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  1. ahhhh i dont know how to get that link to work on a mac. which program should i open it with?
  2. Is this game on any radio station or anything?
  3. Okay i need some help!!! I will be in Rayburn all weekend and will not be able to go to the game. I know all the games are streamed live online and broadcasted on 92.5, but i will have no internet service and i dont think 92.5 comes in at Rayburn. is there any other way i can listen to the game??!! i gotta keep up with my indians!!
  4. this makes no sense.
  5. i would love to see a rematch with silva at 100% just so he will knock that arrogant SOB out cold in about 20 seconds. That should shut sonnen up.
  6. lol i know i was just amazed at what was said in that first comment
  7. Id like to see Belfort/silva myself. Was it just me, or did all of you lose like every ounce of respect for Sonnen over the course of this promotion? I mean before this whole deal I saw him as a solid fighter that I didn't really know too much about. But after hearing all of his trash talking and his overall attitude after the fight i would love to see a rematch with him getting his head smashed in. He tried to act like a hard A saying he doesnt ever apologize to anyone and if dana werent in the room he would have beat up silva in the post fight interviews. please, he quit during the fight. Im not a big silva fan either but as least he stayed humble during this promotion and showed respect.
  8. IT MIGHT BE TIME FOR HIM TO RETIRE BEFORE HE GETS HURT??? what in the h### have you been watching during his past 12 ufc fights?? he has HUMILIATED over half of his title defense opponents. All this crap everyone is saying about him is ridiculous, but this is by far the worst. Did you happen to see Sonnens' face after the fight? he looked like he got scolded with an iron. and as for Silva, he looked like nothing even touched him. 90% of those punches "landed" by Sonnen were blocked and absorbed by Silva's guard. and the few strikes and elbows that silva landed did FAR more damage to Sonnen. Bottom line, Silva STOPPED the fight. He MADE Sonnen quit. And Silva should retire before he gets hurt?? He was the one who hurt Sonnen!! I agree with Iole, he was not on top of his game and Sonnen is a GREAT fighter himself. Silva was not on his game because he got rocked in the first minute and threw his game off until the last two rounds where he was back to winning the stand up match before getting pinned down. IMO, great win for Silva. Not the best performance but definately should not retire. wtf are you thinking?
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