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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. I will give credit to the big back Liberty has, as a player that played against Jerry Ball it looked all too familiar with 5-6 guys hanging on to drag that beast down. He is a solid back no doubt about it. WOS D-line is quick and there is not many times I have seen there is not 8-10 players in or close to any tackle that is made on the field. I think Liberty will struggle to move the ball against them.
  2. That pass was completed to #80....just saying....LOL
  3. 23 people have picked HJ to lose their Bye this week. Keep sleeping on them Hawks and they will keep messing up those pick sheets... Just poking fun don't everybody get your panties in a knot.
  4. Should be a blocked punt, receiving team recovers where it is touched.
  5. May want to cruise over to the Hardin Jefferson Athletic Booster Club one night try our new menu. Al T's Boudain balls, walking tacos, or the ever popular funnel cake. May give HF a run for their money.
  6. MoFo


    How can you justify $70 million for a stadium? [Hidden Content]
  7. Well earned young man, I personally witnessed the many hours you put in to achieve this goal. I look forward to following you at the next level.
  8. Embarrassed for you guys destroying a congratulatory post on a young man that bounced back from what for many would have been a career ending medical condition, worked his butt off and became a premier player in our district. I am also embarrassed for the administrators that have allowed this to continue. If you want to discuss black vs. white, who the best coach is, or what you ate for dinner go do it on another thread.
  9. Sorry I must have been confused by your wording.
  10. Straight from "The Umpire Helper" manual: If no play is being made on the runner at the time he is obstructed, the play continues. The tough part comes when the play stops. The umpire will award the runner the base to which the umpire believes he would have reached had he not been obstructed. For example: the batter hits a ball in the gap for what looks like an easy double. No play is being made on him. As he rounds first the fielder is in his path and they collide. The batter stops at first. The umpire will award the runner second base if he believes the runner would have made it there had he not been obstructed. It does not matter where the obstruction occurs. If a runner is obstructed at first base and the umpire believes he could have made it to third base, he will be awarded third. The umpire must be the judge. If, in the umpire's judgment, a runner is slowed down by one step at first and then is thrown out by five steps at third, the out should stand.
  11. Dude you are so wrong it is painful.....Here is a scenario for you Runner on first with a lead, pick off attempt by pitcher, first baseman has his foot between runner and bag therefore obstructing the runner attempting to dive back to first.... Obstruction is called guess what runner is awarded 2nd base and he never acquired it
  12. technically ball is dead but play is still on until runner crosses home with all bags touched.
  13. A fellow ump I think hit it on the head. A prank gone bad, base ump with kicked dirt signal to home plate ump that he had his back on rotation to 3rd. I have just never seen it this severe and while the ball was still live.
  14. There is an explanation to this just not a justification.
  15. Maybe Mr. Ump can explain it but in the over 25 years I have been umpiring I can't think of a justification for this action by the field umpire.... [Hidden Content]
  16. Correct me if I am wrong Mr. Ump 1. Coaches (little league and select) there is no "out" nor ejection for a thrown bat by the batter (unless intentional out of anger (ejection), or interferes with the ball or fielder (out). As umpire we can warn the coach and remove the player for a safety violation if it occurs again. Most umpire's would not go to this extreme unless there was contact to a player or umpire. 2. An appeal on a call MUST go through the umpire that made the call, no umpire (including plate umpire) can over call another umpires call without that umpire allowing the coach to have an appeal. Within the past month I have been berated by coaches and fans on these same two scenarios on 3 different occasions.
  17. Sure let me know if you need my cell # or email contact.
  18. guess it is a good thing this is not the NCAA.
  19. Also just to add this newsflash to the topic, these kids that are getting transferred because mom and/or dad are not happy with the role the coach is giving them are more than likely NOT going to be happy with the role they get at the school they transfer to either. These kids usually tend to follow a pattern leave little league or little dribblers because it is not all about their kid, transfer from one AAU team to another because it is not all about their kid, then they go bouncing from one high school to another only to find out once again it is not all about their kid. The insanity usually stops after that because no college coach is going to put up with the BS of a parent trying to tell them how to do their job and the kid ends up not playing anywhere despite how talented they are Before this gets blown out of proportion I am not directing this at this kid. We have all seen this pattern and I will lay you odds those that have seen it will vouch for this statement as 100% accurate
  20. I have been at HJ for about 9 years now, I have 4 boys spread throughout the system from grades 1-12, being active with the booster club and knowing the coaches as well as players that have transferred to our school I can honestly say I do not know of one that has been "recruited". Sure, any coach at any school would accept a great athletic transfer with open arms, you would be a fool not to. I myself have been guilty of telling many of my friend's kids how awesome they would look in HJ red and blue (is this recruiting?). In the long run our coaches as well as yours are going to make the best of what they have on the floor that year and if you want my honest opinion I would be willing to bet that 85% of transfers are PARENT initiated not student and surely not coach.
  21. I posted this on a similar thread about this same subject, amazing how it works here also. Just my $ 0.02 but I would rather play with a Varsity team full of freshman than play with ONE kid that does not want to be on the floor with your team or would rather be playing for someone else. I am not pointing fingers at any kid and I by no means want this statement to be seen as a knock on the kid, parent, or teams involved. The fact is that if they think leaving is the better choice or move for them then guess what it probably is, because the chances are if they don't leave I am not sure they would give 100% to a team if they would rather have been somewhere else. And that goes for any kid, any sport, at any school.
  22. Logan Morreale Hardin Jefferson hit # 5 today against Silsbee
  23. Good for this young man, his play and demeanor on the court speaks volumes about his character
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