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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. Morreale.... but you were close....LOL
  2. Just my $ 0.02 but I would rather play with a Varsity team full of freshman than play with ONE kid that does not want to be on the floor with your team or would rather be playing for someone else. I am not pointing fingers at any kid and I by no means want this statement to be seen as a knock on the kid, parent, or teams involved. The fact is that if they think leaving is the better choice or move for them then guess what it probably is, because the chances are if they don't leave I am not sure they would give 100% to a team if they would rather have been somewhere else. And that goes for any kid, any sport, at any school.
  3. A CATCH is the act of a fielder in getting secure possession in his hand or glove of a ball in flight and firmly holding it; providing he does not use his cap, protector, pocket or any other part of his uniform in getting possession. It is not a catch, however, if simultaneously or immediately following his contact with the ball, he collides with a player, or with a wall, or if he falls down, and as a result of such collision or falling, drops the ball. It is not a catch if a fielder touches a fly ball which then hits a member of the offensive team or an umpire and then is caught by another defensive player. If the fielder has made the catch and drops the ball while in the act of making a throw following the catch, the ball shall be adjudged to have been caught. In establishing the validity of the catch, the fielder shall hold the ball long enough to prove that he has complete control of the ball and that his release of the ball is voluntary and intentional.
  4. Player showed control of the ball and it was a deliberate movement to flip the ball to the pitcher.
  5. Admin may delete I added this to Ask Mr. Ump
  6. Rule question. Ball is thrown to 3rd baseman and tag is made on sliding runner.. Clearly out... 3rd baseman takes 2 or 3 jogs toward pitchers mound after tag and flips ball from glove ( no transfer to open hand) and ball hits ground... Your call Happen to us (HJ) in Halletsville tourney, base ump called runner safe after ball hit ground. As a TASO ump myself I think the ump booted it as the 3rd baseman showed control of the ball, but have a remote doubt on my thoughts as the ball never went to open hand. I know that rule has changed somewhat on double play calls but did it change on fly balls and tags?
  7. Rule question. Ball is thrown to 3rd baseman and tag is made on sliding runner.. Clearly out... 3rd baseman takes 2 or 3 jogs toward pitchers mound after tag and flips ball from glove ( no transfer to open hand) and ball hits ground... Your call Happen to us (HJ) in Halletsville tourney, base ump called runner safe after ball hit ground. As a TASO ump myself I think the ump booted it as the 3rd baseman showed control of the ball, but have a remote doubt on my thoughts as the ball never went to open hand. I know that rule has changed somewhat on double play calls but did it change on fly balls and tags?
  8. One 3 pointer was bigger than most.
  9. HJ's Logan Morreale Vs LCM
  10. Ok sometimes you have to give credit where credit is due, This is one dang funny post...hats off...
  11. There is a high school summer league. HJ had a freshman, JV, and Varsity team in it the past 2 years. Along with many other local schools. The teams are ran by a willing parent/coach and the boys seemed to really enjoy it.
  12. I was at the game, I will say this Buna has some big boys on both JV and Varsity team. I would hate to face their Defensive Line this coming year. What are the feeding them boys over there?
  13. Ok I will say this and then I will be done with this thread. . Show me the ball in this photo...... . As I have stated over and over you can not call a play with one picture.
  14. So callum with this statement you are saying that if a first baseman in the act of catching an off line throw to first is pulled into the runners line to the base then it is the runner's responsibility to slide into first, or to just give up to avoid contact with the fielder who has stepped into his line???? That is proposterous.....in this instance you have 2 kids trying to make a play that run into each other. IF you have read the explanation this is a runner stealing second and a short stop stepping into his line attempting to catch the ball the same scenario as above except it happens at second base. I still stand FIRM behind my decision that in the 1 photo there is not enough info to make a call.
  15. or the blonde female driver?????? 8) 8) 8)
  16. First off who said it was a bad call?? I said you can not make the call by this one picture. The ump on the field made his call by watching a play develop.  But since you guys can make a call by one picture who is at fault in this wreck?
  17. Call it like you see it Hawk. I stand with not enough info in this picture to make a call.
  18. You are refrencing a part of the quote that would be used in the case the runner was trying to prevent a double play. The rule clearly states the following If the runner is legally in the base path and simply running the bases when a collision occurs, he is not out. Now as I said earlier with this ONE photo it is impossible to determine what is going on, the ump on the field had the luxury of seeing the whole play and this is what he based his call on.
  19. This is a paragraph out of a handout called the "Umpires Helper" [i]Sometimes when the runner and fielder collide, no penalty should be applied. The umpire must judge whether someone's rights were violated.[color=yellow] [b]This applies mainly to plays where the throw[/b] [b]and the runner are arriving at the same time. [color=yellow][/b][b]There is no such thing as a must slide rule[/b][/color].  When a runner collides with a fielder attempting to field a batted ball, he should be called out in almost all cases. If the runner collides with a fielder attempting to catch a throw, the umpire must first decide if the collision was intentional, then decide if the act interfered with, impeded, hindered or confused the fielder. If the runner is legally in the base path and simply running the bases when a collision occurs, he is not out. If he deviates from his path and/or intentionally interferes, or makes malicious contact, he is out. In sliding to a base he must be able to reach out and touch the base with his hand. If he slides into a fielder while more than an arms length from the base it is interference if the fielder is attempting a play. If a runner goes into a base standing up and this act hindered the fielder in an attempt to make a play, it is interference. If he does not slide, he must get out of the fielder's way.[/i]
  20. I disagree, just like stated earlier if the first baseman is pulled into the path of the runner on an arrant throw and there is contact we call it a train wreck. If the fielder holds on to the ball and the throw beats the runner he is out, if not he is safe. No call on the collision unless, in the ump's judgement, the runner made malicious contact. Same situation can happen at ANY base. If the fielder takes a sudden leap into the runners path to catch a ball you can not expect the runner to disappear or turn on a dime to avoid the contact.
  21. I did the first one last week. If I would have seen you I would have ejected you just to give your son a break....LOL.... ;D
  22. I think with this one photo it is difficult to even attempt to rule on what happened. The umpire had the luxury of seeing the whole play and made his call, from this one photo I am sticking with he made the correct call.
  23. I was calling a local game last week. In the first game my partner was behind the plate getting "the buisness" from "THAT" parent. The game ended and the second game started with me behind the plate, same parent same buisness on any call that did not go their way. After the game I am walking to my car the home team catcher says hey Blue my dad has something to say to you, (of course I think this is going no where good) the dad shakes my hand and apologizes for his continuous arguing....LOL....FIRST time ever I have seen a kid make a parent apologize, Hats off to you young man.
  24. I agree with the earlier post that maybe your kid or "the" kid is not as good as you think. So many of these kids grow up playing on their dad's team and having (in some situations not all) the best position handed to them, the top of the batting order handed to them, oppurtunity to be on the mound handed to them, and then all of a sudden they hit high school ball where mom and dad's opinion does not amount to a whole lot and reality comes a calling....I tell my boys to play hard always and the cream will rise to the top and sometimes you may not be the cream.
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