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Everything posted by setxballpop

  1. Check the Legacy Web Site. Their schedule isnt the same as SETxSports They play Monday at The Woodlands and Tuesday vs Cypress and off next Friday. ======================================================= March 8              vs Bay Area Christian                              4:30pm    Won 7-5 March 26            @The Woodlands Christian Academy        6:00pm March 27            @Cypress Christian                                  4:30pm April  3              vs Tomball Rosehill Christian                    4:30pm April 5                vs Katy Faith West                                  4:00pm April 10              @Pasadena Baptist                                  4:00pm April 13              @Bay Area Christian                                4:30pm April 16              vs Galveston O'Connell                            4:30pm April 19-20-21                                        District 7 Tournament for playoff spots April 24                                                TAPPS State Playoffs Begins
  2. This game is scheduled for next monday cause of 2 rainouts this week over there
  3. Pulled this off the website [u][b]Legacy Christian Academy Baseball Schedule[/b][/u] 8200 Hwy 105 Beaumont, Texas / www.LegacyChristianAcademy.org ======================================================= March 8              vs Bay Area Christian                              4:30pm    Won 7-5 March 20            @The Woodlands Christian Academy        6:00pm March 27            @Cypress Christian                                  4:30pm April  3              vs Tomball Rosehill Christian                    4:30pm April 5                vs Katy Faith West                                  4:00pm April 10              @Pasadena Baptist                                  4:00pm April 13              @Bay Area Christian                                4:30pm April 16              vs Galveston O'Connell                            4:30pm April 19-20-21                                                District Tournament April 24                                                TAPPS State Playoffs Begin ======================================================= Head Coach      Chris Fackler    [email protected]    409-924-0500 Director of Athletics    Jon Cregor    [email protected]    409-924-0500 ======================================================= [u]2012 Roster[/u] Sam Gallier  Senior Sean Giffin  Junior Blayne Trahan  Junior Dakota Swisher  Junior Wesley Dossett  Junior Jimmie Briscoe  Junior Saylor Hawkins  Sophomore Aaron Woods  Sophomore Matt Hayes  Freshman Harrison Sims  Freshman Reyzeir Wilkins  Freshman Jacob Eppes  Freshman Logan Ishee  Freshman
  4. Tremendous Hiring and I give that program 4 years to be a contender for playoff baseball. Good Luck Chris
  5. Just got word Chris Fackler aceptd the Legacy Baseball job, any word if true?
  6. Congratulations Amir!
  7. Whats the point of his "story" again? If the 2 boys DID attend "Mount Lets us View your Money College", and did NOT attend the camp, then whats the point of the camp or his story? Was there a typo or did we miss something? ... Go over to Lamar University, at least they only charge $75per player
  8. Whats up with Lamar backing out? :( 
  9. Got word Machine Baseball 14yr olds made the AYBA World Series Final tonight. Can anyone post a team roster and website? Record? Good luck!
