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Everything posted by chevy13

  1. My pics in RED LUM-W  [color=red] KTZ  [/color]  [color=red]LUM-R[/color]    VID-B    BMT-G  [color=red]  BC-R  [/color]  [color=red]BMT-B [/color]    PNG-P [color=red]NED-G [/color]    BC-W    [color=red]NED-B[/color]    PNG-G    PNG-W  [color=red] PA  [/color]  LC        [color=red]WOS[/color]    OF        [color=red]VID-W[/color]
  2. For all of you that attending any games this weekend that disreguarded the signs everyone puts out about no outside food or drink I just want to say thanks. Some of you people do not understand that referees cost money $50 a game per referee. That means for just 4 games it costs the home team $550. I am not going to  mention any town names today, and it wasn't all people, but some of you who walked past 2 signs in neon and continued to disreguard the sign I again thank you.
  3. Kountz- 19 PNG Purple-28
  4. Kountze- 26 Orangefield- 14 It was a good heavy hitting football game. The only problem was the illegal hit at the end of the game that injured a Kountze player. I feel sorry for the child of the ignorant parent/fan of Orangfield that was screaming good hit while a 9 year old boy laid on the field unable to bend his knee from an illegal block. Even the fans from the team waiting to play could not believe this guy. I don't care if was a legal hit you still should not yell good hit while everyone, including the coaches from Orangefield, were tending to this young athlete. I was told that even some of the Orangefield fans were appauled by his demeanor.  This is by no way a dig at Orangfield, they played a good, fair and tough game. The coaches from Orangefield were not pleased with the hit either. I am just saying legal or illegal hit, have some class. I hope that the individual in question reads this and might possibly realize just how much of a complete ignorant fool he sounded like screaming that after everyone in both sides of the stadium and sideline knew it was an illegal hit. I am sorry for the Orangefield fans as well for having to deal with an individual like that for 8 weeks. I feel for ya. Thanks to the rest of the fans and coaches of Orangfield for playing a classy fair game.
  5. I don't know where the message board stuff started and I don't understand it. I coach and have had games with great refs and with horrible refs. Just like I have had good days and bad days. The place to discuss your problems with the refs is with your association/board, etc. I do not think that any coach/parent would want their business discussed in a public forum with only one side put out there. When there is a problem with a ref it should be addressed appropriately and the exact is also true. If there is an issue with a coach, team, league it too should be done the same way. I know that I give up so much of my time for these kids. I am not in it for the glory and I do not feel that most of us involved are either. I expect that the refs that are truly there for the kids will be there this Saturday. The ones that aren't well then I guess we know how they stand. I truly hope that the ones on here venting are only just venting and sometimes that helps, but lets stop the arguing and remember that it is for the kids. We can discuss issues as  adults in the proper place and at the proper time.
  6. Kountze 33  Bmt 31
  7. Ned Black 41 Kountze 38 It was a great game. Good sportsmanship on both sides of the ball and fair play. Great Class on the part of Nederland having a prayer for WOS SR player and their community.
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