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Everything posted by Johnny9425

  1. KTZ 76/HJ 73....Gotta Go wiTh The [b]Lions[/b]!!!!!!!!
  2. With only two returning seniors Zay Macdaniel and Chris...who will step up for the lions this year come basketball season???
  3. Where is Jarrod Howards stats, I keep Hearing he's the best back in the area but where's the stats to prove it????
  4. I keep hearing Jarrod Howard for the Kountze Lions is the best back, but i cant find any stats!!!!!! Im starting to think this is just a rumor
  5. What should we expect from the Lions this season, since they only have one starter from last year back. That Zay Mcdaniel and i know he's not enough, so who else do the Lions have???
  6. Who's going to step up for the Lions come Basketball season???
  7. Are the Lions likely to Win district??????
  8. [b]IS Jarrod Howard the Best running back in Southeast Texas 2A[/b]
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