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Posts posted by ispeakjive

  1. As long as PE is required coaches are needed in the gym, not multiple coaches at a time, but coaches are needed.

    Another way to look at things; a coach that teaches fills the classroom spot. Then you also get a sport coach for a little stipend. Double value

    I understand what you mean by that, but unfortunately, most administrators are going to have a different view.  From their perspective, a coach is not necessarily giving them double value, but half.  In a block schedule, four period day, if a teacher / coach teaches two periods of a core subject and has an athletic period and his / her conference period, the administrator views that as losing two periods of classroom instruction over the course of two block schedule days.  Understand, I am not advocating this, but that is how a lot of administrators view teacher / coaches. 
  2. Smitty, I never thought I would say it, but you are almost spot on with what you have posted on this thread. 

    I don't think that anyone on this board wants to see athletic budgets cut, but with the problems coming, you are going to have to cut and sacrifice somewhere.  Athletics are extra-curricular, just like choir, band, etc.  Those areas should have to share the burden of cuts as well.  And, whoever said that bloated administrative budgets should be first is absolutely correct.  All administrators not directly involved with students should be looking at minimum five to ten percent cuts - Butch's should be more like forty to fifty percent. 

    I used to coach and no one respects what those guys and ladies do more than me, but you have to cut the "wants" (athletics, band, other extra-curricular activities) first before you even think about cutting the "needs" (core subject teachers).  If a coach teaches a core subject, he or she should get priority.  But, I think that most athletic staffs are going to have to learn to do more with less for the time being.  It's unfortunate, but probably necessary right now.  Most of the districts in this area have very competent and able athletic directors and asking a high school football staff to make it with nine coaches instead of ten or a middle school staff to make it with three instead of four should not greatly impact what the kids are learning. 
  3. Wow, Smitty, it's March and you are already in mid-season form!  The offseason has been good to you.

    Your argument is ridiculous.  You seem to be saying that since Nederland hasn't won a State Championship that the DC is a failure.  By that measure, 95+% of all coordinators and head coaches in the State are failures.  With so many failures, who is there left to hire in Smittyville?
  4. [quote name="stevenash" post="980294" timestamp="1299721139"]
    Hate for that to happen but dont believe raising taxes is the answer.  If they make cuts, they need to look where there might be too many administrative positions before considering teachers

    You hit the nail on the head.  Almost every district in this area is extremely top-heavy.  There is a lot of duplication of duties and jobs can be consolidated without any impact on the students.  You can hire almost three new teachers for what is paid to one average administrator.
  5. Just a guess, either you are a HS baseball coach or your kid didn't get picked for the select team you wanted him to play on.  Or both. 

    Coaching is like any other profession, there are good ones and there are bad ones.  For the most part, this area is very lucky in that most of the HS coaches are pretty knowledgeable. 

    As for select ball, is there a certain amount of daddyball, especially at the lower levels of select, sure.  But that holds true for Little League as well and any other youth sports organization.  But once they get to the 14, 15, 16 year-old level, I think the kids are there for the right reasons and are trying to get better.  They shouldn't be derided for that. 
  6. [b]And if your an athlete you should play all sports otherwise you are only being selfish!!![/b]

    That is without a doubt, the dumbest, most incoherent thing that I have ever read on this website. 

    I guess in Redhead's world, any kid who shows any kind of athletic ability should play every sport out there, even if he doesn't like it or it conflicts with something he loves and is really good at, just for some misplaced sense of school or town pride. 

    I would assume that by everything, you are talking about the kids that don't play football being selfish because they choose to play basketball or baseball and don't entertain you every Friday night in the fall.
  7. Let's not get too self-righteous on this thread LCM fans.  You had a great season and Coach Crouch will get them in the playoffs soon.  They will be a tough program as long as he is there.  And Gonzalez and Z Sonnier are two of the best players in the district, hands down.  But, most of the comments here were in respone to "we would have beat you with our QB healthy" or "maybe you will win one playoff game".  Look at all the posts before you try to claim the high road too soon.
  8. [quote name="Roughrider" post="886552" timestamp="1287959844"]
    Where you at Smitty, I am still waiting on you to explain how I blamed the 10 underclassmen which by the way my son is one of them. I really want you to explain how I did this.

    This is soooooo funny, Smitty is a legend in his own mind...LOL    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Don't hold your breath Roughrider.  If he does respond, it will be with some poor me reply or something stating how he is the only enlightened one that knows how to fix the program.  He's a joke.  Until he sacks up and goes to a school board meeting or Neumann to ask for the change he desparately wants, he should give it a rest. 

