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Everything posted by Castor27

  1. IS this an update or the info from the winter meetings or is it the report from the winter meetings. If this isn't an update to the deal discussed at the winter meetings then the deal fell thru. Apparently JDJO from the chronicle jumped the gun on reporting it or he made up part of his report in effirt to get the scoop.
  2. Oops didn't see the from 290 thing. You take 290 W and take the Barker-Cypress exit. From there it is a left turn onto Barker Cypress. Follow that to West Road and you're there.
  3. ok it looks like you can take 10 to Barker Cypress. Then take a right on Barker Cypress. Follow that to West Road and you'll be there. The place is huge. I promise you won't miss it.
  4. I've been there recently but I couldn't tell you how to get there the conventional way. If you want to know a back way I can tell you that. I went there while staying with friends in Jersey Village. The way we went was easy from their house but I don't know if it would be the best way to get there normally.
  5. Trey Burrell RB, H-J
  6. The 3A rankings have Liberty listed twice. Looking at the overall rankings I'd say they should be listed at #5 but not #9.
  7. H-J 1-3 so far rained out against Silsbee and K'Ville
  8. Rumor has it that we'll get more of the 3 champs vs each other at Survivor Series. Each champ is supposedly going to have a team from their brand and they'll fight it out SS style.
  9. Not sure about the picture, but the policy at Rayburn is that you cannot have a permanent dock. You can have a dock that you can remove from the water. I think the policy is it has to be removed every 7 days, but if you are using it and it isn't an eye-sore then they usually don't say anything if you go past the 7 days. The picture looks like one of the removable kind.
  10. The field wasn't in to bad of shape. HJ has a new drainage system that works fairly well. The game was 14-3 with 2:45 left in the 4th when Silsbee had 2 interceptions deep in HJ territory. They scored following both. Silsbee's DT (I believe he is #77) is huge and had a very good game. The game was much closer than the score indicated. I'm not sure what Scooter's problem with H-J is but everytime he mentions them his tone is that they are a team that is 0-8 and has lost every game by 100 points. Just as a matter of record, they went into the WOS game 3-2 and were 2 points away from being 5-0. I'm not sure if he has seen them play but I have and they are much better than the invalid corpses he makes them out to be.
  11. I believe Rob Kirkland is at H-J and if I am not mistaken Lumberton's coach has moved to Deweyville. I also think WOS has a new baseball coach.
  12. Heard this game may get moved to HJ or postponed to Saturday. Any truth to that??
  13. H-J @ Kirbyville 7th and 8th grade games have been cancelled. The JV game scheduled @ H-J has also been canceled.
  14. here, thought some of you guys might like a little cheese...
  15. Apparently WWE had some problems with the Regal skits last night. I was told they had a blurb on their website apologizing for showing Regal's unmentionables supposedly inadvertently.
  16. Kane will be retiring within the next year. He has said that before he retires he wants to reunite with UT and form the "Brothers of Destruction" again. Look for him to lose so he can go to SD.
  17. 7th HF 0 HJ 28 8th HF 22 HJ 36
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