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Everything posted by king

  1. The rockets are only 30-31 and there beating Portland right now they could be 31-31 after tonight were only 3 games behind 8th place Grizzlies. Rudy gay is out for about a month. Western conference has got weaker, and has anyone been watching how hot K mart has been  lately [b]AND PLEASE YOU FAIRWEATHER FANS DO NOT COME OUT WHEN ITS PLAYOFF TIME[/b]
  2. Cus d amato who took Tyson under his wing when he was 13. Trained him, and taught him everything he knew. Cus died in 1985 how would have Tyson been if he would of lived 10 years more? He would of stayed out of trouble. Honestly I think Tyson is the greatest boxer ever i think both at thier prime he would cream ali if they would of fought..
  3. Write it down! :o
  4. Air bud is tearing it up in the starting lineup glad to see t will get minutes also
  5. Battier to grizz for thabbiet and brooks to suns for gortat. What should I do with my brooks jeresy :-\
  6. It's a long shot but I think our GM can make something happen. Everyone's doubting him but I'm thinking he's working the phone like no one else. :)
  7. Deron Williams traded to the nets. All the good players coming to the east  8) 8) Got word Jazz phones rining off the hook for Millsap and Jefferson would love for the Rockets to get AJ :o
  8. Its rockets.basketball don't be surprised. Now my concern is why hasent darel morey been his genius self lately and get a trade going!
  9. Seems like there were more Celtic fans at at suns game last night
  10. Me and 9 other people got tickets to magic game Saturday sitting below the rowdies  8)
  11. 3 Game winning streak always start to get hot before all star
  12. life as a rockets fans sucks!
  13. Its just his first year, and he is dunking over everyone and their momma! They put it on the heat last night. Chalmers talking mess griffin didn't back down and bowed up. Clippers fans are very excited about the future of this team
  14. Rcokets got blown out on espn ::) ::)
  15. Guys help me out! should I get tickets for Utah Saturday or New Orleans next Friday??
  16. There will be horrible games like that against Portland everyone played horrible
  17. Chuckwagon out 2-4 weeks
  18. Rockets are going to have a fantastic season man. I'm not mad about this lost we scored 119!  glad to see the fans there till the end. This will be an exciting season now morey needs to make a trade for a swift big man but I really don't want to see one of our good players leave
  19. 62-59 Rockets half. My friend over here is a heat fan we been going at it all night  ;D. Pretty sure beechnut having a ball  out there!
  20. I'm fired up for this game to bad I could not get tickets in time  :-\
  21. Anyone going?
  22. Anyone going to the new years game?
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