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Everything posted by bh89-2

  1. Does anyone know of a sun scree that you use that will not kill the fish in your live well. I have had two summer tournaments where I either killed a few fish or nearly killd them due to sun screen. Appreciate any info.
  2. Badget is writing the outdoor report for the Bay City newspaper. Yes Bink was not the outdoorsman then. David is no longer building cameras. Yeah Giddings......!!!!!
  3. Congrats Broncos......I didn't see this one coming.
  4. Congrats K-Vill on another good season. Sweeny is a good team. I have not seen themin a few years, however they normally have a very good defense.
  5. I can't imagine anyone actually thinking Central ever had a chance in this game. They did not have speed or size to match LaMarque. Had LaMarque not turned the ball over Central never scores in this one. LaMarques defense was just way to physical and fast. Offensively Lamarque had an injured back-up QB. Eventually that is goinf to be an issue. He is not very good. Congrats Central on a good season.
  6. West Columbia is a good team, as they usually are. Silsbee's weak district did not help them prepare for the post season.....Good year.
  7. I am not sure. You know St. Pius had a coach named Jerry Stewart. Not sure if this is the same person. I know Dayton has the higest paid coach in that district at just under $95,000.
  8. That is what I thought as well. I was told Dayton picked this crew and Crosby agreed. Problem is, this crew does not like Dayton. I know the coach knows that, so why pick them :?:
  9. I hate to spoil Nederland's party, but if you take GP lightly your not going to like the result. They have a very efective offense and despite having trouble defensively, may just very well outscore you. I say GP by 1 TD.
  10. Found out yesterday not only did Dayton get to pick the field they play on, but they also got to pick officiating crews. Thing I don't understand is the head official they picked has said he would die to get a chance to call a Dayton game. Seems this guy does not like Dayton for some reason. This comes from an fellow official in their area of responsibility. Anyone know anything about this?
  11. I ama Dugat fan big time, always have been. I did watch Durio play and there is no comparison to the speed. Dugat runs harder, but Durio was freaking fast. Other than the RB that graduated from Newton a few years back, I have not yet seen another like him. Dayton is know for players like these two very talented young men.
  12. With the exeption of WOS almost every game I have ever been too has had a meet and greet. It's a lot of fun to meet the people who you jack with all season. Since no one wants to step up I'll say the meet and greet is at 1/2 time under the Clyde Abshire Stadium scoreboard. If you coming to the meet and greet sign up here. I'll bring something for everyone to sign and well send it to Coop.......
  13. Just got to love all this tak about a much anticipated game. It never seems to amaze me how much other area fans seem to know about a team they have never seen played, or even a district they have not watched. I on the other hand have seen all but two 4-A teams from the GT area play and the GT area is only 1 or 2 teams better than the BH district. Dayton and Central are your two decent teams. Everyone else is pretty evenly matched with our 3rd thru 6th team. Word to Central, speed is negated when your flat on your back.
  14. What is Central's past 4 years playoff history look like? Who did they play and what were the scores? Going to be real tough after this one, regardless of who it is.
  15. Now there is a can of worms......... :shock: :shock: :shock:
  16. He is the worse Qb I have seen all year. This had to help LaMarque.
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