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Everything posted by big_buck_hunter

  1. What? No pictures! :?
  2. The spoils from my Saturday morning include a bad bearing, replaced a couple of drive belts, and ended up running a cherry picker until around 9:30 last night. Yeah I was one of the "lucky ones" that had to work opening day. I saw where there was one 8 pointer taken from our lease...JWCC in Jasper county. I was surprised to hear that the deer were moving rather well. For the moon to be as bright as it was Friday night, I did not expect them to be moving during the day. Then when I am off Monday and Tuesday, The temperature is in the mid 70's. Blasted mosquitos and flies. :?
  3. This is the same group of young men that were undefeated as JV in 01-02 season. Unfortunately most of that team withered away to playing video games and ridin' around listen to their loud music, or anything else but football. Of couse some probably have legit reasons for not continuing. It is still sad to have seen them as such a strong team and then fall to this level. I've heard coaches, players, and many other excuses. The final straw is the scoreboard.
  4. Does anybody remember the "Dawgs" ever being this low? I admit I didn't attend Jasper High, but I have called J-town home for 26 years and I do not remember them ever being so low. I watched 5 or 6 games this year. There just doesn't seem to be any support in the stands. The last couple of years we went to the games and I know I wasn't the only one hoarse from yelling. This year, there aint no noise????? whats up with that? I wish all the seniors well in their plans to continue there career in football. The only good thing about being on the bottom is that there is only one way to go from here... To the top baby. Go Dawgs
  5. I am on J.W.C.C. That is Jasper Wildlife Conservation Club. It is located on the south-west corner of Hwy 255 and Hwy 96 North of Jasper. We have 6300 acres and about 40 members. I have been hunting on this lease for 23 years. I have been a member of it for 5 years. I have taken some pretty good deer from it. '04-05 season, I tagged 2 in a weeks time. An 8 pointer ( 172 Lbs live weight ) and a 9 pointer the week of thanksgiving. I had plenty of sausage that year. Last year the storm changed a lot more than the landscape. There are a lot of huge trees down in the beech bottom where I hunt. I have seen a lot of new trails and many old trails abandoned. That is why I like the pop-up blinds. I haven't tried the climbing stands yet. I may try one this year. Good luck and Safe hunting
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