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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. I do not see anything wrong with promoting your players. That is what gets them scholarships. In my opinion there needs to be more of that. Too often kids who could have gone to college for free or who may have received some kind of funding get overlooked. Why?? Because they did not have a coach or someone in the community pushing for them. Nothing negative comes from a coach making a little noise about a player. :mp I think its a good thing.
  2. Well KICKER people have to believe, or I guess we should not even show up to the game according to you. That is a ridiculous comment, and your attitude will catch up to ya on the field just wait..
  3. Well ESPN it looks as though you have it all figured out huh....... I KNOW we are good as baseball, but I am sure that we will give you a run come football season too..
  4. Well when I said you cant compensate for speed I did not say you did not have speed( WOS and Jasper). I was referring to the silsbee character and his account of how big their line was. Maybe that was not clear in my post, but I can see you guys are a little touchy when it comes to that. No one seems to be giving BC a chance so that is good. We will take advantage of that.
  5. Even after being out all that time? Do you think they should reannounce it, or just hire from what they have. It just does not seem they had a lot of interest , but who could blame them, just wondering???
  6. I can't wait to see who the unlucky lad will be.........
  7. D. Carlton / BC - ETBU
  8. Well enough stroking yourselves and patting yourselves on the back both you boys (jasper and wos) are gonna finish behind them Cardinals. Silsbee will be looking in and wondering what happened...........But we had a big ole line.......Size don't matter my friend, atleast thats what I have been told. The only thing you cant make up for is speed.....nothing accounts for speed
  9. Well enough stroking yourselves and patting yourselves on the back both you boys (jasper and wos) are gonna finish behind them Cardinals. Silsbee will be looking in and wondering what happened...........But we had a big ole line.......Size don't matter my friend, atleast thats what I have been told. The only thing you cant make up for is speed.....nothing accounts for speed
  10. I do agree with ya there. Dayton does make it a more interesting district. I am just not sure that is the best for the program with all the traveling. Just my opinion.
  11. Well I would file an appeal as well. It really does not make sense for Dayton to come this way, even if it does make an eight team district. But who ever said the UIL uses common sense when it comes to making decisions.
  12. Won't win, is in referral to this next year......................And again it was not in a full year of competition. Playing four games in district is not a true district win, I don't care what anybody says.
  13. This guy is a trip..............what meds are you taking?????????
  14. Well ESPN I can say this for ya at least your loyal even it you are an idiot...............................................Bmt teams won't win district anywhere, maybe go to the playoffs, no district championship.......
  15. yada yada yada until you do it in a normal season it never happened. Doesnt mean squat..................
  16. Go ahead take credit for the hurricane season and lavish yourself in your own glory. Give me a break, those schools did not even play everyone, especially MC teams, and you cant say I beat Lumberton and Vidor and say I won district, come on. Like I said earlier WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. call it what you may..............
  18. Central/ Ozen at the top with no MC team? SFA85 is still thinking SFA is still competing as a 3A school, haha. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Yeah Kbyville, could always roll off a win at any given time. If they do not compete this next year they could always play a spoiler for someone. Ya never know
  20. Well SFA thats why its called NEWS.......... We might not really care who gets the job at PA, but bcause we have the freedom of this great website we can post our opinions. Unless ya'll get someone who will right the ship from the top down, PAM will always be on the outside looking in when it comes to the playoffs. The politics there in PA or pretty bad, with the kids paying the cost..
  21. yeah it seems like basketball and fooball took a beating with the realignment. The bottom3 or 4 will more than likely remain at the bottom. Tough stuff
  22. Get the bus fired up and make your reservations early, haha :iag
  23. Thats exactly what I said about a Head Football coach/AD. Who wants to go to a place as jacked up as that. No one in their RIGHT mind would, no matter how much money the throw at you, for you will only be making it for a few short years before they find your replacement.............even with supers..
  24. Not sure about the hills wieight room and all but they do have nice football and baseball, softball fields. They got the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. gotta go with broc from BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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