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DHS Grad 95

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Everything posted by DHS Grad 95

  1. I saw that you had started threads on the other boards about Dayton. I knew this wasn't coming from you, but when the forum was created all of the Dayton threads along with BH threads were locked and moved by jdawg.
  2. I'm not in Houston. I'm in Dayton, but we are in a "Houston" district. Thus, any discussion on our games would fall into "Houston" talk. One moderator referred to us as "fringe" teams, I refer to it as no one man's land. We aren't a part of the Golden Triangle, so we aren't covered by the Enterprise or the T.V. stations there. Granted I understand that the Enterprise doesn't always cover the entire Golden Triangle much less schools outside of Jefferson & Orange County. Ch. 12 & Ch. 6 used to cover us when we could get those stations, but when Time Warner bought out Liberty Dayton Cable that went out the window. We aren't covered by the Houston stations unless its the Friendswood game or the playoffs. We might get 1/2 an article in the Baytown Sun. It was nice when we moved into 20-4A 3 years ago because we finally had a place where we could discuss our teams even if people really didn't want us there. When the new forum was created, I took it as since we were no longer in the district that we weren't welcome. I never got that vibe from you, Coop. It was other moderators and administrators.
  3. Thank you Coop for clarifying because that's not how I read this statement... "A place for Houston fans to discuss their schools. Please keep all Houston Area talk here."
  4. Well since we have been banished from the regular forum even though there are threads about us on the regular forum, people have seem to have quit posting.
  5. : : : I am also shocked that it was NAC. I am an SFA grad and that town is full of gun loved rednecks. Granted you do have the children of the professors in the schools... I bet it was those liberal political science profs' kids... ;D ;D ;D
  6. Ah... just read that the kid was a 5th year senior... :
  7. ??? ??? ??? How could the kid be ineligible? The six weeks ends today. Everyone is eligible until next Friday... Weird!
  8. Since the only school in the district that is smaller than us is BH, it is highly unlikely that we will go big school. Now stranger things have happened, but I don't see it happening.
  9. The consolidation of the schools took place after the new alignment came out last February. They will play as a 4A school until the next alignment in Feb. 2010.
  10. Broncos roll! I just hope I can keep them and myself awake in class today.
  11. Great reply Cardinal Fan!
  12. This is wonderful! My mother is a Nederland grad, even though she went to elem. in the Groves. She will be very proud of the MC cooperation. Well done PNG & Ned!
  13. Thanks for the info. I 'm really glad to hear that the person I talked to "heard it wrong". I worked with Audie Tackett when he was in Dayton and I'm glad he's not out of a job. I am especially glad that the kids would be forced to go to new school. I do agree that Bolivar will rebuild. My family has vacationed every summer there for 30 years, so we have seen it change from us having to take everything with us that we would need including all groceries because the only place to buy anything was the little pair pair to what we need of before the storm. It might be 20 yrs. before it is truly back to its former state, but I do agree that developers are going to scoop up that land and build higher end homes.
  14. I heard that High Island ISD was being dissolved. Can anyone confirm this? This will throw another kink into that district's remaining schedule. I feel so sorry for those teachers and coaches, but especially the families that have been effected by this storm.
  15. Dayton: Faculty and Staff return Wednesday, 17th Students return Thursday, 18th
  16. The Baytown Sun reported that all three high schools in GC resumed practice for all varsity sports today on a voluntary basis even though GCCISD will not go back to school until Monday, the 29th. The paper said most likely the schools will play their scheduled games this week if enough players are able to return for practice.
  17. My husband graduated from Pinetree, but is a diehard Longview fan. He would agree that Pinetree sucks and would be soooo jealous! We were in Longview last weekend and went to the Evangel game. From what I saw, I think Lufkin by 7. I hope my husband doesn't see this...
  18. The pictures of Crystal Beach are devastating. My family has vacationed there every summer since the summer before I was born in 76. I'm at my brother's in Lake Charles right now because he has power and we don't. He and I are just heart broken by what we have seen. Don't think the family will be vacationing this summer at Crystal Beach. :'(
  19. The Longview fans are being nice. Longview played a tough, state ranked 5A Allen and held them to 3 touchdowns. They shutout 5A Tyler Lee. Longview's defense will be way too much for BH. My prediction is 42-14 only because Coach King's MO is to pull the starters at the half when they are up big. BH will be able to score but only on the 2nd/3rd string D. How do I know this about Longview??? I am married to a diehard LOBO fan. We make at least 2 or 3 games a year and he's on the phone with his father who's at the games while we are at Dayton's games. We were at the Bryan Adams game 2 yrs. ago where the starters came back from halftime in sweats... I hope Ike goes away, but because of this game we have a room in Nacogdoches either way.
  20. Our band, cheerleaders, and drill team looked great this morning on Ch. 2. It was great to see such school spirit at 5am. Good thing they will get to take a nap on the bus. Otherwise, it would be a very long day.
  21. If you get KPRC, ch. 2 out of Houston, watch Friday Night Frenzy at 10:15 tomorrow night. We are the game of the week. Ch. 2 will be here at 4:30 in the morning to interview people and film the band, etc. for the morning news cast from 5-7am.
  22. The boys looked really good. I was very proud of the defense stepping up. The offense looked good. I was very disappointed in the fan support. There were people in the stands, but you would have thought that they were watching a game at home from their couches. Nobody stood up and cheered when we scored. I could have counted on 2 hands the number of people actually up and cheering besides myself. It was pathetic. I don't know if people were bored with the game because we were winning or complacent because of our run last year, but we still need to support our boys. They work really hard and deserve better from their fans than what they got on Friday. I hope fan support gets better or I will have to start calling people out by name on here when I don't see you standing... It's a football game people not social hour. Show your support for our boys!
  23. They look really good. Several kids stepped up last night. Tony Hill dominated the line and was in the back field in the quarterback's face on a regular basis. I'm glad they moved him from O-line to nose guard. As the other poster stated, they were scrappy. Xavier Baldwin had a pick to end WOS's first series and they held their own the rest of the game. I really couldn't tell who everyone was since they are going with no names on the backs of their jerseys and no roster last night. It seemed several sophomores and juniors stepped up.
  24. Longview is doing the exact same thing. I have also been to a game at Abe Martin and I agree with the other poster. The visitors side is almost half Lufkin fans. We were there for the first of the 2 meetings between Longivew and Lufkin. They have a lost standing and bitter rivalry, but there were not any problems. There were cops everywhere. I am very happy about this being done in Longview. My father-in-law's tickets are at the top of the stadium and because of the way it's built, we back up to the area in front of the concession stands. It will be nice to not have a ton of kids hanging out right behind us. The band and student section has always been on the visitors side, but the kids don't sit over there. Now they will have to unless they are going to buy season tickets. There is always a list of people who want season tickets, but there weren't enough. Now there will be and this is the same case for Lufkin.
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