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Everything posted by Castor27

  1. Uhh... How did the HJ game end up?
  2. Umm didn't Anahuac lose to H-J's JV team at the Kountze tournament?
  3. This list is voted on by the coaches. they nominate their players for each spot and then it is voted on by all coaches. It is strictly based on district play and doesn't include the playoffs.
  4. Coach Williams and Coach Credeur were easily my 2 favorite coaches while I was at Kelly.
  5. Buna was at 413 i think Have you noticed Region 1. there is no district 2 in football and for basketball a team can win one district game and go to the playoffs. It is a freaking 4 team district. That is ridiculous.
  6. HF, HJ, and OF have virtually no shot at making the football playoffs in that district. That is brutal. 8 teams with 6 playoff teams from the last 2 years.
  7. I was not at the game last night, so I cannot comment on the officiating. I can say this though. I have been to OF many times for basketball games and several of those have been horribly officiated sometimes even by OF coaches. And I don't mean people stepping in because there were no officials. They were actual coaches wearing officials uniforms. I could apply many of the same comments above to those games. However, it's usually expected that when you are away the calls are going to go against you. It's called home court advantage (or in SETX "Home Cookin' "). All the time, teams win despite the officiating. Look at the Steelers, for example, they beat the heavily favored Colts despite getting completely hosed on several calls. In every game you have to overcome the odds to win. If you lose then you probably should have done more. Win or lose you gotta focus on the next game. Complaining about it just makes you seem like a sore loser (or in the Steelers case a sore winner).
  8. TxPrepXtra has their 3-A mock up posted: [Hidden Content] They have lots of 5 team districts. The reasoning is that the UIL is trying to get the numbers for 3A schools closer so several teams may be on the move up or down. I believe they based it on the bottom number around 405, with the top number moving very little.
  9. Credeur has been in Lumberton for a while. He was previously an assistant at Kelly and PNG. He has lived in Lumberton for a while and had/has kids in the district. I think he will do fine with the program. He can't do any worse.:wink:
  10. I believe his wife is from Buna. HJ usually benefits in some way during re-alignment.
  11. It is really going to depend on where they put the 2A-3A cut off. We could effectively see Buna and Anahuac both drop which I think will facilitate the split of 24-3A. If neither drops it could mean that 24-3A becomes 8 teams adding Buna and Silsbee, then Jasper and K'ville move towards Lufkin and Shepherd and Coldspring replace BH, Huffman. Unfortunately for Cat22, OF, BC and WOS are a package deal. Their close proximity to each other means they won't be split unless one of the schools changes classifications in the future.
  12. Some of the rumors I heard, had that as a possibility. I had heard before Christmas that 24-3A would be split, with BC, OF and WOS going north with Silsbee, Jasper, Kirbyville. The other half of the district (Ana, HJ, HF) would be moving west with Liberty, Cleveland and Tarkington and possibly making an 8 team district adding Shepherd and Coldspring. All this depends on how the 2A-3A numbers end up. It may be possible that Buna and Anahuac both drop to 2A.
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