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Everything posted by pe2009
Is it against the law to have unopened alcohol in vehichles in Ohio?
In that situation then, you're probably right because white guy saying "act like us" is "offending" someone. I have no issue with what Haley said. The best way to offend someone is to try not to offend them IMO...be you, get to the point. I'd rather someone tell me "Hey, I don't like blacks" opposed to someone who's pretending. You can't say, or do anything without offending SOMEONE these days.
I don't see why. It's not offensive. It's the truth and most people don't want to hear it. Truth...you see more black players with entourages, in strip clubs throwing money, blowing money on fancy cars, etc.....They make it to the league and it's "I made it, I'm partying and buying everyone a house and a car".......ignoring the fact that your average career is about 4 years and you dont have anything to fall back on......While most of the white guys make it, get married, settle down.......what's wrong with what he said? If Young or Aikaman said it...it really wouldn't make sense if you thought about it. Why would he tell them to "Act like the black guys"?
I remember when Bill was on everyone's "Good guy" list for "telling the truth" about blacks...I called him a hypocrite then......funny how everyone FINALLY saw it. lol [Hidden Content]
Good points, but it also has to do with Class......I grew up with with Whites, Hispanics, Vietnamese, etc...and the thing we had in common...we were poor. So I can't say I flocked to the people that looked like me, I flocked to the people I could relate too.
I also think Thug is the new "N" word.....Heck, Richard Sherman graduated from Stanford and he was a Thug after an interview? All these facebook posts from weird sites "Thug gets embarrsed by old man"...."Thug gets this...that" all reference blacks. As far as race relations...describe "Better".....I think a lot of postering went on for years. For instance...Sandra Bland. Many(non blacks) say..well she should've just did what the officer told her....but I'm pretty sure the conversations and apporach to whites and blacks are different....I got pulled over on the way to Austin.......sat in the car a good 10 mins, looked out the window and asked what was going on....found out later he was waiting for another squad car(Me and my 15 year old son in the car)....before I even knew what I was being pulled over for I was handcuffed and sat on the side of the road like a spectacle as people drove by...Again, I asked "Sir, what is going on?"....he told me to chill out....and I just asked him could he move me to the back and not talk down on me in front of my son. He told me if I be quiet he'd let my son sit in the front seat instead of the backs seat with me....finally the K9's came...searched my car.....when it was all said and done...I was doing 55 in a 45 and got off with a warning. That's the type of harrasment I"M used to, and it gets old....... What are your thoughts on this? [Hidden Content]
Probable cause: No Illegal knife: No Injuries from prior auto accident: No Injuried himself in the van: No this is 2015....times have changed :rolleyes:
And the knife was NOT a swithblade...and isn't against the law to carry.
THAT'S the million dollar question.....These "Criminals" and "Cops" are familiar with each other. I remember the cops used to call me by my nickname...I never told them what it was....they knew me....my mom, my grandmother...everything about me...we knew what times their shifts ended..etc....
Thank you...I try to be. My Mother (And wife) always say communication is important. You can make your point or voice your opinion without shooting down someone elses....
First...it was an pre exsisting injury from a car accident.....LIE Next....he did it to himself banging in the van.....LIE "Breaking News: Thugs looting CVS in Baltimore" Love it. $10 that HIS criminal history is brought into play now.
if only the real world was like HS Football forums where we could all sit down and have civil conversations :)
only the rioters make news..........
Sadly it's normal.....my 9 year old was watching the news and asked "What happened" I told her A cop shot someone. She asked "On purpose?"... I said yes. Her reply was "Why is he in trouble?", cops shoot people all the time"...Now the fact that she thinks this is normal is because it's on the news every day...now it's up to me to explain to her the other layers to these situtations...the same conversations my grandparents had with me. I have to give my son the same speeches they gave me to make sure he comes home alive....nothing has really changed
first thing I want to know WHY you ran...maybe you have drugs or weapons on you....Maybe in some instances(personal experience) you didnt do anything and you know this cop and what his reputation is...consider this...growing up, we all "KNEW" the cops...we had nicknames for them, we knew their reputations. We called one "Carl Lewis" because he would sit on the hood of the car while his partner cruised the streets and when he saw you, he would jump off the hood and run after you...he was pretty fast. Then we had THIS guy who made the news recently: [Hidden Content] This guy would pull you over, no reason, what ever money, loose change you had, he would take you. Then arrest you and you had to sit around and guess what you were arrested for until you faced a judge...it was like a game show. The cops in these areas know everyone on a first name basis...they know your family and the more they "Jump out" on you and find nothing...the more irrated they get..that's when the beating's drug planting and all the extra stuff takes place...they want to make your live miserable. Now...if you break your spine by running and falling...pretty much your fault. But if they beat the ish out of you because you ran, that's not justified....running should not be a death sentence. Again, In my opinion the issue that needs to be addresed is WHY we run, and realize that the interaction between cops and civillians is different in different areas...like I say, I considered myself a good kid, but based on where I lived.....I was always treated like a suspect first. When you're constantly treated like a suspect, you lose respect for the cops...not saying it's right, but it's a reality. Not everyone in the "Hood" is a bad person, but we're all guilty until proven innocent. Growing up there were some cops you knew to run from and then there were some cops you were happy to see. Thetragichippy, I don't know you from Bob, but you seem like a cool guy but I'm willing to bet if you and me were pulled over for the exact same thing...the interaction would be totally different. Because of my past dealing with bad cops...I'm going to be nervous and sweaty......they will probably approach my car cautiously, hand on weapon because of my appearance making things uneasy for both of us.....you can probaly say things to the cop that I can't say lol...that's just the way it is...it's a reality but as long as we try to pretend that these things don't happen, we will alway be at odds.
