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Everything posted by JMJ3rd

  1. Great job to all that helped put this together, and made it work!
  2. Thanks to y'all. I certainly didn't imply that my girls did/do it ALL. I was simply letting them and those that read this, that we are proud of them as their parents. I know that we all single out our own for what we see them do; just wanted to say it out loud. I did say, to their team-mates also, which I felt was appropiate, and deserving. There was no intent to take away from the team effort in the statements. My wife originally shared a statement, overheard from a coach of a team, to whom we had just lost, about one of our daughters.  It's nice, at times, to hear those things from people that you don't know, or know who you are. We, as parents, love it. We wanted to show some love in a post to [i]our[/i] girls, as my wife said, yet include the teams for their hard work and accomplishments. When they don't do well, they know we are proud, yet disappointed in their performance for that day/play; we then talk about the corrections, and move on toward getting better. As was posted "It's a thing of beauty. And amazing to watch.. can't wait to see what they do next weekend!" HFF, Bring them out if/when we have tryouts. NO position is sewn up so tight that it can't be won over by new talent. At times we have open practices for people to work out with us. Contact the coaches to see when that is. They all may be open, for all I know.
  3. Great tourney this past weekend, Nara and Ronnie! Thanks for your commitment to the girls, game, and community!
  4. This is a post to say that I'm proud of the accomplishments of my daughters and their team-mates this weekend. You played well and represented our area in a great manner!  Third place for 12U, and [b]CHAMPIONSHIP[/b] for the [b]10U[/b], their [b]3rd this season[/b]!! Go Shockers!!! I'm proud of you! [IMG][Hidden Content]]
  5. Outstanding! Congrats for the hard work you put in for this!
  6. Way to go Blast, and Unleeshed! Great job this weekend!  :)
  7. [quote name="Tigers9" post="888173" timestamp="1288117918"] Thank you. Since you seem to have known me for a few years then you know I dont always come across very well to some. Im glad you see the point, and I must admit, you spoke my point alot better than I obviously presented it......again....very well spoken! [/quote] Thanks. Actually we have never met and I've only known of you for less than a year. We know people in common and I've seen you here and there. I know people with whom you coach and I've read your posts. I feel I know what you want to accomplish and though  you "dont always come across very well to some." you do very well in promoting your organization. Good job.
  8. Yeah, that's it! Monsters with manners!  ;D
  9. Congrats to you Kelsey! Many blessings to you at UT Dallas.
  10. [quote name="Tigers9" post="888051" timestamp="1288109551"] Very good post. But I still dont think you get it. I havent disagreed with these basis of teaching, they are obviously very good traits as a human being. It doesnt change that the athletes of programs that have continued success have and expect a level of swagger.......whether or not Cheater and others will admit this or leave me to being a [b]"lone rebel"[/b] is yet to be seen. I was watching the news the other day, and I must agree with the journalist's opinion of the direction of our country.........America is getting fed up with the "politically correct BS" the point........we cant see the actual point being made due to race, sex, religious or political views that so often get in the way.....hence the comment by O'Rielly...."Muslims killed us on 911" which by the way is FACT.....however he takes crap for it....he didnt say ALL, however some got their feelings hurt and whined about his comments. so, if your agenda gets in the way of seeing the actual point being made....so be it! Choose the right fit for your kid and be happy, thats why there are several teams in the area. [/quote] Thanks. I agree with most of what was said there except that if a program continues to have the success they will have the confidence that others will see, and then they have the choice of swagger or humility, which in no way means weakness. The opponent will most likely see it as swagger. The difference would be how they were treated by the confident one. Yes, I get it and see your point. It's the way of the world, today. Expecting swagger is just like expecting PC.  (Swagger won't get you fired.)  Facts are facts, but supposition or assumption and perception is not. Bill O'Reilly stated fact. What the others, that don't like him, IMHO, heard was probably something offensive  "due to race, sex, religious or political views". I see my daughter walk in confidence and humility. The opponent may see swagger. Who's "right"?  They would know if they met her. Anyways, thanks for your work over the last few years, also.
