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Everything posted by PANTHERPLAYA09

  1. un·der·es·ti·mate–verb (used with object) 1. to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like. –verb (used without object) 2. to make an estimate lower than that which would be correct. –noun 3. an estimate that is too low.
  2. Im going to NOT jump on the wagon. Im pickin' the Panthers. Good luck Coach S. Yall have worked real hard all season and have really showed that yall can play good baseball. Hope yall pull out, what looks to be, an upset. (even though I wont be suprised if yall win)
  3. WAY TA JUMP ON THE BAND WAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. this guy has the " I only got 8 posts disease" he cant help himself. lol
  6. Liberty is playing 0-9 Cleveland on Friday so...........
  7. What about Tyler George?
  8. that post was before shepherd.......Im DEFINITLY not one to what if but......if Liberty plays to their potential, they can be a great team. Last night just wasnt their night.Shepherd had a pretty good pitcher.
  9. LOL I think his best this year was 6'0. Anyways, Im not trying to diss gee, but nobody really counts on him to do anything special. Im really thinking Winters and White will be some leaders on the field next year. Anthony played a little rb I thought...........
  10. Liberty won by errors....lol.......maybe if that last game was horse shoes Tarkington would have won.MAYBE ONE DAY UNISEF WILL GET INTO THE BASEBALL BUSINESS, BUT UNTILL THEN LIBERTY WINS. ..........Liberty won because theyre better. Last time I checked Liberty was 5-1 and playing the same teams as Tarkington.
  11. tHE sHEEP? That made no sense. Anyways, Liberty should be concentrating very hard tonight because if they win theryre in the playoffs!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hardin just doesnt have alot of kids. I believe they have the smallest enrollment numbers in the district. And alot less athletes.
  13. Whats everybody think about it?
  14. ya, Im at the top of my class!!
  15. nc how did you find that out?
  16. Kids graduating isnt anything thing new.( People have been doing it for years) Theres plenty of people that can and will step up and fill those spots. (Dalco, Winters,Gibbs, and plenty others. Gee is a good player at every sport and he is a big part of athletics in Liberty. But nobody relys on Gee to make a play or sink that game winning shot.Edwards and Beatty were good but that reason everybody knows who they are is because we run the ball every play. I cant remember the last tyme Libertys key player wasnt a running back. That makes sense to me. Ya, Dalco did good. (The only reason Gee was on the relay is because Dalco got hurt)
  17. where ya going???
  18. tarkington doesnt have rivalrys in 3a lol only 1a
  19. Beatty was in the 4+1, he hurt his leg in a meet at the beginning of the year so he didnt run the open 100. I run on JV.
  20. Liberty: Bridge City Hamshire Fannet Stafford Kirbyville Diboll Coldspring Splendora Cleveland Tarkington Shepherd
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