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Everything posted by king

  1. Im so estatic we found our true point guard since steve francis. Lowry all star pg? I still have a feeling morey has something up his sleeve and may work on a trade.
  2. We got slammed by memphis  :o
  3. You made it out to the game last night? lowry playing like a man possesed. Im so glad we got dalembert. Morey is not on my bad side right now
  4. Martin played horrible. Terrence williams gonna get some minutes this year. Morris looks like it will be awhile before he gers alot of minutes. Hopefully we have a good season and not start 0-10 like last year
  5. Patterson. Dragic. Flynn. Lee. Morris. Hill. Not big names but we do have alot coming off bench.oh bad news chuck hayes has bad heart so he may not play for a long time. No need to panic yet lets see how we do tonight. Then will panic or celebrate 8)
  6. Our bench is deep this year
  7. Tipoff @ 6 go Rockets!!!
  8. >:(
  9. Chris paul is going to clippers most likely..
  10. Offering  him a max contract sign and trade deal. Also may get Mayo
  11. You know how awesome it would be to have nene and gasol!
  12. Wasent worth the watch for me. J jones with the submission I fell asleep. I hate the chockholds. It gets boring. Would you rather see stand up combo punches or chockholds?
  13. When we hired mchale I knew something like this would happen. Rockets are starting to get physical. Now Morey get Nene. I repeat GET NENE!!
  14. Yeah but I want to see bulls and heat at toyota! Rockets past two years finished over.500. I think we can get 7th or 8th
  15. Just wondering any rocket fans on board ready for the season? Beechnut? Soulja? Where are you
  16. If fakers get these two. They have to trade alot. Which means no depth
  17. anybody doing it this season?
  18. Who ya got?
  19. Espn reporting both teams in talk
  20. You all pretty much know how i feel, so lets get to it. With a team with: Hayes(resigned) Lowry Martin Hill Bud Williams Thabeet Flynn Dragic Scola Patterson Lee Morris Parsons Motiejunas(?) Blakely(?) Cousin(?) they go 40-26. Well?  :)
  21. Rockets please get nene!
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