  10. No Pass - No Play...
  11. You Machine guys have a dam good one in Mr Fackler , he isnt just about baseball with those boys muchCongrats on your season acheivements
  12. An email you should be all to familair with coach... I am fortunate enough to use my knowledge in baseball as an avenue. or a tool if you will, to develop life skills needed to be generally successful in life, as these kids grow older. They are all faced with an endless amount of obstacles, as life has thrown at all of us during the journey we have all traveled, yet NEVER EVER should there be Roadblocks for your child, and this is what I want to address. Obstacles are Temporary, Roadblocks are Permanent. Ill say that again, Obstacles are Temporary, Roadblocks are Permanent. Obstacles are part of the process, we find ways to work through them regardless of what time and how far along the journey for which they appear. Roadblocks however, should Never surface, the words of a child to say "I cant & I wont", should never be words spoken when children are in their developmental years. We as parents, teachers, and coaches, need to develop a sense of toughness to teach these kids to adjust, veer around, dive under, jump over, and push through those obstacles that ly ahead. See, Roadblocks exists in life Only if we've failed at developing the knowledge with no abilities to adjust, and you can only make adjustments in life if we have enhanced and broadened our children's knowledge, to have alternative ideas, and try to get to the finish line with another new creative route to attain that goal. The same script as we've all heard time and time again so applies to developing good hard working, dignified kids... Hard work, dedication, set goals, attain goals, be polite, be a good citizen and so on... I truly believe if these aspects aren't shown in the home, parents taking time to improve themselves as a parent, realising they are the "Mirror for which their children constantly Reflect", then I feel the learning curve has too many road blocks which stand in these young children's way and then they begin to become discouraged and at times quit!. You must have your children know, to get around obstacles in life, KNOWLEDGE is the ONLY key to adjusting and moving forward, and with that being said, who better to increase knowledge in these children than the parent or parents at home. I see today too many parents wanting to remain "cool" and be their child's "friend", and yes I can understand that in a small sense for it makes it easier on developing a level of communication so a child may open up to discuss things, but I do feel those who approach it in that light end up with discipline issues as these kids grow older. Be a leader, and role model, a shoulder for support or provider of knowledge with your children. Don't slip up on the approach used towards your kids, by "being cool". You should stay firm and consistent with your children. Some seem to call this "Tough Love" but ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS tell your children you Love them and that you and the family will ALWAYS be the ones who are there for them when the dust settles. You make it a point, whether through success or failure,. your support must be consistent with love and sincerity. If your kids aren't improving themselves with an "intent and purpose" achieving things with self-pride with passion, then don't expect them to excel at their craft; sports, the classroom, nor improving their social skills....Just Showing Up isn't good enough at enhancing themselves, Keep Raising the bar, don't settle for complacency while sitting idle, for tomorrow directly exposes the results of how well you did today.... The world is competitive, teach your children that now, to EARN things through consistent work, with an Intent to do it with class and integrity, and for all of those who work with an insecure grudge, or with an Expectation to get back or even with someone, they Will NEVER get ahead of them!...... I’m not a highly intelligent man, took me 20 years to earn my college degree. I imagine if I didn’t proof-read this, I’ll have more typo’s than most 6th grade grammar students. Yet I can only hope this will carry some relevance and make each of you think if only just for a second, to analyze your own impression and the impact you personally make towards your own son or daughter. See I’m fortunate to travel this region of the U.S. as well as the country at times. I meet and greet people from all walks of life. I am blessed to spend time talking to professional baseball scouts, college baseball recruiters and coaches, many on many high school coaches, doctors, lawyers, engineers, school teachers, plant workers, waitresses, cooks, and more…and one common aspect for which they all carry within, is they want what’s BEST for their child. I don’t think I have ever met a parent who said, I want all the worst things in life to occur and happen to my son or daughter. I truly want to see him or her fail. That isn’t even an option. So with this being said, I want to give an example of something I saw recently that made me scratch my head and hope it puts some things in perspective for you as a parent. True Story, I attended a local complex for a typical weekend select baseball tournament for youth players 8-12yrs of age. I’m standing down the left field line along the fence of one of the games being played. As I’m standing there, I turn to look and in walks through the main gate, a 12 year old kid, in a beautiful tackle-twill jersey top uniform, no elastic in pants, looped over his cleats, in his hands he has a cell phone and he is texting away fingers speeding through the query to someone. Now get this, walking directly