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Everything posted by ac89

  1. lumberton white 40 nederland black 6
  2. The correct order so far if I had to do it. 1. Vidor White (solely based on last year) 2. png white 3. Lumb 4. Lumb (you pick at this point no matter) 5. Png grey Also receiving consideration ned black. 
  3. Ned black 20 bridge city red 0 Png white 43 ned gold 6
  4. Lumberton white 28 vidor black 0
  5. [quote name="ICEWATER" post="1093610" timestamp="1319542966"] ::)I know WOS will be there with all that HOT AIR. ::) You are so dead wrong for that one, you know dang well who starts the smack talk and that's you Raiderettes! HAHAHAHA I still wanna know where AC89 has been did he take a vow of silence to become a buddhist monk !!!! [/quote] Confucius says baseball wrong, man with for balls can't walk. That is about as wise as the buddhist monks made me. Been busy but will be there.
  6. Man can't get much past you.
  7. Puff puff pass man
  8. Good lord man i've drank four buckets of beer on the fourth day of the week four days after the 7th day of the month, that is way too complicated four me. 
  9. Good four you demon.
  10. What would i do that four?
  11. Demon i feel sorry four you.  That could happen to anyone.  Four it has happened to me as well.  Just a few blocks over on fourteenth street, on April 4th of 2004, four guys attempted to rob me as well.  I ran four my life and narrowly escaped.  I will remember that four he rest of my life. 
  12. What are you in four?  Did you rob four people?  Are you serving forty years or four life sentences?  Will you get out early four good behavior?  Are you sorry four what you've done?
  13. Were you# 4 on the fourth row and did you cheer better on the fourth week of your senior year?
  14. I mean damn this beer is good.
  15. I speak from experience when i say it is all about how loud the crowd is.  That means the cheerleaders have to do their job.  It has very little to do with the kids or coaches.
  16. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  I hear there is a wrinkle or two thrown into the gameplan this week.  I have also heard every kid on lumberton red will be faster this week because they are all wearing #4 tee shirts under their shoulder pads this week.  It ought to be interesting.
  17. Well demon i don't really i just assumed because she was really soft hearted and didn't seem to know alot about football.  Not to mention how upset hippie was getting, i figured only a woman could frustrate him like that.
  18. Hippie she's right, your not going to change her mind, and it is irrelevant anyway.  We don't have to justify anything and she needs to go back and look at the tape again.  I don't know what part the wind will play in saturday's ball game but i will take any advantage that i can. 
  19. Thanks hippie, 41-0 before half, 8-0 after half.  Sometimes the plays you draw in the sand work.  Definitely no intent to score.
  20. Admin Note:  These sort of comments are inappropriate and will not be tolerated here.
  21. Time for me to chime in from the golf course drinking crown prvided by my good man bam2000.  If we put 50 points on anyone i am sure you would call us bad sports, i will take the title of trash talker.  I think i know what team your son plays for and as i recall there were a few phantom penalties in that game.  I also recall while we were scratching out 12 points you were trying to scratch out a positive play.  I am with demon enjoy your nachos and bring a date.
  22. Just got to work, thank god, he called in.  Peace out homey.
  23. Man i had a great time last night, but i am payin the price this morning and what's bad is when you go out and drink with a supervisor you can't call in sick or not interested.
  24. Wait a minute she just texted him and she has a touch of getto in her good god could this woman get any hotter lol
  25. Good god almighty if i hear another word about bam2000 wife i amgonna puke .  Imean to hear him talk she was mother theresa, pamela anderson and j low all wrapped up in one.  I mean come on mention her but don't make me jealous.
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