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setx sports guy

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Everything posted by setx sports guy

  1. Coach T does it yet again. It is not just luck when you win that many title in a row. Great coach and even better guy!
  2. Hey Bcooggs where you at? Maybe ridin' around in your FORD trying to get people to listen to ya about how the head coach failed your boy. Well I feel you are a coward to get on here and TRY to get stuff started. Why would you put this on here if you had a real problem why not ask the man who said it? This is why I HATE this board because it leads to crap like this and people can say what ever they want and half of the people that read this believe it! What if someone said you touched a boy (aka PENN STATE) no matter if you did or did not you are precieved as Guilty. Please if you have a problem with A Coach, instead of posting it on here, go talk to him. This is this mans job. If after talking to him and you feel that he did wrong, then go to his boss and then the School Board after that. That is what a man does!
  3. Hey bcoogs I bet you drove a FORD to the game! (Hint Hint Wink Wink). Never understand why a parent if their son is doing well they love the coaches and when their son isn't playing they get on here and say the crazies things!
  4. I know coach Morgan and there is no way you can make me believe that he would have told his team that. Unless you were there, please don't misquote him. Coach Morgan went tot Buna and except for 1yr of his coaching career, he has done them all in Buna. I was not there either but if I had to guess, like you are. Oh wait I'm not going to guess because that is a mans JOB you're talking about and why would I get on here and start a rumor like that and get a bunch of crap started. If you think Coach Morgan has "GIVEN UP" then maybe you need to call him or go to the school and ask him what is going on, that is what adults do!!! And NO I'm not talking about a fight,I'm talking about respect for a mans job and a job he has done for a long time. Coach Morgan and the rest of the Buna Cougars, Best of luck and Win or Lose, Playoffs or no Playoffs keep your heads up!!!!
  5. Little homer here. Do not under-estimate Coach Morgan and crew with that offense to come up with something! Woodville has only seen this offense once (against Orangefield) so you never know!!! Message to Coach T-Hawk.......LA BASE!!!!!!
  6. O'Field has to win by 7pts or win and Silsbee lose. I don't think Silsbee is losing to HF so Bobcats have their hands full. For me too close to call
  7. Bluebleeder! you sir are an idiot. Why on two of your six total post are you bashing the coaches. Do you have a vendata against them? Did you get picked on by a coach because you were a "sick kid". I have seen all of buna's games this year and when buna wins the coaches are hall of fame smart and when buna loses they are stupid . They threw 3 hail mary passes yes but if you would have paid attention to some of those 30 years of football you have seen that one was at the half. The other two were trying to get down the field to score so buna could get the ball back to try to WIN THE GAME!!!!!! Sorry if i offended anyone but I can not stand to see people bash other peoples job (and in most cases they love the kids more than the fans) and feel they know everyting. If you know so much why don't you get a degree (not likely) get certified to be a teacher (thats a joke) and coach those cougars to the state title game. Think about what you say . It is better for people to think you are an idiot than to open your mouth ( or in this case type on a message board) and prove them right!!!!!!
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