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Everything posted by Slam14

  1. This is like being an alcoholic...the first step is realizing you have a problem!
  2. Accident? Coincidence? ???
  3. My opinion...this pretty much sums up what the school board thinks, but is afraid to say out loud in front of an opposing crowd at these meetings. Some seem to think this issue will be resolved and reversed back to "business as usual" soon...I don't get that feeling. If the school board TRUELY believes they are making the right decisions for the district, then they stand to lose even more respect by wavering in their decision making. I don't think the buses will run.
  4. That's new? How else do you deal with problems? I don't think I needed the president for that one. I thought Obama preached "Spreading The Wealth". With that logic maybe another richer school district could provide transportation ;D The crazy thing is the school district has plenty of money. The State makes us give it away to poorer school districts and now we have a 2 mill. deficit. I'm not a math major but something doesn't add up. I'm not sure of all the specifics of the "Robinhood Act", but I think that has to do with budget and spending when it first started. I think (heavy on the think) that you had to have a plan to use the money or portions would be sent to less tax based school districts. Many schools (Evadale comes to mind) used money to build new facilities like their gym. (awesome place ) Again, I don't know the specifics, but I thought it was a "use it or lose it" type thing...I must be off somewhere.
  5. There will always be room for argument with "Rankings". (refer to the BCS posts ;D) I am WAY more interested in "Standings" than "Rankings".
  6. That's new? How else do you deal with problems? I don't think I needed the president for that one. ;D ;D Whew! Thank you guys! For a minute there I thought I was the only one.
  7. ??? I listened to the Presidents entire inauguration speech and never once did I hear him say anything about the WOS busing issue! ;D (I got lost on this one)
  8. I'm not 100% sure, but I would think it's a pretty good jump in pay If you are really running numbers, also check to see if there is a jump in pay from the Assistant Head Coaching position at Texas High to the HC/AD position at LCM. ;D
  9. I know the busing issue was the BIG topic at hand last night, but did the board express any of their "other" ideas of how they were going to try to offset a $2 million dollar deficit? Building new schools and projecting a $2 million deficit to the existing budget doesn't sound like a great plan for the future. ??? Was the new elementry part of the bond?
  10. I wouldn't compare us to the Dallas Cowboys :, but it is amazing how many folks out there have PNG on their minds! Hmmm.....sounds like there may be a little "fear" of the unknown when it comes to PNG! Gotta love it! ;D PNG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Honor...........Pride............Tradition........."Priceless" OR maybe the fear is "OUT" of PNG football?
  11. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. The TAKS issue is a diversionary tactic! ;D By the time the meeting is over tonight the people will be SO relieved that the board "gave in" and didn't set the new TAKS issue into place that they won't be as concerned about the buses not running! ;D Slam, why don't I come pick you up and you can help us support the buses. I promise you the TAKS issue is a non issue. Then I will come help you protest the new coach if you don't like him! ;D Don't forget I attended my first LCM football game last year. On the home side that is. Thanks for the offer td. I would love to sit quietly in the back of the room to take in this meeting, but I unfortunately will not be able to attend. Basketball season is heating up and I'll be glued to the gym all night tonight watching my daughters. The game should be over in time for me to swing by and bail you out of jail if things turn sour at the meeting. ;D Good luck to all the concerned WOS citizens at tonights meeting.
  12. The title of the article says it all. It should state WOC Board to review bussing for Extra Curricular Activities not just athletes. It has to be in place for all activities or none. If it is not didtrict policy to bus for all activities then it should come down to if athletics wants to use part of it's budget to do so. Using your thought process, the media is the gospel truth. Did it ever enter your mind that they either used that to get a reaction or interest or that they just don't know what they are talking about? It's not just athletes that are bussed for the 1000th time. They need to add a "Repeat Post" on this thing so you don't have to type the same thing 1000 times! ;D
  13. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. The TAKS issue is a diversionary tactic! ;D By the time the meeting is over tonight the people will be SO relieved that the board "gave in" and didn't set the new TAKS issue into place that they won't be as concerned about the buses not running! ;D
  14. They don't bus over there either. I was not intending that statement as a result of the busing, but as a result of the taks issue! I GAURANTEE you can't find five school districts in the entire state that have this requirement! I don't think you can find one. Someone looked into it and unless they are wrong it's unconstitutional. Unconstitutional to set school policy?
  15. The two biggest games in 20-4A tonight will be Central @ Livingston and Lumberton @ LCM. These two games hold the most potential to shake up the district standings as we enter the second half. Crosby @ BH holds the most excitement west of the river.
  16. Skipper even added a picture of the coaching applicant he prefers! ;D
  17. I've felt hesitant to post because I really don't know the backgrounds of ALL the candidates, and at first glance there are some really good ones. BUT if I had to make a choice on what I already know about the guys on the list...Jeff Harrell would be the guy I'd like to see at LCM.
  18. I think you are right on track with this question! I'm not sure about the protocol of asking for it, but what might help is a "State of the District" address delivered to the community by the board at one of the meetings. This message board is obviously about athletics and athletics are a huge part of WOS's identity. BUT, the athletic program won't survive if the school budget continues to flounder. Things are indeed tight all over, but the district's reluctance to spend funds on the most simple of things (like the Dan Hooks sign at the stadium) is a sign of real concern. The "extra" bus runs is another issue that looks like a simple issue of costs. Things are indeed tough everywhere, but at least you have to have a plan to how to get your head above water and you should be entitled to what that plan is.
  19. Rusty Brittain, the PN-G ISD board president, told The Enterprise on Tuesday there was reservation about releasing the names to the public for the fear that one of the candidates might lose their job for pursuing the position. are you people really loosing that much sleep over this job position.. just be patience, remember its a virtue Nah...I don't lose sleep for anything ;D (well...one thing..but that's irrelevant to this board :. I'm just curious about PNG being soooo concerned about a potential candidate losing their job...So basically LCM doesn't care if someone loses thier job??.. I personally tend to agree with RED Headed Stepchild's post...something is being put under the carpet I think. I don't live in the PNG district so it's really not a big deal to me, BUT my interest is in seeing how many applications were accepted by the board that did NOT have a Masters degree after they made such a big deal about this being a requirement.
  20. You see, that is why WO-S is so different and that is what many of the WO-S posters have been trying to say. You just proved the point. Many of the parents could care less about their kids. Why punish the kids because of this? ???
  21. As of 1-15-09 20-4A Central 6-0 Ozen 6-0 Nederland 3-3 LCM 3-3 Livingston 3-3 Lumberton 2-4 ??? Not sure PNG 1-5 Vidor 0-6 The pack will shift this Friday with: Ozen vs Central Nederland vs Livingston LCM vs Vidor
  22. Bear Fan...Why did you answer this? Anybody who doesn't know about "BOJO" is MUCH better off not knowing! ;D ;D Please just let BOJO die away quietly. ;D
  23. Because he is loaded and does not have anything else to do with his money. LOL! ;D "I heard" he wanted to start small with the sign, but he's paying to have turf put in over the summer! ;D
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