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Everything posted by Tigerette

  1. Hand over your heart just shows respect. I was at an Orangefield girls game a few weeks ago.  It was time for the anthem....the cd quit working after the beginning of the song and the entire gym started singing and finished the anthem without missing a beat.  It was a quite a moment that made you proud to be from a small town where the National Anthem is still respected.  Glad I was a part of that moment.  :)
  2. AMEN!!!!!! Tonight is what it is all about... :)
  3. Vidor beat East Chambers for Consolation Dayton beat Kirbyville for 3rd place Ozen beat Westbrook for the Championship
  4. Liberty @ Vidor  10 am
  5. Will this be Central's homecoming???  Always hate playing the Jags on homecoming, they come ready to play and their crowd is in it to win it!
  6. I have had the pleasure to ref the Lady Panthers in volleyball and basketball...first off, let me say they have always been well behaved and the most respectful ladies.  I enjoy calling their games.  The new Lady Panther coach is intense...she expects great things from her Lady Panthers.  She is a tough coach of a very talented group of young ladies who sometimes don't perform like they can until she pushes them.  Now, there is no need to verbally assault a line judge (normally, the coach is the one to pick them for the varsity matches).  I agree with Baller3 100%..it is unfair to have students making crucial decisions in big matches!!! But it is what it is.  As far as the officials being biased, I sure hope no official goes in with the attitude "We are gonna stick it to Ozen".  Not one official I have ever worked with has EVER muttered those words to me in 10 years of officiating.  The Ozen coach knows who to contact if she felt slighted and has the power to make sure those refs never ref her games again.  Sounds like it was a heated match.  Normally, by the next morning, everyone reflects and has things they could have done better....coaches could have substituted differently, players could have done such and such differently, and ref's reflect on calls as well.  Wish the all teams the best of luck in the future. 
  7. Generally speaking, a yellow card is like a technical foul in basketball.  Coach "should" lose standing priviledge.  (refer to case book pg. 42, Conduct 12.2.1)  If the coach is up again or repeatedly commits offensive behavior, then red card is administered.  The loss of rally is then awarded to the opponent (pg.42, 12.2.6) All of this is at the ref's discretion.  I agree with JSnipes, some ref's are quicker to issue one then others.  For me, a coach will get a yellow card for constantly arguing, refusing to back into their coaching area, harassing line judges.....I have never issued a yellow card by the way. Cursing is automatic for me...basketball or volleyball.  I try to use preventative officiating....I try to talk to the coach before it gets out of hand.  I also try to talk to players re: attitude, behavior.  So ref's are intimidated of coaches.  So this mythical yellow card you question is in existence....just depends on the ref and situation.  ;)
  8. This thread is the reason I love high school football......smack talking at its finest!!! :)
  9. Any idea how many games will be on Saturday??!!
  10. I hate to hear of the loss but...Congrats to the Lady Bobcats and Coach Jost on another great season! :) Ya'all had a great season to be proud of!
  11. Good Luck to the Lady Bobcats!!!! 
  12. First off let me say that Coach Jacks has done a terrific job with the Vidor girls basketball program.  Very impressive!!! Looking forward to the next several seasons from the Lady Pirates!!!  I have seen Coach Jacks get after his players and the officials.  He can be fierce at times......all coaches can when they feel they have been wronged.  But being thrown out is taking it too far.  All coaches should know the boundaries.  Set an example and don't take it to the extreme of getting tossed.  It's a no win situation there.  I know of several coaches that officiate other sports they are not affliated with.  I know several baseball & basketball officials who officiate volleyball - football coaches who officiate basketball and baseball.  I could go on.  I really hope that wasn't the issue of a coach getting back at another coach by tossing him because they were district rivals????  Surely this is not being implied.
  13. LCM just closed school for tomorrow.  Not sure about games.....
  14. That's exactly what they are trying to do WOS Grad.  It's just not the parents trying to get home safely...but some of these players will be driving after their games and it could be dangerous.  I applaud the schools for being cautious even though it means cancelling ballgames. 
  15. Any other girls games?? Wondering about the Lumberton@ PNG game?????  Anyone know??? ???
  16. If I am thinking of the right girl, I too would have 30pts a game if I was the only one shooting the ball everytime. - Bobcat05 Now that made me laugh Bobcat05!!! Great point.  ;) I agree with Wyatt at O'Field.  Great player and team leader. Thomas at Central is a great player also.  She can be lethal at times.
  17. Can we get a 20-4A update when you guys get a chance?? THANKS!!!
  18. Advantage/Disadvantage does not pertain to traveling.  A travel is a travel and should be called - period. No matter the level. It's a violation of the rule.  There is no interpertation of it or one's judgement in my book.  If a player picks up the ball and takes two steps.  It's a travel.  I think most coaches and fans are looking for consistency.  I have seen it stated in earlier posts.  Most officials I know do not have a secret agenda.  Some games are just ugly in the way of play and fouls.  If you have two really aggressive teams that like to press -- it could be an ugly game. Handchecking needs to be addressed in the first quarter to set tone for the game.  I promise if you call handchecking on a player in the first quarter, they will remember that rule.  Sometimes it takes 2 calls to make them understand.  But again..I fall back to consistency.  Basketball is a contact sport and there will be contact.  At the refs discretion - you have to decide advantage/disadvantage.  But traveling is traveling and it's not fair to let it go.  If team A violated the traveling rule then team B should be awarded the ball.  By not awarding team B for the violation is not right and that is why we are having this conversation.....call by the book and issues would be solved and doing the right thing consistently makes the games go better.  Of course this is just my opinion. :)
  19. Great post Horndawg.  It's amazing that people sitting in the stands 20 ft away from the play can make a call when the official is 2 ft away! Be happy you have two officials on the floor. If you think you can do better, then maybe you should join a ref chapter and show your skills! :) It's harder than it looks with a fast paced game, crowd interacting, coach's intensity, players giving 110% - and you have to make a decision in a blink of an eye.
  20. No such rule.....where did this happen!!???? That is one of the craziest things I have heard lately! :o
  21. Where can I find a Yates schedule?? I would like to see what all the talk is about!!!:)
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