So she just up and leaves Forrest, and then years later wants him back in her life when she has her Son who's probably 6 or 7. Why not get in contact with him when you're pregnant or when he was born? I think that Jenny only reunited with Forrest because she found out she was sick and needed someone to take care of her kid. No doubt after reading all about Forrest in the newspaper and hearing about his successful company, she knew she had a chance to give her kid the golden ticket in life. I sort of doubt that Forrest Jr. is even Forrests's kid in the first place. The part when she tells him "that its your kid" yeah, im pretty sure how the way she was that he was the only guy she been with. I would of been so pissed off at her if she held a kid from me for that long. What was Jenny sick with? I'm guessing maybe AIDs or some other STD? I know its just a movie, but dang.
Anyway,i wanted to see if anyone caught on to this in the movie