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Everything posted by ECBuc08

  1. The EC defense holding Anahuac to 13 points..
  2. mtempleton... you got it right..
  3. It was pretty close to the predicted score of Anahuac 49 EC 7 hahaha...
  4. Huge win for the Bucs! Congrats to EC and good luck to the panthers the rest of the way.
  5. EC Wins 14-13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Bucs!!!!!
  6. EC 14 13 and the Bucs are about to score!!!
  7. 2:40 left EC ball!!!!!!!!!!
  8. That is why I said we will see what happens tonight..
  9. We could find out tonight if EC is UNDER RATED and if Anahuac is over rated.... or we could find out if those two teams are where they are suppose to be.. will be interesting.
  10. Jones has improved a heck of a lot in one year.. He still has another year to continue to improve.. Going to be a great team at EC next year.. I have watched the Bucs twice this season and they looked a lot better the second time I saw them.. Go Bucs! Please beat the Panthers
  11. I would love to see EC win just to shut the mouths of Anahuac lol.. someone has to bring them back down to Earth.. might as well be EC before the playoffs come and it happens there.. don't think it will happen but come on Bucs pull off the win!
  12. EC 34 Anahuac 30 Anahuac fumbled with 1:12 left inside there own 10.. EC scored with 30 seconds left... This group of kids from EC have not lost a game in 2 years. Keep it up Bucs!
  13. should be a good chambers county showdown like old times.. good luck to both teams.. put the first 7 games aside.. and focus on this week.
  14. This isn't even a real comparison.. Newton easily has the better team.. EASILY
  15. ha.. its not a big deal if they aren't ranked.. i was just giving you a hard time! but yeah if they beat the whack.. get them up there! ha
  16. EC has beaten 2 of those teams.. #7 Orangefield and Buna.. just trying to get EC a case.. haha.
  17. wish i could make it down for this one.. Coach V will have the gameplan ready to go and I am going to look for EC to try and take as much time off the clock and use short runs to move it down the field.. The Bucs have a pretty good team... They have competed with everyone this year, including Newton for half the game.. It will come down to if the Bucs turn the ball over.. I am going with the Bucs in a close one at home.. good luck to the panthers.. EC 35 Anahuac 34
  18. EC JV 30 Hardin JV 6 Not even halftime yet.. EC's jv is very good this year.. 6-0. These are the same kids that went undefeated last year as 8th graders.. Talented group of kids. Keep it up Bucs
  19. Congrats on the 9 yards per carry but they will have to score to beat EC. EC has only allowed 2 points since district started. EC will give up a touchdown this week but nothing more. EC wins this one 35-7. And in my opinion, I think EC will challenge Anahuac. EC contened with Newton for half of the football game there.. and EC looks better now than they did there. I think EC will continue to play well throughout district.
  20. Thank you steelerczy.. and good luck to the pirates the rest of the season.. hope that the young man that got hurt is doing ok. Congrats Bucs on the win. only 2 points given up by the Buc defense in district so far.
  21. EC JV 22 Deweyville JV 0 EC is 6-0... Congrats Bucs. Keep it up
  22. It will be a perfect Friday night in winnie, tx... football and good food ;D
  23. ha.. Tyler Junior College..
  24. It usually alternates.. I think next year with the new re-alignment they will play at EC. The last time they played at EC the final was 60-44... I don't think we will see that in this game.
  25. EC better be careful and not have the Rice Fest on their minds during the game.. Should be an easy win for the Bucs. 30 -7 EC. By the way, me and 3 of my friends from TJC will be singing the National Anthem at the game.
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