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Everything posted by king

  1. Yeah i know and there not what i expected them to be this point of the season..they lost To Dallas by 13 im not worried about them getting out of the first round.........Im worried about them getting to the playoffs! The west is tough and its way tougher to get homecourt and you need that! Especially if your in the west!!
  2. Dunno, but he is healing up really good!
  3. Ehhh school, Work is killing me! But I always find time to get on here , and watch the Rockets
  4. The rockets beat the Pistons wednsday night on ESPN ;D
  5. Rockets=Pathetic. All that talent they have and they cant win : :
  6. this game made me sick! We were up 17 at the end of the 3rd and we could not close it out? Well there is another chance blown by to beat the mavs..im gald i didnt get tickets to go to the game :'(
  7. 58-49 lakers at the half..T-mac whent in to the locker room he hurt his shooting arm
  8. Better step it up against the lakers!
  9. I know you have ot be at a rockets game the atmosphere..its gets you pumped!
  10. they were just saving there energy for the spurs game
  11. this game will be intense! i see another huge game by T-mac!
  12. Texas battle right here! Rockets are now going to play the mavs HEALTHY!.. I take rockets by 5+
  13. I think we should `have james start over alston our starting lineup has been starting out dull the past 3 games.
  14. T-mac should have his revenge game tonight but the atmosphere in Utah is booming! :o this is not going to be a easy game! but the rockets are going to play emotional tonight!
  15. After the performance he had last night Lakers fans would cry if he left..
  16. I think this is going to be an awesome season! just have to keep Yao and t-mac healthy i think they can win more than 60 should go far in the playoffs...
  17. I agree soulja with the new additions we have been having its going to take some time to get the chemistry going we should not have blown that 12 point lead but i think this is the team that is going to be a HUGE threat once we get it going on all cylinders jsut ahve to keep yao and t-mac healthy this year and yes it was worth staying up 8)
  18. Im not suprised butler will eb gone..but ireally like lucas but good luck to him in the future he has alot of heart.
  19. Im thinking about not watching the Rockets until June? because i think this will be the year 8)
  20. Bridge city was good lots of depth!
  21. It was a piece of cake
  22. i agree right with you
  23. The offense is going to be more better this year with mike james and francis we should have one of the most highest scoring offenses this year if Yao stays healthy the whole year he will dominate!
  24. Im going to be at the first game and the San antonio game 8)
  25. I agree we did not get back from hardin until 1 and he still did good i think D-ville is going to get district champs for the 4th time in a row and should make it to state...
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