LONE STAR ATHLETICS AUGUST 2010 BASEBALL NEWSLETTER I would like to congratulate the Texas schools that participated in their division championship tournaments. Texas Christian University NCAA Division 1 San Jacinto College NJCAA Division 1 Tyler Junior College NJCAA Division 3 ******************************************************************************************** Todd Whitting is the new head baseball coach at the University of Houston. Xavier Hernandez is the new assistant baseball coach at Houston Baptist University. Congratulations and good luck to both these fine coaches. If you know of any coaching changes please let me know. ******************************************************************************************** Lone Star Athletics has begun the Video Recruiting Seminars at our website WWW.LONESTARATHLETICS.NET. There will be updates presented in short segments weekly. Subjects such as how best to contact collegiate coaches, using video, how to be seen, conduct, academics, training tips and much more will be covered. ******************************************************************************************** All athletes Freshmen through Seniors are invited to post their Academic, Athletic and Contact information on WWW.LONESTARATHLETICS.NET. Go to the web page and fill out the information form you will find there. You have 2 options. You can print the form out and mail it to me or you can fill out the form on line and submit it and I will receive via email. We will forward your information via email to our national data base of over 1200 collegiate coaches.. There are no fees for this service. ******************************************************************************************** Thanks Frank Dorner WWW.LONESTARATHLETICS.NET