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Everything posted by king

  1. Treon Harris should of went to Miami in the first place. [Hidden Content]
  2. Month of October is going to be brutal.
  3. Let's see how he does!
  4. Miami I say 9-3 or 10-2 at best. With trip to the ACC title gane With losses to Florida State and Notre Dame. Got trap games at Virginia Tech and NC State. Honestly I think they will beat Florida State this for Richts coming out game
  5. Miami and Florida state would be perfect.
  6. Let's hear it.
  7. So she just up and leaves Forrest, and then years later wants him back in her life when she has her Son who's probably 6 or 7. Why not get in contact with him when you're pregnant or when he was born? I think that Jenny only reunited with Forrest because she found out she was sick and needed someone to take care of her kid. No doubt after reading all about Forrest in the newspaper and hearing about his successful company, she knew she had a chance to give her kid the golden ticket in life. I sort of doubt that Forrest Jr. is even Forrests's kid in the first place. The part when she tells him "that its your kid" yeah, im pretty sure how the way she was that he was the only guy she been with. I would of been so pissed off at her if she held a kid from me for that long. What was Jenny sick with? I'm guessing maybe AIDs or some other STD? I know its just a movie, but dang. Anyway,i wanted to see if anyone caught on to this in the movie
  8. On the RISE.
  9. Jermaine Grace and Shaq Quarterman-Miami. Remember those names
  10. On the RISE. [Hidden Content]
  11. Lol
  12. [Hidden Content] I guess swimming wasent his sport..
  13. Texas Tech is going to surprise some people. Kliff better step up.
  14. Sam Bruce? The story is wack. He will be back. Kids gonna be a beast.
  15. I was at twin peaks Saturday night to watch the fights. Looked over at the Tinseltown parking lot,and must of counted at least 10 people walking around in circles trying to catch a Pokemon. Getting crazy.
  16. The ACC has the best set of quarterbacks in this year? 6 in the top 30 and 9 in the top 50. can't wait to see Watson and Kaaya go head to head in the ACC championship game. Also that QB from Louisville is a dark horse.
  17. Wtfffff.. [Hidden Content]
  18. Gary Payton is out. I like how montrezz harrel and Sam Dekker are playing.
  19. Only teams I see them losing to is Notre Dame or FSU.
  20. Only problem with Richt is him in big games. He tends to fall short. He will do better at Miami then Georgia. IMO.
  21. Johnathon Grey. I remember arguing with Longhorns fans that Duke Johnson would turn out better then him
  22. All sports
  23. Need I get started on Jacory Harris? Thought he would be the savior for UM. Ended up throwing a pick every single game. Does anyone remember Willie Williams? Projected to be the next great college linebacker. Just couldn't have his head on straight. Reminded me of Ray Lewis on the field.
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