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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. Yes I know hatter has 2 t's but was not as fun adding them in this situation...LOL
  2. So I guess that kills my Mad Hater comment ....LOL......
  3. If you do not buy their hats they become the Mad Haters.....
  4. A hater is a person that makes hats.......
  5. Wow and now wandering around this site ---now you have me all addicted to it....LOL...great site can not believe I have not been a member before this...
  6. By the way I just wanted to verify the STJFL rule on both of our Lumberton 7th graders: [i]§ A person who is enrolled in the 7th grade or higher of the ensuing football season shall not be allowed to compete in the STJFL. [/i]
  7. Horns R #1 I have seen your team, I belive the injury bugg bit yall more than my Hawks. You have a VERY talented group of coaches and players, and a great group of parents. I would like to play your team when they are healthy I bet it would be every bit the battle I would expect.
  8. I am the coach for the HJ Seniors, I have never been on this site but was told by a few of my parents about the "commotion" going on. My name is Richard Morreale and my screen name MoFo stands for my 4 sons Morreale Four. I would like to put that so no one thinks I am hiding behind a alias. I would like to answer a few responses in here. 1) JeuneBugg-thank you for being interested in our game as of now it is rescheduled for this Wed. (9/29) at the HJ field at 7pm. I will let you know through here if that changes. 2) Yep- thank you for recognizing this for what it is a good game between 2 good teams. and being to the point on our players. 3) Yo Gabba- I appreciate you being frank and honest (seems like you are in the know about what is going on). 4) Demon95 - Well put To everyone else as Yep, and Yo Gabba stated we do not deny the fact that we have 2 Lumberton kids on the Sr team. We brought this to the board for certification and went through the proper channels to do so. The running back played on a select baseball team with our boys here in HJ. They spoke to us about not being able to play STJFL this year and we WELCOMED them to play with us. We did not go out and recruit or send flyers to the other schools begging for talent.  My son is the full back for our team and has scored almost as much as "The Lumberton Kid". I will also state that we have 24 players on our team that bust their rears 3 days a week (game included) to play a game. JUST A GAME, and I go out of the way to absolutely ASSURE that everyone of "MY" kids get the same amount of playing time. I have 4 kids on this team that have never got a chance to carry the ball let alone score, that have scored points this year.   I have one of the most dedicated coaching staffs that a coach could ask for, guys that go out of their way to not just teach football but to teach teamwork and this is done through positive reinforcement. We respect every coach and player that we come in contact through out the year and we will continue to do so. We have cancelled practice due to a number of our kids having a BIG TEST the next day can you claim that with your coaches?   You may say we are great because of our Lumberton Running back, I say our Lumberton Running back is great because of a GREAT group of young athletes that surround him.   As I said I am new to this forum and appreciate everyones views but please do not degrade what these 11 and 12 year olds are doing, or make them feel that it is only because of 1 kid that they are winning. If anyone has any questions about any of my players please feel free to contact me. Good Luck to all of the young talented athletes in the LoneStar League.
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