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  1. Thank you!  We are happy to be part of the family!!  :D
  2. Texas Triple Threat is hosting a rag ball tournament/fundraiser Saturday April 28, 2012 at the Beaumont Athletic Complex.  Games start at 8:00 am.  Entry fee is $125 per team.  Each team must consist of at least 3 girls or guys.  Homeruns are $1.00 pay at the plate or $25.00 unlimited wristbands.  There will also be a homerun derby.  Batting line up will be guy/girl with a maximum of 2 guys in a row.  Tournament champion t-shirts will be awarded to 1st place team.  Concessions will be available.  Come out and help our girls in their effort to raise money to go to the USFA World Series in Panama City, Fl.  For any questions or more information on tournament rules please contact Greg Welch at [email protected] or 409-790-8156.
  3. Texas Triple Threat is hosting a rag ball tournament/fundraiser Saturday April 28, 2012 at the Beaumont Athletic Complex.  Games start at 8:00 am.  Entry fee is $125 per team.  Each team must consist of at least 3 girls or guys.  Homeruns are $1.00 pay at the plate or $25.00 unlimited wristbands.  There will also be a homerun derby.  Batting line up will be guy/girl with a maximum of 2 guys in a row.  Tournament champion t-shirts will be awarded to 1st place team.  Concessions will be available.  Come out and help our girls in their effort to raise money to go to the USFA World Series in Panama City, Fl.  For any questions or more information on tournament rules please contact Greg Welch at [email protected] or 409-790-8156.
  4. Texas Triple Threat is hosting a rag ball tournament/fundraiser Saturday April 28, 2012 at the Beaumont Athletic Complex.  Games start at 8:00 am.  Entry fee is $125 per team.  Each team must consist of at least 3 girls or guys.  Homeruns are $1.00 pay at the plate or $25.00 unlimited wristbands.  There will also be a homerun derby.  Batting line up will be guy/girl with a maximum of 2 guys in a row.  Tournament champion t-shirts will be awarded to 1st place team.  Concessions will be available.  Come out and help our girls in their effort to raise money to go to the USFA World Series in Panama City, Fl.  For any questions or more information on tournament rules please contact Greg Welch at [email protected] or 409-790-8156.
  5. We are having a Link Sale Fundraiser January 28th, 11:00AM-2:00PM in Orange at Superior Tire on 16th St.  We will deliver to comapnies with order $25 or more.  If you would like your order delivered please contact me no later that Thursday.  Please come out and help support our team.  $5.00 Links, Chips, Cookie, & Drink $2.50 Link $1.00 Drink Drinks: Coke, Dt. Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, & Water Thank you, Jennifer 409-466-5513
  6. Texas Thriple Threat is having an open tryout/practice Sunday, January 29th at 2:00pm.  The practice will be in Orange at the Memorial Fields.  We alternate practices in Beaumont and in Orange.  If you have any questions or need more info please call Danny May at 409-289-6625.
  7. Texas Triple Threat 99/00 is looking for a few more players.  We practice in Beaumont and in Orange.  We are having an open practice at the Memorial Fields in Orange, Saturday, January 14th at 1:00pm.  If you have any questions please call Danny May at 409-289-6625.  Thank you.
  8. Will there be a late registration for players that can't make it this Saturday?
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