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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Question is how do you think you (BH) will do in the Houston district compared to the Golden Triangle District?? My guess for what is worth you will probably do better there than here?? Any thoughts??
  2. Question is how do you think you (BH) will do in the Houston district compared to the Golden Triangle District?? My guess for what is worth you will probably do better there than here?? Any thoughts??
  3. Well I can somewhat see your point of view, however a good football coach does not make up the whole athletic dept. There at least 10 other programs that need guidance and attention. When you take over as AD you should be able to be personable and give the attention and not play favorites to whatever sports you determine to be important. Now I know we live in Texas home of high school football, so I understand the bias at most schools. However do not tell me how great Tarver is without living or being under his program. If you like Neuman stay in Big NED. IF not get him out or move. The issue was not how he was as far as winning goes, it has been proven that he can win at the 3A level. Hooks wins at several levels. I am not a big PRO Hooks, guy, I am just saying don't slam one coach for winning and being successful when that is your platform for the other. If Tarver stays great, thats good for him not good for other programs, however things can always get worse. You never know who you will get next go around. There is never a clear answer, I just know that things can and should get better, otherwise his job would not be in question.
  4. well put well said.........simple as that
  5. It never fails how anywhere from two--five teams can place so many on an all state team. Typical BS.........................As BIG as Texas is I guess a very few select teams have any real talent. WHAT A CROCK....... However every sport seems to be like this ..................IT SUCKS........ Love the flag by the way...............
  6. Big Tuna what are you on?????????? A promise???? Those words might taste funny later............
  7. Tuna let tell ya $$$$$$$$$$$$$ isn't everything, and the headaches he will recieve from the current admin is NOT worth it. Just read the paper, the people running that whole school district are nuts...............politics, politics, politics, its all about who has the power. Forget that!!!!!!!!!!! Stay where you are Owens, save yourself........................
  8. Well when I say apathy, I mean he has bascially no interest in the other sports. Speaking from some experience from those in the know, when problems arise in the programs, or things need to get done, decisions need to be made it basically falls on deaf ears. A good program administrator sees to all the programs not just one. The reason of the success in the other sports is not related to the him but to the other coaches of those sports. BC has good programs in baseball, softball, cross country 1) the kids work it from a earlier age (not so in basketball obviously somtimes) 2) BC has decent coaches in those sports who have proven to be winners. Despite the lack os support so to speak they continue to work hard because of a work ethic, and the desire to see kids get better.
  9. Well who knows what is going through the mind of the people running either of these schools. The Tarver situation I am with ya playing gulf shores was a joke. Not sure mathews is the one we need. The sad thing is when you hire for a AD he is going to be the football coach, this is not the case in other areas of the country. The main gripe from most is the apathy he shows towards other sports. I will say he has been successful at BC in football, but what are the board members or Supers looking at, ya know what I mean. Overall I can see him staying or going, just hope if he goes it doesn't get worse. Owens would have to be hit over the head with sharp objects to take the memorial job. WHY WOULD HE??? If anyone can name 1 positive of working at memorial I would like to hear it?
  10. Isn't that the truth, the Aints need some help just like memorial.
  11. There are lot of mixed emotions on Tarver in BC. Some like him some don't. I think overall the football program did well while he was there, but hey we were once 4a, moving to 3a would help anyone in the long run. Some of the coaches I hear do not care for him either. I am not sure he really supports the other athletic programs in the school that much. Of course this is SE Texas, where football is king, but that doesn't make it right. Memorial will be another beast. Who wants to coach under that current school administration? I mean that place is crazy. Unless you come away as a state champion in two to three years your gonna be looking for a new job anyway. IF they cleaned house administratively then maybe they could get some quality candidates. As for now, I am not sure they will, but hey I have been wrong before.
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