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    pakronos got a reaction from P.A Texas in da building in PAM vs PNG   
    JV and freshman dominated the baby injuns
  2. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from P.A Texas in da building in PAM vs PNG   
    point was, the game was never as close as the score indicated due to a missed call by the refs, but hey. i'm sure it will be PLENTY tomorrow night.
  3. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from P.A Texas in da building in PAM vs PNG   
    you know hughs didn't get the first on that 4th down, so injuns scored 21 points. it's on the reply on youtube for those who think i'm making this up. CLEARLY he was a yard short.
  4. Like
    pakronos reacted to Stattrax in Local Media   
    What is the issue with the local media? It seems like less and less is being covered on local high school football. As a kid, the papers where flooded with local coverage. Every week the Snooze had updated district stats, individual and team. The Enterprise does an article on district leaders, with Lumberton as the cover photo. (use a winning program). It just appears to me that the direction is totally different than years past. The days of, "I beat Bob West", are long gone, and for the record, I did win a few times over the years. Even the local sportscasters seem to be very uninterested in stats, etc. I know years ago, when Ware, and Picasso where on the sidelines, they gave it like it was. Now I know one is a P.N.G. grad, and the other a Nederland grad. But its just crazy how this site gives more knowledge and info than local media outlets. For instance, P.A.M., P.N.G... That is the biggest game of the year in Mid County.... Find a good article written about it..... There is none. As a kid, we read the paper every morning to see what Bob or Tom had to say.... Now its just lackluster. IMO, when you see a sports guy post on here, its more  politically correct than anything else. (IMO Newton or W.O.S. have no chance against W.B.)........ I am the first to knock the rah rah's on here. But honestly, the rah rahs have more info than the stumbling media. I am in  no way saying its all bad, but the majority is...... Maybe we are living in the "we are all winners world"... But in my world, not everyone is a winner. Winners win, losers lose.... We have a team that has won back to back championships, lost another in the last 3 years. 2 teams that are always in the rankings in 5-A.... Newton always in the conversation, as well as W.B. in 6-A. Yet the media is talking about none of them..... Answer me this, where can I find a good article about P.A.M., P.N.G., tomorrow night? Where can I find the district stats in the area? If i am a betting man, 90% of what the local media knows comes from this very website. And we know the rankings do. SETXSPORTS, might very well be the best media in the area for local High School sports......... Read the papers in the morning and see what pops up. More than likely, its not going to be very inspirational.......... For instance, lets use the BMT Enterprise. Years ago you would see several articles by today. One would say, the Brook is rolling looking to get it on with one of the top teams in the state. The Jags are loaded with talent, looking to put it all together for a playoff run. The Panthers are looking to get on track..... The Snooze would be talking up the matchup with commits Hines and Johnson. Bob West would be telling you that Memorial is going to make a run. Halliburton would be telling you the Mid County teams are putting it together to make some noise. But yet, when I look today, well you know whats to be seen.............
  5. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from FrodoNDN in PAM vs PNG   
    find it funny that neither news rag talked much about the game with the exception of tickets. last year was pics and stories everyday leading up to the game...i guess they didn't want this game to overshadow the MCM smh....imo this game last year was big, if not bigger than MCM...BOTH SIDES SOLD OUT!! and for the record PAM holds more than 8k smh...
  6. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from NDNMOM34 in PAM vs PNG   
    oh lawd....somehow I think I'm going to be the first to get crow from the Johnson clan lol...i'll take mine spicy barbecue please lol 
  7. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from The Goat in PAM vs PNG   
    find it funny that neither news rag talked much about the game with the exception of tickets. last year was pics and stories everyday leading up to the game...i guess they didn't want this game to overshadow the MCM smh....imo this game last year was big, if not bigger than MCM...BOTH SIDES SOLD OUT!! and for the record PAM holds more than 8k smh...
  8. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from The Goat in PAM vs PNG   
    point was, the game was never as close as the score indicated due to a missed call by the refs, but hey. i'm sure it will be PLENTY tomorrow night.
  9. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from The Goat in PAM vs PNG   
    you know hughs didn't get the first on that 4th down, so injuns scored 21 points. it's on the reply on youtube for those who think i'm making this up. CLEARLY he was a yard short.
  10. Like
    pakronos reacted to Indianforever in PAM vs PNG   
    In my opinion this game is bigger than MCM...the reason I say this MCM more than likely won't mean anything but bragging rights this game will probably decide District Champion 
  11. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from Indianforever in PAM vs PNG   
    find it funny that neither news rag talked much about the game with the exception of tickets. last year was pics and stories everyday leading up to the game...i guess they didn't want this game to overshadow the MCM smh....imo this game last year was big, if not bigger than MCM...BOTH SIDES SOLD OUT!! and for the record PAM holds more than 8k smh...
  12. Like
    pakronos reacted to Indianforever in PAM vs PNG   
    Lol just messing with you it's going to be a great game 
  13. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from Tj yellow jacket in PAM vs PNG   
    as the star qb bro, they must gonna land a helicopter at the rez and give u a police escort to your seat or press box if getting to the game later than 6 lol...last year in PA, people was at the stadium at 430-500!!!
  14. Like
    pakronos reacted to TenaciousK in Vidor @ Lumberton   
    I don't feel comfy talking to you about Vidor's capabilities until after this week is over. LOL
  15. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from RoschonsBigBro in PAM vs PNG   
    as the star qb bro, they must gonna land a helicopter at the rez and give u a police escort to your seat or press box if getting to the game later than 6 lol...last year in PA, people was at the stadium at 430-500!!!
  16. Like
    pakronos reacted to RoschonsBigBro in PAM vs PNG   
    I don't think I'll make it in time. I'll probably arrive at home around 530-6. Got to do a lil maintenance on the ride b4 the drive
  17. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from RoschonsBigBro in PAM vs PNG   
    you want to meet up for lunch?
  18. Like
    pakronos reacted to RoschonsBigBro in PAM vs PNG   
    Oh yeah, u know it lmao. But like I said, I'll let the game play itself out b4 I say anything. Setx game of the year.
  19. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from RoschonsBigBro in PAM vs PNG   
    oh lawd....somehow I think I'm going to be the first to get crow from the Johnson clan lol...i'll take mine spicy barbecue please lol 
  20. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from bulldawg64 in AP High School Football Rankings - 10/9/17   
    i guess they are impressed with blowing out cupcakes lol
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    pakronos got a reaction from CCRed in AP High School Football Rankings - 10/9/17   
    png ...smh lol
  22. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from CCRed in AP High School Football Rankings - 10/9/17   
    i guess they are impressed with blowing out cupcakes lol
  23. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from PortArthur33 in PAM vs PNG   
    i don't know if it's inexperience on the o-line, which to be honest, NOBODY saw or accounted for. Xbox play calling?? until saturday, they started to throwing to the sideline a few times. that's the set up to go down field. we haven't seen that all season. if xbox call the same game like he did for bambi, this might be the preseason hype with the only negative being the oline.
  24. Like
    pakronos got a reaction from L-Train11 in Nederland @ Beaumont Central   
    dogs gonna be way more physical...Don't see the Jags getting this one. Jags gonna need help from others to get in...mainly from PAM, Lumberton, and PNG to knock off Vidor. I' not crapping on Central, BUT taking Ozen to the woodshed does not impress...they were suppose to do that..hell you let them score lol.
  25. Like
    pakronos reacted to biaplayer in Nederland @ Beaumont Central   
    got Nederland all day long, never doubted them as not being in the mix.
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