This is from a Rockets forum i read. I am die hard rockets fan and if i lived in Houston I would get season tickets every year. We are 20th in the league in attendance. Great teams like the Wizards, raptors, and piston outdraw us. We barely draw more than the mighty bobcats. I have been to most games and Toyota center is half full most nights. Like the lower bowl sidelines are almost always half full. Rockets tickets aren't too expensive. The texans have sucked forever and they sell out every game. There have have been a few full games like the lakers, heat, clippers, and celtics, but in general it isn't the case. These aren't the jvg rockets they are kind of fun to watch. Even if they aren't doing well you have stars like DH,Lebron, kobe, cp3, dwill, etc. I wish more fans would show up.