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Everything posted by Bronx

  1. Congrats to GCM. Butler pitched a great game. This district gets crazier each day.
  2. I remember watching him at district, regionals, and state last year. Impressive runner. Has he been injured?
  3. Could someone please post a list by event of the athletes that will be competing in the finals tomorrow?
  4. Padgett's stats don't suprise me at all!.....that boy is quick!
  5. Thanks for the update Eagle07.
  6. Amen. It's a choice. By the way....the girl I was referring to is an honor student and both parents are educators!
  7. Wow! Why the H U G E rush to play the game? I wish the Dayton field would have been dry enough to play yesterday, but it wasn't. Le't all go support our track athletes in BH today and play baseball tomorrow. What difference will one day make?
  8. Patriot - Who says anyone is just 'showing up' and running at the track meet? How do you know they don't work out at both events? I agree that it is very difficult to do, but it is possible and if the coaches are willing to 'share' a multi sport athlete....good for them! There is a female athlete in Dayton that plays softball AND runs track. She is amazing. She does her track work out BEFORE school and weekends. She does her softball work out AFTER school. There are times she competes in track field events, leaves and plays a softball game, and has even come back to run the mile relay. Anyone who is willing to put in that much work and devotion to his/her team, should be allowed to compete in both. I admire and respect any student athlete, but especially a multi-sport athlete!
  9. Good game BH. King kept hanging around but Baker did a great job. Padgett's speed in the outfield saved a couple of big hits! Congrats on the win!
  10. Make the short trip to Dayton and see for yourself. I don't know if the Little League games are on or not, but the fields are miles apart anyway. You would have faced Smesny anyway. He didn't throw many pitches Thursday night.
  11. We have a field that doesn't drain well....supposed to be releveled after the season. Nothing fishy. I wish we were playing today too!
  12. GCM @ Dayton King @ BH Does anyone else know the other match ups for today/Tuesday?
  13. I hate to hear that about Hester. Tell him to get the surgery ASAP and work hard in rehab. My son tore his ACL in basketball last year and missed his entire junior season; however, he worked VERY hard and came back and has been very successful this year. Tell Hester his friends from Dayton are thinking of him and wish him a speedy recovery.
  14. surgery?
  15. I certainly hope Hester doesn't have a serious injury. Someone from Vidor please update his condition.
  16. I expect a well played game by both teams, but I have to go with a close one by the Broncos on this one.
  17. Yes, they play district 20 4A the first round of the playoffs.
  18. Great game, Broncos! Mikey Walters pitched a great game and the bats came alive!
  19. He's not in the rotation, but you should see a lot of him next year. Good ball player.
  20. I didn't know the Vidor fans/dads sat behind home plate to be able to see if the pitches were strikes.....from our experience, the most obnoxious and vocal Vidor fans stand next to the fence at the opposing team's dugout and make rude comments the entire game. Hard to see the plate from this angle.
  21. How about that JUNIOR, Tyler Lyday? I thought you had to be a senior to play for the Hill! The UNDERCLASSMAN seems to be doing quite well for the Eagles! Sorry the game didn't go well last night. Hold your heads up. BH will come back.
  22. I appreciate the support Dayton's pitcher and team have received from surrounding schools concerning this incident. The lack of Crosby posters (with the exception of 2) on this thread shows me that the Crosby fans and parents do not support the actions of the Crosby pitcher either. I realize one or two players/fans on a team can give the rest a bad name or image and I refuse to judge ALL Crosby players/fans by this incident. However, the numerous postings confirm that Crosby players and fans have a reputation for, to put it mildly, being classless. The girl that taunted and threw the rock at Smesny as he walked to the field house, should have been approached and reprimanded by the Crosby fans/parents. Instead they watched, laughed and did nothing to stop her. I can assure you, that while ALL schools have some fanatical fans and idiots (Dayton included), if I witnessed something like this happening, I would have stepped in. The numerous witnesses to this event, are guilty by omission for not stepping in. Enough said. Let's move on and play ball.
  23. Congrats on the win BH. You were the better team last night. Hope we perform better next round.
  24. The classless Crosby fans that taunted Smesny as he walked to the field house should be ashamed as well. The girl that threw a rock at him should have been arrested! Absolutely amazing!
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