behind him is his father, The dad is dragging behind him, handle in hand, the young 12 yr olds bat bag, and this bat bag even had wheels similar to the luggage we see many use at the airport when traveling. So my curiosity began to get to me. I had to go over to the parent an introduced myself , talked to the parent and kid, told them who I was and what I do, and asked him, “Hey kiddo, what’s in the bat bag”…This 12yr old had within in this bag is a $350 bat, $200glove, $40batting gloves, $60helmet painted with his name on it, and 2 extra practice bats. See we now live in a day n age where by there has now become a fine line between ‘Expectation and Appreciation” amongst American Children. Numerous Kids EXPECT things rather than EARN things. As I previously stated, I talk to college coaches practically daily and across the country many have had to change their recruiting tactics to make sure they supply, 2 caps, 3 jerseys, pants with no elastic, all tackle twill tops, dry-fit T-shirts, locker rooms with personal lockers n stools as well as flat screen TV’s on the walls with ESPN or Fox Sports. I’m amazed at what we have become. And yet these coaches still find a way to get kids to dig down and find that competitive edge, but it’s the “response to failure” is what concerns me. Are these kids individually tough enough and been raised properly to fight through those obstacles that ly ahead with independence and internal strength. We are blessed to live in the USA and Baseball is America’s Pastime. To show proof how long its impact has been in the U-S, When General Custer in 1876 was making his infamous last stand, a war in American History at Little Big horn losing 264 union troopers, on the same exact day there was a baseball game being played in this country.... Here is the point I make and my concerns: Right now in major league baseball, in a country of over 300million people, American players now only make up roughly 60 or so percent of the 30 team rosters on big league ball clubs. Parents - We are losing our own kids! We aren’t losing this because of our overall skill level and talents, we are losing them to our children’s "Will and the Dedication" to finding their ways around obstacles, working hard to attain their goals. A large portion of our children aren’t taught how important having an “Intent and Purpose” with setting goals and achieving success, what having self-pride and being passionate truly means. The Dominican Republic makes up 28% and those in Major League Baseball, these kids use the cardboard from cerial boxes as gloves, hand me down baseballs and bats and yet they make up over 25% of our country's national pastime. But the American player wants an agent-representative and the foreign player just wants an opportunity....And the Dominican Republic only draws from a population of 9million people. Personally, It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to do the math and see we are losing our country's game to other country’s and I personally believe there is a direct correlation to that dad and kid I met at the Select Ball field. There is a current study that states by the year 2025, less than 40% of Major League Baseball Players will be those that are born right here in the U.S of A and where this all stems from is what are we focused on with our relationships with our kids during their developmental years as a child. So please get away from blaming the coaches, the umpires, the teachers, the structure, the program, the team, his teammates, and so on…It’s what I’ve termed for years, the “Car Ride Home” or "Dinner Table Tommy"… The ride in the vehicle after practice-games or eating dinner as family, between the father, mother, son and daughter after ball games is where Men are made and excuse makers can be born….so which are you with your child on the drive back from competitive sports? Begin teaching your children, ‘Life Just isn’t Fair’ sometimes and you Must 'Earn' the things you want and are driven towards….Children must eliminate all excuses and get to work on their own. They must enhance their own personal knowledge and learn how they must adjust to get through, around, under, and over those obstacles that ly in front of them along the journey. For those parents who allow the excuses and block the lack of development to enhance your child’s knowledge are going to be without a doubt those who are going to continually run into the ‘roadblocks’, for which in a sense, we created as a parent. Excuse me for posting your emails coach, but its a great read, Thanks... AJ
  13. Most suprised - Orangefield Most disappointed - WOS (what the heck is up over yonder?)
  14. Good luck to your program, looks VERY PROFESSIONAL. Those young men are fortunate to have that opportunity. Good luck to the Whitecaps!
  15. What is the WARNER kids record and ERA since Kelly is now 1-5 and 8-10?
  16. Who are The SURGE? The coaching staff? What tournaments will you play? Your Public notifications should be in more detail. Thanks
  17. Kelly is 8-10, 1-5 in district... I hear alot on the Warner kid... what is his record at Kelly and ERA?
  18. 1) Most suprised team in 2011 2) Most disappointing team 2011 Keep it simple and refrain from personal bashing.
  19. Coach Walton and Westbrook, Great game, Sweep it out Friday.
  20. Why doesnt Kelly High School recruit? Is that illegal? Are these kids attending houston private schools know they are going to be taught the baseball game and looked at by those scouts? I am asking for more insight on that school,
  21. Keep it up COACH WALTON, DONT CHANGE!!!! You are doing a great job coach! Keep the demand on the kids.... 8-3 in last 11 games. GO Bruins!
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