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Everything posted by Castor27

  1. Awsome to hear the fields will be in great shape. Looking forward to a fun tourney.
  2. Congrats to Reece K. for hitting his first one out in his last "official" at bat on that field. I was sick that I missed it.
  3. I predict it will be hot but we'll have at least one day with rainouts.
  4. TC 1 beat Groves 20-6
  5. so on April 30th if my son was 8 he would play 8u, even if he turns 9 in July?
  6. the Lugnuts and Red Wings went to extras tonight with the 'Nuts winning 14-10, Cody Lee had his first bomb tonight.
  7. Cody Lee hit a no doubter off the top of the scoreboard tonight. Good job Cody!
  8. I think it was because the coaches voted to let him have the team. I know in pinto last year the TC A team was coached by the first place team during the season, and the B team was coached by his assistant. The reason was that all the other head coaches either had kids on the A team or did not have kids in All Stars and declined to coach.
  9. Wait, that goes against some of what I heard. I was told by my Lamar contacts that the scholarships were turned down because of the fact that the kids were set to be drafted next month in the MLB amateur draft. The Nats have been having a hard time deciding between the two Vidor kids and the 103 mph throwing Stephen Strasburg.
  10. Yes they usually rotate them upwards from the list above. So next year it should look like this: Shetland- TC Pinto Vidor Mustang PA Bronco Orange I believe the reason Vidor hasn't had one in the last couple of years is that we had Groves in the mix and at some point BC had one of the tournaments as well. I also know some of the Pinto Director's tournament was played in Vidor last year because there were a lot of teams entered and they didn't have enough game slots available in Orange to accommodate all the teams (heard it was like 30+ teams).
  11. You can flip flop those last two again. we beat them the other night and were only losing last night 9-4 to the Rockhounds in the 4th when the lightning came. We are hitting the ball much better right now.
  12. LOL you know she has vision problems right The other night she told me I was better looking than Brad Pitt.
  13. Is tonight a make up game for you guys? We have make ups Thursday and Friday.
  14. this is a pretty good article written about the draft. It was written on Monday and the guy writing it is very knowledgeable. It gives a good reason why they are stacking Raw and watering down SD. Too bad I stopped really caring about a year ago. I very rarely follow any of it anymore. [Hidden Content]
  15. Everyone has already won a game this year (if you count the tournament)
  16. Very much so, took an at bat to get the speed difference corrected but the swings were good. Second at bat hit the ball harder than he ever has. Real happy with his instructor.
  17. Actually if you go by baseball rules the last at bat isn't official. That is why they usually put a little x in the box score of the home team in the bottom of the 9th inning. Not sure how PONY classifies it but I know in the middle of the inning after our last at bat the umpires called the game and I told them the other team had the option to take their at bat even though the game was officially over. They asked their coach and he said he wanted to bat (which I would have done the same thing).
  18. We lost to the Storm last night officially 7-3 but they scored 5 more in the bottom of the last inning when we moved some kids around. We played better than i thought we would. We just have too many that haven't played before. We got a few kids that will hit and we have a couple I'm not sure will hit at all. The rest are pardon the pun "hit or miss". Our catcher is coming around, he swung the bat well last night. Just missed one, but popped it up about a mile. 1B hit the ball hard last night too.
  19. Silsbee has some good looking athletes in middle school coming up. But HJ's haven't impressed me too much at this stage. I predict HJ's program going through a rebuilding year in 2-3 years 8) So the HJ 8th grade finishing as Co-District champs and Silsbee finishing 3rd or 4th didn't impress you. :
  20. Stafford won today also . The other final was didnt start until 7:30 at TTU.
  21. Thanks knew you knew it Not sure haven't' had enough time with them to find out. I know we are young. We have at least 2 kids that have never played before and possibly a third who hasn't been at practice yet.
  22. What is the new web address for the league page?
  23. Funny thing is the guy in the black Speedo does kind of favor him in the face.
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