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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. RaiderMania............................Gosh I just dont even know where to start with you......... First off you are what is essentially wrong with AMERICA.....................If you think that this coach gives a BIG OLE RATS PATOOTY what you think about how he runs his program then you have ANOTHER think coming...........If it were me I would be telling your little league coaching self to stay in little league and if you dont like the way it is or how I am doing it then there is the door and don't let it hit ya where the good Lord split ya..................Secondly the comment about shaking his hand at senior night is right on in my book..............If I were the coach if I never knew who you were then that is the best thing that could ever happen........I invison you as the parent who the first time his kid runs a little bit too much for your taste or who doesnt get to play the amount you want them to will have the coaches phone number on speed dial...........YOUR A JOKE........I feel sorry for your kid because it is parents like you who get coaches pissed off at your kids and their whining attitudes..............Best of luck to you pal.............You better be glad I aint the coach. ME AND YOU would be having a COME TO JESUS meeting and I GUARANTEE your kid would get on the train or he would be leaving the station.........
  2. This whole article is just plain ridiculous.................some liberal not wanting their kids feelings hurt.......................Oh shoot did I say that outloud............ ;omg ...................sorry.
  3. Well practicing in this lovely weather we have here in AUGUST would tend to make one want to have spring ball......................BUT there isnt anything to WHIP you into shape like that August heat..................If you make through that around here with pads on you have done something.
  4. HMMMM I am not sure about that after some of the moves I saw last night??????????? I hate to disagree with ya LSU, first time for everything.........................
  5. Sounds like a great game.............Lets take it to em next week and get to austin.
  6. well I figured you would, I was just giving BBFaninLa a heads up incase they were near a computer........I am heading to the LCM game myself........if a radio could pick up the game I would bring one of those with me.
  7. kogt.com you can listen to the game...............
  8. Thats a yankee for ya..........................
  9. HHMMMM a lot of first time posters here.........................for hargrave............can anyone say multiple screennames for one person???????????????????????????HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Johnny D in BC.....................
  11. Maybe we should fill it in with sand.....................or WOS ego either one will more than do the job hahaha.
  12. Hey that ones been done, we know we lost can we move on.................... ...Dang ESPN.......let me tell ya........................
  13. PA is spending all their insurance money to fix the stadium on sandwiches for the school board meeting.....................................
  14. Thats a sign that they are about to pass out from standing there for hours listening to how great ya'll were in years past.....................Its like at a wedding when the groomsman pass out becasue they lock their legs from standing there so long......same reaction you get. Its not AWWWW your experiencing its ;omg AWWWW please will you stop talking so I can leave.............................
  15. No tar and feathers from me......I agree questioning a call from time to time, but as for losing a game though its tough to say that one or two things might have changed the whole thing, heck it might have, but in the end that is the way it is. Its tough to support a team, and also agree with everything all the time, but you gotta have faith in the coach unless they totally prove to be incompetent, which as we have all seen from time to time can be so. I am not saying it is wrong to question, just doesn't really do anyone any good I guess..............
  16. Hey when it comes to losses everyone eventually has one unless you win it all. As for second guessing what a coach should have done and should not have done, well that is why he or she gets paid. They make the decisions for the team not you the looky loo.........Everyone can and always will monday morning quarterback when a team loses on the playoffs. Right or wrong it will happen. As for the sensitivity for some posters on here, ya gotta toughen up, just cause someone on here calls you classless doesnt mean a thing...........Water off a ducks back my friend.
  17. I would hope that person got booted for that one..............
  18. How about this one???????????? at Judson (Converse, TX) [2005] Judson (Converse, TX) 27, [2005] West Orange-Stark (Orange, TX) 21 at West Orange-Stark (Orange, TX) [2005] Judson (Converse, TX) 24, [2005] West Orange-Stark (Orange, TX) 21 at neutral site [2005] Judson (Converse, TX) 26, [2005] West Orange-Stark (Orange, TX) 21
  19. Not bad for Newton huh???? at Newton (TX) [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 42, [2005] Newton (TX) 22 at Carroll (Southlake, TX) [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 44, [2005] Newton (TX) 21 at neutral site [2005] Carroll (Southlake, TX) 42, [2005] Newton (TX) 21
  20. AWWWW come on you thinking I am getting bent out of shape??????????????? You must not know the real me................................I am a sweety...................... Your right coop about high island............I bet BC's pop warner team could have put it on em.......I bet they would have at least two sacks on Carr by the end of the game.
  21. Well then lets take it to him again and really let the wood fly.
  22. What does it take to be a stopper????????? I guess we have as much a stopper as anyone else right??? Minus last week of course....................
  23. Well I am sure you two pony's wont be happy unless it shows WOS beating everyone that you put them up against.................Shoot I a bet if ya could put them up against the Texans they would have played a close game on that one as well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then we really would never here the end of it.................... :bs
  24. Well monkey peeing or not, it is still a weak district..............the hill outta be thanking someone if they have not already paid them off.........................
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