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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. I get your point, but something needs to be done. These awards have become a joke. My son told me a baseball kid made it last year that only played in 2 games....
  2. Pick 11 for offense, 11 for defense for both 1st and 2nd team. Make the award mean something again. You can put as many as you want on honorable mention list
  3. I can remember a time when the all district awards meant something. I know what you're thinking Mofo is butt hurt. Actually just the opposite my son is on the list and he and I both know he shouldn't be. He had 2 receptions during regular season. Bring back the days when these awards were an honor to receive.
  4. Dear HJ Athletic Director Please inform all of us here on the internet of all your moves from now on. Otherwise you will be considered a shady heartless bast^%$d. Also since we are doing this we might as well know the rationale behind EVERY ATHLETIC DIRECTOR in the entire areas decision from here on out otherwise they will join the category of shady heartless bast^%$d also..... The internet keyboard warriors have spoken........ We also want to know what you had for dinner last night and what your favorite sitcom is
  5. Had a play a couple of weeks ago, ball hits corner of pitchers rubber then careens between 3rd and home striking a runner (in foul territory) I called ball foul then was called everything in the book by the coach of team in field. I know I got it right but also know the coach looks at your page so looking for some backup.
  6. Gosh I said I was done: The young man has gotten his punishment and he is wearing it like a man, can we just put this behind us now and let the kid be a kid?
  7. I think these young men need to ask them selves when does it stop, If they are playing college ball and a fellow player is suspended are they going to sit out as well, how about NBA? Let this young man serve his punishment and then put it behind him. As I have said the process is rolling and he is on his way to being done. I, and I am sure many others will hold no ill will to him and hope that this will build his character. I did foolish things in my time and served my penance and I know it built my character. Sitting out games, protesting, and continuing things even like this thread is non-constructive and continues to divide our district and this area. Good luck Mr. McCain I said in an earlier thread I was a big fan of yours but I was no longer. That was jumping the gun and a foolish thing to say on my part. I am a big fan since I coached against you in little league football, and will continue to be as long as your good character shines through and I am sure it will. this will be my last post on the issue
  8. Ok, that is funny I don't care who you are.
  9. The kid messed up along with the others involved but the barbaric nature of his blow is what has people so stirred up. Accept the punishment and in my eyes your slate is clean. I was disgusted with what Michael Vick had done with the dog fighting, but the man stepped up took his lumps and to this day I remain a fan not only of the athlete but of the man he became.
  10. In my opinion this is a mistake and I fail to see how it will help this situation. If nothing is done those attending rally will be angry, if punishment is changed it undermines the system in a whole. The only thing this rally will accomplish is more divide among the area.
  11. I do not see a difference. If they are allowing a "pep" rally for a player being punished I do not feel this is a step in the right direction.
  12. I saw the BC video also it is a no doubter. I was and still am all about this kid getting his punishment along with every other kid on that floor that was involved. Punishment has been dealt and in my book when punishment is served the kid has a clean slate. I hope he learns from this and has a successful career from there on out. He along with the town can grow from this incident or opt to let it drag them down, the very near future will tell us which way this will go.
  13. Don't know I don't have a kid on varsity is there a point to this post or are you just trying to deflect the view from the topic? To point blankly answer your question, I hate a bully.
  14. In my opinion if you want to see restraint watch the several LCM players that witnessed the cowardly blow. None of them went after the kid throwing the punch. I am sure most of the restraint was from utter disbelief more than anything.
  15. I don't justify any fighting during a sporting match and I hope all involved are suspended, and not a mere til end of district suspension, I believe they should be suspended for the remainder of the season up through and including the state tournament.
  16. So justify how the LCM kid throwing a punch (which I hope he is suspended for) has anything to do with a kid coming off of the bench and sucker punching a kid 50 feet away?
  17. I don't care if the video started with Mike Tyson throwing the first blow, nothing justifies the sucker punch 50 feet from the squabble.
  18. I am not justifying ANY of them, if they threw punches they should be dealt with severely, but just as the NBA the penalty is much harsher for those opting to leave the bench during a fight.
  19. I think what bothers me the most about this is that he passed 5 bigger kids to go after the smaller one.
  20. I was wondering how long it would be before the "it was the refs fault" argument would be presented.
  21. big difference between getting punched in the fray (on the playing field) as opposed to 50 feet away on the bench.
  22. Was any punishment sent down on the punch from #3 at Bridge City? Several have sent me the video since it was mentioned. It was a clear and deliberate punch to the back of the head.
  23. From what I was told our basketball team has inserted a policy if you receive a technical foul you are out next game. No questions asked. To me this is making a clear statement
  24. I agree wo-s#1 it is this exact excuse making mentality that could be the very reason they are in this mess to begin with.
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