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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. I am sure the big man upstairs has a sense of humor and will let Ole Coach Barbay have a crack at em. Let them serve their penance and allow them in. From what I hear about Coach that is how he usually was, leave it on the field and let by-gones be by-gones...
  2. HAAA YO Gabba I have to find out who you are I went to VIDOR also and my car "broke down" a time or 2..... VPD back then would turn their head and drive away or stay away completely....ahhhhhh the good ole days.
  3. trashman that really made no sense. as usual for you...You are REALLY making Lumberton look bad you should stop. And I will ask my neighbor, whos son is the one that lives with his mother in SILSBEE and he played for LUMBERTON to stop talking to me about his son because is is bothering you.
  4. Trashman it is sad to me to see someone explain something to you sooooo many times and you just do not get it, at first I did not care for you much, but now I kinda pitty you. Please for the sake of bettering all of little league sports could you please write a guide line for all of us sneaky, backstabbing volunteers that only put 10 to 12 hours a week on the field with the kids to better ourselves..All these years I have been doing this and I realize that I have been doing it wrong. Please oh please Trashman great guru of all things little league guide me away from the dark side, for I know not what I do..
  5. Trashman as we speak I am trying to figure out how to get some kids from Dallas on my team next year 2 cheerleaders and a water boys.... shhhhhhh mums the word.....
  6. Yes trashman I agree, you will have to let me know how to hide my out of town players better. I spoke with my friends from Silsbee yesterday to make sure I had my info correct, and I was spot on lived in Silsbee played in Lumberton, do tell how you do it.... By the way they also informed me of several Lumberton kids that played in Silsbee ...oh my what a wicked web we weave.....I feel sure the FBI is probably all over this by now...
  7. I like to look at the good in people and think that he had no alternative motive. Some times people will [i]"BLIND SIDE[/i]" you with their compassion for their fellow man
  8. We stole their goat one time.....Oh wait that was an episode of Happy Days.
  9. Not so sure about STJFL having the most talent. that Bulls team is pretty stacked. Lone Star by far is smaller but it suits us great. As I have said I am VERY impressed with he way the league and coaches put kids first game second.
  10. Sport70 I must agree with all of your points. As hard is that is for me to do LOL. I will say that on my team we are VERY careful on over practicing. Limited contact at our practices and I tell my kids school ball comes first. By the way we OUTLASTED Warren tonight with a final score of HJ 7 Warren 6, every bit the battle that was expected. We got all of the kids together before the game in a circle alternating Warren player and HJ player and paid tribute to the 2 great local figures our area has lost in the past month Reggie and Coach Barbay then we took the field and the no holds bar battle was on. After the game it was right back to superb sportsmanship by both teams. This makes me proud to be associated with these fine athletes
  11. Very sad.  Saddest part of this was the kid getting between the adults to try and break it up.
  12. Moreaux is another OUTSTANDING HJ example, not as just an athlete but as a young man. Wish I had all 3 of them Tre Train included...LOL may have to do some talking to the Sr Jones and get them all back out there....LOL..
  13. Nope mom did not work and teachers at Lumberton can not bring their kids into the school system if they are from out of town. Silsbee address only, I am sure some finagaling went on but the coaches knew they lived in Silsbee. So it goes on everywhere.
  14. I agree with the age and weight difference but it is up to coaches to realize this also and not put a kid in a bad situation. I have a 10 year old on my team that did not make weight for Jr's, he is probably one of the most naturally talented running backs I have ever seen. I go out of my way to not put him in a bad situation, and when he is in there you can bet my veterens know to protect him. I also realize that not all coaches think that way, but from what I have seen from Lone Star it seems all of the coaches feel the same way which is kids first game second. I so far have been very pleased to be a part of the Lone Star system.
  15. Way to go Little C and by the way I see a few Cameo apperances from my neighbor Tre train.....good job boys I am pulling for you.
  16. By the way Trashman, I know 2 families very well from Silsbee that played for Lumberton last year, funny with your finger on the "pulse" of Little League football like it is I am wondering how this EVER slipped by you.
  17. scalabrine My oldest son played All star basketball with Little C last year he is a VERY talented athlete, and a GREAT kid. Good luck to him in the future. PS I would love to have him on any team I was associated with.
  18. Wow Trashman for someone who quote "does not focus on 11 year olds" you sure are caught up in this thread. Also how are the "Rumors if we OPENLY say we have Lumberton kids on our team???? So sorry the STJFL does not allow 7th graders to play. Your loss is our gain. By the way me and my kids live in Beaumont my wife teaches in HJISD just to get that out in the open also. As far as wanting to leave because of decreasing athletic department???? I have no clue what you are talking about my family and I love the HJISD mainly for its educational oppurtunities we could care less about a great or poor athletic department. I will assure you my kids are not shooting to be pro athletes but rather model citizens with a good education. As I stated before there are ALL kinds of living and school arraingments that are not perfectly in line. Sorry that you have such tunnel vision. I wish we where all perfect like you but I guess some of us are not as blessed.
  19. Sport70 I am not sure, but being that my son is one that plays both, I can tell you that the 7th grade program is "basic" at best. Don't get me wrong it is what is needed because a lot of the boys on the team have not played football before so they start from the beginning, ie. how to block away from the running lane, to not use your hands on offensive line, stuff like that. Then most of the games are running clocks, and there are 25 to 30 kid to get in the game so playing time for some is minimal. We have 7 boys that play both ways, I tell them that school ball comes first and we work around their schedule if possible. I believe, and have been told by most of them that they are glad they played both ways
  20. Yes Barbay is definitly running the conversation, and Lombardi with that big toothy grin is yelling "HOW ABOUT THIS GUY", Bear Bryant standing stiff and saying "Can we do some 2 a days" and Papa Halas of course not saying a word just grinning and taking it all in.
  21. Pardon the typo,  I meant surely as in certian as opposed to surly or gruff....I guess I will proof read better. Or of course with some in here I guess I do not have to because they will do it for me. :)
  22. WOO HOO I have not been called a Rookie in years......LOL
  23. Thanks WOSgrad, I forgot to put a link, that is why you are a Mod and I am not...LOL
  24. If I can not laugh at myself I will surly not laugh at you....LOL :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D
  25. Just a note to all interested Coach Barbay's Memorial Service can be heard live on SETXsports and on KTXJ 102.7 in Jasper. It can also can be heard live at [Hidden Content]
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