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Everything posted by PANTHERPLAYA09

  1. No way they win by seven. Either team. Its going to be a touchdown or less.
  2. Clevland, last year, was so big and fast. They serious looked like a good size 5a team on the field last year. I dont know about how many they lost though. They might have lost some helpful seniors.
  3. lol where the hell did i get 4th from? haha I cant read good.
  4. If th did it was probably because they would get nothing out of it...
  5. maybe it was region 3. Im not sure. But I wouldnt doubt them being ranked in state. I remember them being ranked towards the end of last season.
  6. Are you tooting your own horn beause HF is terrible. returning only 6 players. Liberty will win only 1 district game and it will be against Tarkington. So..I'm trying to figure out how many days it will take you to post again at the end of this season whenever Liberty takes that 3rd playoff spot...
  7. Clevland is ranked in the state. #4 i think. They win I bet.
  8. I totally agree. Just not with the score ;D
  9. Huffman isnt going to have the season they had last year. Shepherd wont beat Hardin, or Liberty. They only win they might get is vs. Tarkington. Maybe. Hardin couldnt beat Liberty in a scrimmage much less a real game.
  10. Haha. Shepherd might have a chance at our jv. And thats being serious. I dont see Shepherd playing with Liberty. How do they plan on keeping up with our backs? How do they plan on not getting run over by our line. Theyre dline is going to get pounded play after play and they are going to have to hold up. Since I was in 7th grade weve put up at least 30 against Shepherd. At least. I dont think they have the speed or stregth to hold their own. And Liberty has played two decent 21-3A team that, if you asked anyone during the summer they would have said should have killed Liberty by at least 3 td's. So I would say Liberty has done a good job of preping themselves for district. They play Kirbyville in a week and I can bet Hardin would get 70 put up on them by them. Which I remind you is a 2a school. Liberty has always played better schools, in my opinion, in the predistrict. That is more than I think some schools do.
  11. They wont get any wins in district play besides maybe Tarkington. I think everyone else is just out of there league. I mean the only teams that they could possible make a run at is Tarkington. Everyone else just has to much talent for them.
  12. Its Shepherd. Hardin by 3 TD's. If Hardin wants to prove themselves they need to play some better teams. Not Shepherd, Tarkington, and HD.
  13. I think that Liberty is more prepared for this game than Orangefield. They played BC and HF. Two totally different teams in my opinion. BC like to air it out and HF keeps it on the ground. I think Liberty has the edge here but if they dont hold on to the ball they'll have their hands full just like these last two weeks.
  14. Who has OF played so far?
  15. most ppl have them above HD
  16. I'm in a dorm room right now reading about voting records of southern politicians before the civil war. After this I'm going to my 6pm College Calc class...no pipeline for me. Anyways, I'm not downing him. I've said multiple positive things about his athletic ability. But I've seen alot of good players go to college and not do any good and some not even play. If we all talk this guy up and then he goes to work at Stallion Oil field services when he graduates we'll all feel stupid. Look at mike goodson at A&M. He passed on USC(where he would have been a first round draft pick this year) to stay at A&M and have a worse carreer than Courtney Lewis...I think we should just let him prove himself.
  17. rotflmfao. Don't forget our secret weapon...Leroy Fregia-Perkins-Nugent-Broussard!!! lmao. I dunno if I can top that one!
  18. First off, MV isnt going to play at A&M. We can stop making this stuff up. And no I dont think it would matter if he got off the kickoff team at A&M. Just because hes from Hardin and it would be cool to see a guy from such a small school go play on saturdays on tv! All I'm saying is that were just guessing on all this and waisting our time. And who cares about you being a fourth round draft pick? I've known acouple of guys at Baytown Sterling that went higher and now work at pipelines 50 hours a week....I know a guy that graduated this year out of Liberty that was getting recruited to play at LSU but decieded to stay her in Texas and go to a better school and not play.. But none of that matters. who cares who I know and who cares if you were a 4th round draft pick..?? and I'm not a Panther. I'm a TEXAN
  19. HD has the "CRAZY SLACK" factor. lol
  20. how in the hell would MV help bring back the wrecking crew???? i DONT see that. Even if he went to a&m...would he ever even get on the kickoff team?
  21. HD55 posts it all the freakin time!
  22. lol ya. But I was jk. You and eveeeeryone else knows I cant play baseball. haha
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