  11. [quote name="Tigers9" post="886868" timestamp="1288012124"] [quote author=setx99 link=topic=73946.msg882577#msg882577 date=1287673914] [color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color] I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all. [/quote] Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help! "These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS." The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....      [/quote] This thread is way off topic, but to respond to the response. Swagger:  to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air.  to brag or boast. Confidence:  having belief in oneself. How does someone teach humility and swagger? Where does the arrogance come in? Which will they want the team to portray? Don't need "luck" with that. I can speak to what we are teaching our daughter. I'd want the coach to teach her the game of softball. I know that there are "game" attitudes that are needed, and will be built upon, but the rest will be left to us. She is the same on the field, as she is off the field. She strives to do her best at whatever she does.  Feel free to ask Coach Clifton. She has been called a "quiet leader," "one of the most teachable girls around". That really feels good, to us, when others compliment on her attitude. Instead of swagger, I'd rather her have confidence.  I'd want her opponents to respect the playing and want what she has, be drawn to her talent, to feel at ease when approaching her, even when they feel her team may beat them. Having an arrogant attitude would not attractive. There are and have been coaches that don't subscribe to arrogance as a way to be.   "Mental toughness is many things. It is humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love." Vincent T Lombardi This was a quote from Mike Candrea about Jennie Finch and her career when she retired. I think sometimes you measure a person's success not on their accomplishments as much as how many lives they've touched," said Mike Candrea, her coach at Arizona and through two Olympics. "Jennie has transformed this sport, touched millions of young kids in many different ways, whether it's fashion, whether it's the way she plays the game,  but through it all she's been very humble." "She's become the face of this sport, and not many people could do that," he added. "It's hard to do." This is who and what I want my daughter to model, but some don't "GET IT". You're right, it never gets OLD explaining it to those that don't. Back to topic. The Blast, the GTS org., and others have done some great ground breaking in getting a lot more of our girls move on to their dreams. I do appreciate all of you that have been and are the path leaders in this effort.
  12. Noticed I received a -1 for the "Warren Report". Hmmmmmm...
  13. :) Y'all have a blessed day! :)  
  14. Way to be, Stephen! It'll be good to see you and the girls, again.
  15. [quote name="hotty28" post="824162" timestamp="1281392231"]...but since girls have played for the two assistance coach and have played on select teams they had an advantage. Which that's not fair the team was not picked on talent and no this is not a new team just a new name. [/quote] Dottie has spelled this out very well in her analogies. I don't think it can be made any more clear. The email did come today and more than half of the team (8.) are from other places (more than half of those had no previous select experience), with a margin of core players (5) from the previous team. It IS, as stated before, a new team. So, to keep repeating the mantra "this isn't a new team" doesn't make it so. [quote author=sclifto27 link=topic=71322.msg824172#msg824172 date=1281394868] Wanted her to get on the blast because I know Mr Donald a good coach thats my daughter pitching coach. I just hope she can get on a team so she can learn more and have fun while learning. I thank all the coaches for giving my daughter a chance to try out. [/quote] Thanks for your post. It goes to show that even though she was/is a student of the Coach D., there was no favoritism. With you and your daughters' attitude, she will do fine as she matures. Thanks again.
  16. Sending another player your way. Hope it works out.
  17. On other forums that I'm on, you are able to see who gave you a "+" or a "-" for your post. Is there such a feature here for the karma?
  18. [quote name="hotty28" post="823952" timestamp="1281330368"] Sorry if I stepped on any body toes, but the truth will be told [/quote] Tell us the truth about how you know this, please. I haven't seen or heard anything official. [quote author=sclifto27 link=topic=71322.msg823953#msg823953 date=1281330919] Well my daughter tried out for that blast team and I felt real strong about her making the team. No she never played select ball but she has been playing For 3 years and always make the all star team, but if she didn't make the team at least she know what to expect when she try out for another team. By the way do any body know when the team will be announced or picked [/quote] Hey, great attitude about your daughters abilities and willingness to continue to go forward. Well, according to hotty28 the roster has been done, and he/she knows the details. As I understand, the names will not be posted here in this forum. I don't believe they should be. I understand that an email will announce the team to the parents. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Josey
  19. I believe Dottie and setx99 are correct on this. I don't coach. I'm a dad that relies on the abilities of the coaches, and tries to follow through with whatever they say my daughter needs. I pray it's my daughters' ability that gets her a spot on a team, not anything about me.  Coaches daughters have been/are usually on the teams that they coach, from what I see. The difference, this season, is who has the decision as to where, and how much that daughter will play. The coaches you speak of are now the asst.'s. Just like any mom/dad/parent can do to assist. They will follow the direction of Coach Donald.  They will have no more "say-so" than I would have in what, where, and when someone plays. I knew there had to be some changes this year for this group of girls to be competitive. It could not continue as it was. They have made necessary changes in the coaching, and decision processes, to satisfy us for this fall season. We will see how it all works as we begin to play. We are hoping for some success with these changes. I'm not sure that they picked [i]all[/i] of the former players. There has been no notification as to the roster of this team, that I know of, as yet. Do you have info that has not been announced? How do you know who made the team? This team, or the New GTS's, are only two of a few teams out there in this area. There are the others, that Dottie mentioned, that are still having tryouts. Continue to have your daughter try these teams. That, in itself, will make her stronger. Josey
  20. [quote name="bbharan" post="822671" timestamp="1280842047"] In reply to SETXchamp.  We have always taught our daughter that she plays the position that the coach puts her in and she is to play that position to the best of her ability.  We would never get involved in a team just so our daughter can play a certain position.  [/quote] +1
  21. Great post. Thanks for sharing your memories. We are on that road as I type. We did the propane last year, the UA socks this year, and along with the sunscreen is the "misting fan" for rehab in the dugout. I'm looking forward to the memories we will make. God's favor to you at the next level!
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