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Everything posted by Slam14

  1. Congratulations to CRUSH 12U Collins/Worthy on what sounds like a great weekend at the USFA state tourney. This is a great group of young athletes who represent our area well. Again, congrats to all the girls and coaches.
  2. BINGO! Finally, a blue and silver realist. ;D
  3. All you PNG fans are right no doubt they go to state this year, too! ;D [move] PNG4ASC! PNG4ASC![/move] Will someone PLEASE notify the administrators of this site that there is no icon that plays Cherokee! ;D : (I'm sure there probably is one...I just can't find it.)
  4. All you PNG fans are right no doubt they go to state this year, too! ;D [move] PNG4ASC! PNG4ASC![/move]
  5. A simple suggestion...Drop the BOJO crap and people will take you more serious. That was a horrible rip off idea from a horrible coach and is seen as down right laughable by the folks on this board and around the GT. You guys have a new coach with a new attitude and should be moving forward in the future. A new coach who tore down all the bojo crap...what i don't understand is why everyone is taking PNG seriously what do they have that would hint anything better than last year, unlike LCM. they've looked exceptional in spring practices and now 7 on 7 games. I think that's probably where the excitement is stemming from. LCM is at the bottom in most people's minds as they should be until they prove themselves otherwise. There are some very positive things happening at LCM and hopefully they will be much more competitive than they have been the past few years. Coach Crouch has already made positive changes in how they prepare...hopefully it will pay off quickly. I'm a Bear fan and the BOJO stuff was crap. You can't force that kind of thing...it has to evolve into something on it own. My suggestion is to have a pre-season bonfire at LCM and all community members bring their BOJO stuff to burn. ;D The excitement at PNG is big again as well. Beautiful new stadium, new coach, and renewed tradition. BUT, it all comes back to the "Which came first the chicken or the egg question". Does the team look "exceptional" in spring practices because of their skills or do all of these hyped issues make them seem "exceptional"? 7 on 7 games don't necessarily translate into full contact success.
  6. bleed...I couldn't post the whole schedule, but this is what I have for Monday. 3:00 Port Neches - East Chambers 4:00 Lumberton 1 - Orangefield 5:00 Vidor - Memorial 6:00 Kelly - Nederland 7:00 Central 1 - Hardin Jefferson 1 8:00 LCM - Hardin Jefferson 2
  7. Lincoln wins. I was just a kid when this game took place and I have seen MANY MANY games since then, but this will always be a game I'll never forget. Two of the greatest backs this area will ever see. Little Joe Washington and Jeff "The Jet" Bergeron. The was the first really "hyped" high school game I can remember.
  8. Congrats BW and to the girls of Hit Away.
  9. Armstrong is a truly gifted athlete. If the Bears are going to make any noise this coming season you can be assured that this kid will be right in the middle of it.
  10. Trying to shake off mental images! And like the world needs a mental image of your recent softball experience. I guess you could say your current position is two out and nobody on. OMG !!!! ROTFLMAO !!! Priceless Weed ;D ;D ;D ;D OMG!! Talk about trying to stop a mental image!!!
  11. There is no "honor" in rotational hitting and you must be "committed" to linear.
  12. Coaching in 4a and 5a does not make you the most qualified. A number of big school coaches do not do well in the small school setting. Hire who you think best fits Orangefield. Face reality as it is, not the way you WANT it to be. A proven successfull 4A or 5A coach is not going to backtrack to 3A Orangefield. The whole point of this happening so late is that Orangefield will probably have to "settle" for a coach.
  13. The timing on this is really bad for Orangefield. There are very few coaches available at this point and they will probably be limited in their choices and candidates who can apply for the position. Teachers and coaches are "contracted" and I'm not sure it will be as easy as just "Go get the Peevey boy back from LCM" or Farias and Theriot. All three of these coaches seem to be quality guys...it really makes you wonder what kind of "quality" is out there at this point in the year to replace them? Good luck to Orangefield in their search.
  14. Yes they did, I was very proud of them........won 2 weeks in a row playing 18U........not bad for a bunch of 8th and 9th graders that are 14U eligible! This is a very good team!! I was able watch them last year at the 18u nationals and was impressed then. Hung around a few of them this past weekend and Craig has a good bunch. They'll have several more wins come their way. I'm excited about this team as well...been waiting months to have all the players available to play at the same time and FINALLY Saturday afternoon and evening it happened! Gonna be a good summer for GTS 14U I hope. Also, got to meet and visit with several area coaches and parents from other teams. We all get a little nuts sometimes, but what a fine group of softball leaders we have overall in the area! I need a cheat sheet to figure out all the OC teams and age levels, but I'm learnin'...good luck to all this summer. Good luck to the GTS 14U this summer! This will be a strong group of young ladies in whatever age group they sign up to play in.
  15. For most, it's a matter of opportunity. IF (and heavy on the IF) a coach is truly unhappy, then now is a perfect time to change jobs. Would you really want your kids to come back after the summer break or work through the summer with coaches that would rather be somewhere else?
  16. Nice point here. Take a look back at that thread and see if some of the same arguments don't apply here.
  17. From the outside looking in and at the rate things are going, it doesn't appear that the WOS district has 5 years. (A rumored $2 Million dollar deficit this year) Much has been said about the school board making some "controversial" decisions of late, but does the board or district have a "plan" that's been made public as to how they can get back on track? It seems that some things would be much easier for the people of the district to swallow if the district made public their path forward instead of coming up with "surprises" every couple of months.
  18. It's the "Athletics Booster Club"...how can it not be for athletics? ???
  19. I personally don't have a problem with paying to park. You pay to park everywhere else and if the money goes to good use then whats another $3 or so to park? Usually 5 or 6 home games at the most, at $3 that's less than $20 a season. What a bargain to watch Mustang football. If people are going to complain about paying to park then it's no wonder the bond for the football field didn't pass. We have so many people flapping their gums about being Mustang supporters and loving the Mustangs but ask them for a $1 and you've crossed the line. Anyone want to know whats wrong with WOS? We can start by taking a good look in the mirror. Nice post td! I don't really think it's a bad idea to charge a few dollars to park in the lots at the school for a football game. If you choose not to...then you can park down the street and walk. If you knew for sure where the money was going to end up then people would be more at ease with paying to park. This is the way I see it...feel free to shoot holes in it. (I'm sure you can) The school sets a budget in each department including athletics. The athletic budget is "X" amount per year. If the "school" charges for parking then most likely that will not be given to the athletics department ON TOP of budgeted money. It may actually work in reverse to say to the board that next year the athletic budget doesn't have to be as big because of the new intake from the parking lots. BUT, what if the parking lots are run as a "booster club" function? Doesn't the booster club decide how raised money is allocated?
  20. ??? Sorry...I'm lost.
  21. WOS is not "adding" new campuses because of numbers, they're replacing old outdated buildings. I'm not in the district so I don't know all of the details, but weren't those renovations and new constructions a part of the bond that was passed last year? The construction shouldn't be a "surprise" to anyone.
  22. What are the prime priorities, duties, and responsibilities of a school board and it's elected members? What authority does a school board member really have? "Face reality as it IS...not as it was or as you want it to be."
  23. It's the teacher's responsibility to provide every student with the best opportunity for them to succeed in the classroom. It is NOT "up to the teachers" to see that every kid passes. There are a lot of variables mixed into each kids situation.
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