I usually try to stay away from threads about politics, religion, child raising, racism...etc....everyone has an opinions. In a war of opinions everyone is the winner AND loser...you can go on for days. Don't get me wrong...I'm the nicest guy you'll meet, I have friends that are black, white, hispanic, gay, lesbian, democrat, republican, etc...I love people. I was BLESSED to be born at the bottom and able to make my way to the top so that I can experince both sides. Forgive me for ranting, I'm just tired of seeing "It's your fault, you ran".....I'm scared to death of Police to this day...they make me nervous...I know what they are capable of....I was never a drug deal, but I had a few possesion charges some how as a teenager when unbagged rocks mysteriously appeared in my pocket or under my seat...and Like I said before...I sat downtown Houston in a homicide case that happened in the montrose area the same time I was sitting in Camp Casey, Korea on the other side of the world at the exact same time, yet the police had soooo much "Evidence" against me that I actually thought "Well, it may be possible I got drunk off Soju, flew out of Seoul, killed this guy, came back and I just don't remember" I just think there is too much finger pointing and not enough people willing to sit down and look at the real issues and come up with a solution. Dog climbs under fence bites kid Dog owner: The board was on your side of the fence which is your responsibility Parent: Pit Bull's are dangerous, your dog was in my yard Dog owner: Your child was teasing my dog This goes on and own and own and everyone forgets the original story A child was injured by a dog. That's what these ferguson, Freddy Grey cases are like,
Quannel is an ass.......gets people to turn themselves in so he can collect the crime stoppers money...but, he fits the agenda that all blacks are racist, violent and loves their criminals. There is an agenda...few months ago, Adrian Peterson was arrested for Child abuse, another dad was arrested for discipling his children....now this mother is being praised for beating her son for protesting police brutality. I think it was you that said history has an way of repeating itself. I doubt many here have read "the making of a slave" by Willie Lynch(Slave Owner) in a letter he wrote to other slave owners on how to controll their slaves...this is what it reminded me of: . For FEAR of the young male’s life, she will psychologically train him to beMENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, but PHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE niggerMAN BEHIND AND SCARED. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economics. Before the breaking process, we had to be alertly on guard at all times. Now, we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear his woman stands guard for us. He cannot get past her early slave-molding process. He is a good tool, now ready to be tied to the horse at a tender age. By the time a nigger boy reaches the age of sixteen, he is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of sound and efficient work and the reproduction of a unit of good labor force. Continually through the breaking of uncivilized savage niggers, by throwing the nigger female savage into a frozen psychological state of independence, by killing the protective male image, and by creating a submissive dependent mind of the nigger male slave, we have created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re-shifts the position of the male and female slaves. We show what we mean by example. Take the case of the two economic slave units and examine them
Another thing...there are SEVERAL activist,athletes, media members that work to break the cycle....but that's not news....no one wants to hear that. They only want to focus on Jesse jackson, Al Sharpton, Quannel X etc like they were elected as the voice of ALL black people
So, you take the word of one Petty criminal to justify the killing of another....
Never said he was a choir boy, but cops are cops.....not judge, jury and executioner. Funny how the pull up criminal history AFTER they kill them...guess that's a way to justify it. You probably have no reason to fear police. If you're speeding, you're given a ticket and let go....if I'm speeding, a second squad car is called, I'm pulled out sat down on the curb publicy embarrased in front of my kids while they go through my car....it's annoying and aggravating. Even with the "yes sir and no sir"....you're a suspect. And saying this doesn't happen is like a man arguing with a woman that "All guys don't stare at your boobs"....Men arent experts on feminism just like people who never experienced racism can't say it dosen't exsist...not saying YOU havent., but it happens do this day steele....two of my best friends are cops(I lol because that's like a white guy saying I have two black friends :)). But the riots and protests are from people tired of hearing "Things have changed, people aren't like that any more, it must be you"....basically like telling a woman...if men are raping you...maybe you should wear pants.
