If the score had been closer then your already ridiculous comments might have had more merit. BUT and I say BUT, it was a 10-0 game. Were you hoping for a music city miracle, or maybe you could bring in Kirk Gibson to try and win it for ya, give me a break. Do you want some cheese for your whine, while you and your investigators go to work. '''fyh Lets hear somemore excuses I am sure you have plenty in your bag.
  14. This forum rocks...........If it were not for this my work day would be boring. Come football season this thing ought to be in full swing burning up the servers.
  15. 3amagic, your right do not make excuses. Just accept the loss for what it is. A trip to the wood shed, and move on. Lets not try to diminish the 10-0 win with , "I am not making excuses crapola." Go BC......................
  16. So would WB be favored in this game then???
  17. true true true, anyones game in this one, its who wants it more.
  18. Dang you figured us out..........................We have been trying to do this every week, but our rain dances did not start working until this week. I guess it should be smooth sailing through the rest of District now that we have mastered making it rain. Who knew we had such powers...................Man your way too smart to be on here writing insightful comments like that.
  19. True that my friend.
  20. Ahh poor WOS, they just never seem to get any credit. Your crazy, I think they get plenty of credit when they do good. Basketball boys and girls, football........just because it isnt in every sport do not get your panties in a wad.
  21. If so in a one game series who would you take, and a three same ?
  22. I am gonna go against what seems to be the grain here, and take PNG. 5-4. Ned plays em close PNG wins it late.
  23. Oooo now them theres fightin words..........
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