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Everything posted by PANTHERPLAYA09

  1. I was getting excited that Huffman was getting turf but then I realized that Huffman comes to us. besides the fact that it wont be finished... :'(
  2. ya mr.b....i got it like this 1.Liberty 2.Coldspring 3.Cleveland to bad SLENDORA isnt in the mix 265A
  4. Ill send you a p.m.....
  5. I JUST REMEMBERED WHO SLIMBO IS!!!!!!!!! how ya doin? hows the family?
  6. ha! i just remembered who slimbo is. ooppssss!!!!!!!!! sorry_
  7. wes...hows the boys shoulder?? havnt talked to him lately...
  8. Im not sure what your talking about....?? come on man, have I ever posted anything without adding a little sarcasim??? but I guess expecting a guy named "slimbo" to understand would just be rediculous... besides, its typed text...i cant hear a thing. nevermind...i take that back.....CLICK CLICK CLICK.....CLICK CLICK..
  9. seventeen starters backk..... blah blah ....blah
  10. everyone is always so negative on here.....if I wasnt such a happy guy I might be in depression right now..Ha ha ha... anyways, I bet if you asked the teams over in hadin or HD they would tell you that they dont think they could beat us. and as far as "former coaches and or staff members" go......I mean come on...its liberty...who ever told you that some coach said liberty doesnt have enough talent to play with coldsprings is BLIND/STUPID. and besides..they probably overheard uncle T-ray talking about something he heard at a gas station in cleveland on his way home from some late night beer binge.... look, this is all im saying...i understand that when everybody logs on to their computer they turn into some expert on the in-s and out-s of high school football/everything.....but come on the speculation on liberty has gone far enough...if you think we suck, cool. who cares?? but for heavens sake find something else to talk about.. as a ancient american philosopher/my mother once said...."IF YOU CANT SAY NUTHIN NICE, KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT!"
  11. im here to tell you this isnt going to be the same panther team everyone is used to seeing year after year...things are going to look a little bit diffrent..
  12. no one will know who starts untill august.. spring went pretty good i think.. learned alot. we will have a pretty big senior class this year..
  13. u cant throw the ball around when ur on ur back... its a proven fact.. all yall boys wait till august
  14. TARKINGTON LONGHORNS!!! DISTRICT CHAMPS BI-DISTRICT CHAMPS AREA CHAMPS U NAME IT THESE BOYS ARE GOIN ALL THE WAY... o wait...yall are all done making rediculious predictions....??? o alright....ill stop too i suppose..
  15. I really cant say anything about cleveland because theyve beat us the last two years...but its hard to imagine them "stacked"
  16. ya, I think that Liberty BC could be a rivalry..Liberty has had a loss every other year since about 02 03..
  17. well, Pantherplaya says this is nonsense. LETS START HERE #1. Hardin plays good 7on7. #2. Hardin would never beat Crosby in a real game. #3. Anahauc probably got very lucky. #'s 4-10. Hardin would never,ever,ever, beat the Liberty Panthers in a real game...or scrimmage...(by the way, we do scrimmage Hardin the first week back. ;D o and I dont remember Hardin scoring 36 in that second game last week..
  18. we had one day to practice. Our coach was not in our huddle. And who said they scored sixty??
  19. staff is great. Full of enthusiasm.
  20. ya lhs..i would think that liberty-bh is one of the best rivalries while it lasted... o, and even liberty-huffman...(even though huffman never beat us)...the games were always close...always
  21. im so thankful that hardin didnt make us (liberty) play tarkington and HD...I MEAN wow...they really did us a favor....
  22. Hardin Hardin Hardin.... so they win a few 7on7 games...wooow wooow... alot of the routes run in a 7on7 game played by hardin would never happen in a real football game. Linemen would get in the way of every underneath route they throw and any decent olb would light up anything that did get caught. they run alot of pickroutes and other things that just wouldnt work in a game.
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