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Everything posted by PANTHERPLAYA09

  1. Lets all sing along.... Liberty Panthers Hats of to you Ever you'll find us, loyal and true. Firm and undaughted, always we'll be. Hale to the Team We Love Hears a toast to Thee.... I love it.
  2. New Liberty Head Coach: Liberty School Trustees have chosen 31-year-old Shane Deel as new Head Football Coach and Athletic Director. Deel has been defensive coordinator under Bob Bellard at 5-A Bryan High School for the past two years. Shane Deel replaces Jeff Stewart who announced in November he was resigning. Jeff Stewart’s last day with the Liberty ISD is today. Shane Deel starts his new duties on Monday. [Hidden Content]
  3. thought it was shane deel?? david beal is the OC at bryan.. which one is it?
  4. his old job....at a chem. plant...lol I wouldnt have liked it either if I was a coach.
  5. Well this is a sports forum and im not a dictionary...so ya....anyways Shane Deel Defensive cordinator at Bryan HS and also an assistant girls soccer coach... just a little fyi...Bryan HS held Pflugerville to 23 points last season....more fyi..Pflugerville won state. Go Vikings....I mean Panthers.. ;D
  6. well compared to other schools ive been to and the facilities ive seen, I would say that Liberty's athletics department is in desprite need of some finacial asistance. But, I think that more attention should be paid to the actual "school" part of LHS. If the kids dont pass then they cant play. Maybe Libert's sup. should pay some attention the the dropout rate or the TAKS scores and spend less time finding Mr. Right when it comes to Liberty's football coach. Its important, agreed. But for heavens sake, just pick somebody already.....
  7. I heard Donald Douglas already got the job. Who are you hearing Huchaby and Hodges from???
  8. Liberty will be there... who else...
  9. the girls 1600 was 1. kingwood park 2. kingwood park 3. liberty
  10. I agree. But, until we start getting more participation in athletics, I dont think anything will change. I think we should just cut the football program, invest the old football budget into gold bonds. Then we could wait until the Euro surpases the dollar by another $1.50. Then we can all have new chemistry books and maybe even soap in the boys bathrooms. Maybe the schoolboard could just get this over with that way they could worry about all the other problems L.I.S.D. has....because I can promise you that FOOTBALL COACH shouldnt be at the top of their agenda..
  11. Hardin Jefferson definitly suprised me by losing to Willis. and congrats to Liberty for beating Tarkington...whoopwhoop ;D
  12. Wes57 is definitly not a homer.
  13. This is Texas highschool football.......... this isnt chicago little league.........everybody cant win.....thats rediculous....2 teams max.
  14. Theyve probably been offering the job to abunch of coaches but theyve all probably turned it down whenever the were told that they would get paid less than the upstairs janitors.
  15. Yah, try to tell the guys that are working in offseason everyday, them boys are getting stronger and faster everyday. They are going to be the favorite in my opinion with Cleveland. I was talking to one of them and they told me that they took alot of beatings in 4a, he said its going to be them giving the beatings to the 3A teams this year, but its going to be great district to watch.... hey wise owl is that really true about splendora getting a running back from permian 6'0 220? isnt the offseason a time to get stronger and faster..??? thats just me though.... anyways huffman has the same numbers as the years before and they have nothing in my opinion that will help them beat 22 3a...i think the only thing that will help them is the fact that Liberty will be learning a new offense and that coldspring and splendora are losing a couple of great players.
  16. THis is totally true... I believe that 2 is enough to be honest..even if that leaves me at home.
  17. I want to start by saying that nobody on this forum is or has ever been a coach/schoolboard member/athletic director/Jesus Christ........ I want to add by asking MR. CEO to please prove where i said that......and I quote........" liberty is hurting themselves by getting rid of stewart"......good luck finding that... anyways... I love how every year people get on this site and talk so much crap about Liberty,Texas.......(I dont know why..we have a super walmart for heavens sake...) But when we decide to get a new coach....everybody and their mother has to talk about it.. I think that there are alot of good coaches out there that are qualified for the job. I believe that Stewart is a great FOOTBALL COACH. I also believe that the boys that he coaches now are not the boys of the past. By this I mean that the kids arnt as tough as they used to be and most lack the guts that are needed to push through the workouts..... Liberty needs an AD. This is true. I think that Liberty has a couple kids each year that could go to the next level with a little help... But Stewart should be coach. ..if he wants it. But this is all besides the point. I DONT CARE WHO IS COACH NEXT YEAR. Oh, and p.s.....I believe I shall start a Stewart fan club....we will meet at 7 on Tuesdays at Whataburger....anyone who wants to come is welcome.....now if you all will excuse me..im off to make flyers... untill tomarrow... pantherplaya09
  18. PantherPlaya09, sounds like you must be a hometown guy that didn't even make it into the cut at all. Evidently you do not know either one of these men, because they both have more class than you and your rude comment! As well, you need to learn how to use spell check! well...would you like to know the truth CEO? I think, with all your time with your nose in the dictionary, you should look up the word sarcasim, or maybe joke. Im a 17 year old trying to make light of the situation. I really dont have anything to say about Taylor or Douglas because........ 1. I dont know them. 2. I like the coach we have. 3. Gossiping about it will have zero effect on the outcome. p.s. we should have a system on setx. A system that doesnt let people with 6 posts try to shut me down. Nice try but no cigar CEO. next.............
  19. I heard that they narrowed it down to two...but they really wernt sure who they wanted to go with so they made Douglas and Taylor play paper rock siccors....turns out that Douglas forgot how to play and Tayor thought rock beat paper....so they decided it was a draw and nobody won.......THE END.
  20. i dont think huffman is gunna be as good as everyone thinks.
  21. Liberty beat shepherd the first round by around 40(scored 98 points on em) The second tyme Liberty won but by 4.
  22. anahauc is having a meet nxt thursday, the 21st.(the week before the liberty meet) theyre calling it Panther Relays.
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