What Changed? Did all racists just magially dissapear when segregation ended? If they say "Starting Saturdaty at 12 Midnight, Alcohol will be illegal"....Sunday moring will all alcoholics be clean? Will we turn to all the families of those who died at the hands of a drunk driver and basically say "Get over it....alcohol is in the past"...NOTHING changed....we took a turd and sprayed Febreeze on it, postured and pretended things were better. I agree...getting away to the military was the BEST thing that happened to me...Like I said....police interaction with some are different...most of it's common sense. For instance...I have friends of all races, I once heard a parent tell their son..."If I cop gets behind you, wait until you get to a wll lit public place before you pull over".....I'd be foolish to tell my son that....I'm asking for him to be shot and charged with evading. This open carry thing they are pushing in Texas...common sense tells me I can't stand on the corner with an assualt rifle. I dont know if you guys are in the Houston area, but there is this DUI laywer named Gary Trickter....he says if you're pulled over for DUI and the cop asks you where have you been and have you been drinking you should reply "None of your business, that's private"....again...COMMON SENSE tells me I Can't do that.
Probably the same thing others are making MILLIONS off of in Colorado But you're right....the Petty drug dealers deserve to have their spines mangled....
That's the argument I hate...."He shouldn't have ran".....That's like me taking my dog to a dog park and he attacks someone because they ran. "If you wouldn't have ran...he wouldn't have bitten you"...BS.....I should have properly trained my dog. Instead, focus on WHY he ran....American refuses to believe what goes on in Black Communities with cops, yet they have the solution on what you should do to avoid it. I grew up in a rough part of Houston...over the years I saw PLENTY of police harrassment. As a teenager I was given a ticket for "Walking the wrong way on the sidewalk", not having my bicycle registered. One time there was a fight between a group of kids that went to Reagan HS and Yates HS. The police thought it was a "Gang war" between 4th and 5th Ward. While sitting at the bus stop, the cops pulled up, made us get in the car, dropped us off in 5th ward and said "Good luck making it home"....I was in the military, came home to see my mom, was pulled over because "This is too nice of a car to be in this neighborhood"...seen many guys harrased and crack mysteriously showing up under their car seats.....if you had cash on you, you took it. I was also out of the country, but somehow I was "ID'd" as a murder suspect and held for 3 weeks, luckily we had the resources and an Alibi(US ARMY) to prove that I wasn't even in the county, I can see how many people are beaten into confessions etc. People are shocked by this, they were shocked by Rodney King...I wasn't, this is normal...it;s just now that everyone has cameras. People say "He shouldn't have ran, he had a criminal record"...so what...we kill everyone on the spot that has a criminal record? If this was a high profile rape case and a woman was raped, it would be silly for the media to report "Well, she had a history of prostitution, 3 witnesses say her wink at a guy, She was wearing tight clothing"...in other words she ASKED for it...then when women start protesting and rioting, you pretend you dont know why. That's the entire thing..under stand WHY we run....And the argument becomes, Not all cops are bad, which is true, but where are all the GOOD cops when their fellow cops are out terrorizing neighborhoods? So what everyone is saying...if you run, you are asking to be shot.....there is a REASON young black males run from the cops....I was once a young black male and who do you call when the police are the neighborhood bullies.....yeah you can be innocent, but when they have a "just add black male" case like I was apart of.....you'd probably run too. As for the looters.....you have 10,000 PEACEFUL protesters, but 100 idiots make the news...the news has an agenda....did you know the protests are still going on in Ferguson as well? it's peaceful so it's not news worthy. Wild dogs are attacking people and they are telling us to stop running from the wild dogs instead of admitting there is an issue with wild dogs.
Welcome Region III 5A Football Fans!!!
pe2009 replied to AggiesAreWe's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Been here for years incognito...not sure I'm ready to blow my cover yet lol -
UIL Restricts Full Contact Practices During Season
pe2009 replied to Bobcatfan4life's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
[quote name="dustoff03" post="1412922" timestamp="1371089555"] everyone one keeps referring to hitting and tackling with good technique. how about learning to take a hit or a mass tackle. when I played, we used to have 30 minutes a day of kill the man with the ball. learn to defend yourself. uil is following suit with the pro's in trying to prevent head injuries. as noble as a cause as it may be, they are going to happen. it is a contact sport. where I can see limiting hitting in practice sounds like a good idea, it only decreases game time intensity and preparedness. jmo........... [/quote] 30 mins a day....3 days a week=90 min Overkill if you have a game Friday