    I know which one your son is and he is a heck of a player.  Don't let someone like Smitty get him or you down.  The ten underclassmen on defense are improving every week and I think the defense for the next couple years will be stout.  The rest of the district and Smitty better get their shots in now while they are young and improving because I think they will be special the next couple of years. 

    By the way Smitty, let me enlighten you on the first amendment a little bit:  you do have the right to say any idiotic or slanderous thing you may want, but you have to be a big boy and accept the consequences and criticism that comes from saying what you say. 
  9. Smitty:
    You truly are pathetic.  You bash one coach week after week and when his unit plays well, you say nothing and then insinuate that anyone calling you out is bashing or blaming the kids. 

    It is not bashing any particular group of kids to say that talent levels are cyclical and that all of the coaches look better when they have better talent.  That is the same in any sport at any level.  Your refusal to acknowledge that shows your ignorance of sports or contempt of the DC.  I guess in your mind Mack Brown or Urban Meyer are now horrible coaches without Colt McCoy or Tim Tebow.

    And I haven't seen anyone on here say that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread or that they are in complete lockstep with every decision made by all coaches on the staff or whatever stupid sayings you are so fond of.  Rather, I see a lot of people that believe your constant bashing of one man is petty and predictable, no matter what the results are.  It is cowardly and and way over the line to constantly and openly call for someone to lose his job.

    You really have turned into a joke.  Whoever said you were like a politician is correct.  You stay with you talking points, no matter how his group performs.  If the facts don't fit your opinion, you just continue to spout your ignorance and bile.  Bring it to the school board or the athletic director, put your name to it or give it a rest.  Enough is enough.

    And to predict your likely response, yes this is a personal attack and yes I think you are a petty and vindictive idiot.  :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o[table][tr][td] ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'([/table]
  10. Smitty:
    You are splitting hairs when you say the kids played well, BUT...
    Finish your thought[size=10pt][/size].

    You can't have it both ways.  It's pretty disingenuous to blame the DC when the results / stats aren't to your liking and only give credit to the kids when you approve.  That is why everyone (rightly, I think) feels that this is personal with you
  11. No, Smitty, I can offer you nothing of "subsistence", you will have to find something to keep you alive all on your own.  (Check a dictionary before you start using the ten cent words next time, big guy.) ;)

    But, I have gone through two or three pages of this thread refuting some of your garbage and offering explanations and asking questions and you have offered nothing besides "fire the DC" or "we give up too many yards".  There is no kool-aid from anyone else here, but you.  As for a kool-aid drinker, Jim Jones, you are a cult of one banging the drum every day for one person to be accountable for what you think is wrong with the program and it is pretty cowardly in my opinion.  

    [quote name="smitty" post="868797" timestamp="1286558405"]
    You offer nothing but personal attacks.  I see you personally attacked a Lumberton supporter on anther post.  I guess if one can't offer anything of subsistence then one offers only personally attacks.  I guess this is all some kool-aid drinkers have to offer.  LOL!!!!   ;D    ::)

    [quote author=ispeakjive link=topic=73772.msg868763#msg868763 date=1286556283]
    We are trying to do the Lord's work in educating the ignorant and showing attention to the shunned... :D

    One day, Smitty will see the error of his ways and make an intelligent or relevant post.
  12. So, in Coach Smitty's perfect world, do you put all of the best players on defense and neglect your offense or do you try to keep some balance or play to your strength like I think Neumann is trying to do this year. 

    And, where do you stop with defensive stats?  Which do you use, least yardage allowed, least points allowed, fewest first downs allowed, turnovers, forced fumbles, interceptions, havind the top defensive player in the district, etc.  Or do you just use wins like most people do?

    [quote name="smitty" post="868414" timestamp="1286506110"]
    Well, whether or not one believes this, that's a personal preference.  I for one do. 

    [quote author=ispeakjive link=topic=73772.msg868410#msg868410 date=1286505852]
    'Defense wins championships' is a cliche, not a fact as you claim you like to use.  Teams win championships, not the defense or the offense, individually. 
  13. Smitty:
    Your "logic" here is ridiculous.  You seem to be insinuating that if the defense did not finish #1 in the district that the DC should be replaced.  What about the years that the defense carried the team and the offense lagged- should the OC have been replaced?  You haven't because you know that is not rational.

    Using your unattainable standard, anytime Neumann, or any head coach at NHS doesn't win district, finishing first, we should be screaming for a change.  I would hope that even you would realize the ignorance in your logic. 

    You have to judge the whole body of work, not just cherry-pick and use agenda-driven stats. 
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