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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. this little video I made last year about sums up most All Star meetings...LOL remember it is all in fun [Hidden Content]
  2. LOL I have been to many All Star meetings and I have come to this conclusion every kid in little league hits over .600.......LOL sorry but had to be said....
  3. Any time a kid is on the field is a plus.... Best comment yet.....thanks admin
  4. PS I went back and looked and did not see where I posted I live in HJ, I said we attend school in HJ. My wife teaches there (and we Love it by the way)....
  5. Yep sorry sportfan you booted that one. FYI if the district president reads and approves your waiver, then it is good all the way to williamsport. I won't even get into grandfather rule with a league. I also agree with pudding, I would like to see stricter rules on kids playing inside their leagues boundaries. Would not hurt my feelings to see fines to leagues in violation, or fines to parents if determined they got in a league by deceit of documents
  6. PS my name is Richard Morreale, I have 4 boys hence MoFo  (Morreale 4) and we attend school in HJ just incase you did not pick that up from the Hawk... I know Mike well and I do not think he is anti-select but believe like what he said he is Pro-League, as I am. My kids play select (heading to a game in morning) but I just wish the Pro-select would back off of little league and quit considering it such a threat, from looking at the ever growing numbers of select teams it does not look like we are taking to big of a slice of the pie.
  7. Personally I find it kinda off key to bring what I thought was a good discussion on select/little league to a personal level. I could also care less about 4A vs 3A vs 1A..or whatever. Once again it boils down to individual kids work ethics, they can play select or little league or cricket and if they have the will, work ethic, and dedication to excel at the next level then they will if not they will finish their sporting career with a picture in the annual, a good cry after the last game, and hopefully a good college degree that will get help them get their family through the same trials and tribulations that we are getting ours through.    I mean seriously isn't that exactly what we are all trying to do???
  8. Ok thedogs...where to start.... A) Yes I agree 100% select is more competetive. B) I don't believe the team you play for determines your ability many many many great ball players have been around loooooongggg before select was ever a concept. Hard work, determination, and dad getting off his arse and going out and throwing BP to you til his arm hurts are all ingredients to a good ball player. C) I have 4 sons, 2 of which have played heavily in select, and little league at the same time, hands down they both enjoyed little league more, and both are well above average players. D) I have heard the little league/dinosaur theroy since I was playing little league and that was (longer than I care to mention) ago. Reality is ESPN is not knocking down select organizations doors to air their world series. E) The winnig combination to creating a great ball player, is a kid that strives to get better each year with work ethics, a stong moral fiber, a good set of fundamentals from little league/select/and private lessons from someone that knows more than me (dad) and the dedication from me (dad) and athlete to get out and work on the skill sets that you have been taught. We have played with and against MANY select players that just do not have it usually due to lack of dedication so the travel ball makes you better theroy is busted. As I have said the world is big enough for select ball, and little league ball and my kids have played a LOT of both I am sure I have skin melanomas forming now from the endless weekends sitting in the sun at various ball parks around the area. I am just tired of the select ball people always feeling that little league with "all of it's rules" (imagine rules), is a "threat" to their flawless and impeccable game. We play both, and we enjoy both. Both have their pro's and con's, both can be a blast or a curse, and both will serve the purpose of making my kids more well rounded, and hopefully build memories and friendships.
  9. kf89, I never stated all star balloting is a flawless process. I stated that for the most part select coaches want to bash little league, the multiple rules, the sub par baseball that it is. They skip their little league games and or practices to make sure the show up for their select practices yet come all star time the select gets put on the back burner and wooo hoooo lets go little league time kicks in. My point is if you are going to bash something all year and consider it WAY below your standards then why jump on the band wagon at all????
  10. Just my point Diego, I dont know if he made it maybe West End Little League should jump on the announce and practice early schedule it sounds like some of you guys are on. As far as your comment about select being "REAL" baseball then why come to little league as a 12 year old, and bump out all of the NON-real baseball players that have been playing FAKE little league baseball for the past 3 year? Oh wait I know why because REAL select baseball does not have ESPN coverage and we would hate to have a bunch of kids on ESPN that do not know how to play REAL baseball.... Sorry you have hit a sore spot with me, I like select, and my kids have played select, but I get sick and tired of all of you GREAT select coaches and select players bashing Little league for 3 years and then jumping on the wagon with pipe dreams and candy cane wishes of going to Williamsport, to play in a league you have belittled and bashed most of the time. My kids love little league, they love playing with their friends that are mediocre players and can not make a select team. They like it for what it is FUN
  11. Hmm I have not been called to practice all stars yet...or as Dieago calls it "select" practice....If the kids on the all star team are practicing together before the teams are allowed to be announced, sounds like a blatant violation of little league rules to me.  And if you put a select team together with what you "feel" is the All Star team then it sounds like other kids in the little league program pretty much do not have a shot at all stars before the season starts. my $.02
  12. Ouch.........
  13. Dropped third strikes are in play, outs and ejections for illegal bats 6.05 - A batter is out when - (b) Little League (Majors)/Junior/Senior/Big League – (1) a third strike is legally caught by the catcher; (2) a third strike is not caught by the catcher when first base is occupied before two are out. Minor League and Tee Ball: A third strike is caught or not caught by the catcher. Option: A local league may elect to apply the Minor League and Tee Ball rule for the Little League (Major Division) for the regular season. Summary and Implementation: During the 2012 season, for the Major Baseball Division, players may advance on a third strike that is not caught in flight by the catcher. However, local leagues may opt to use the Minor League and Tee Ball rule noted above, for the Major Baseball Division, instead. This option applies only for the regular season. In Tournament play, the rule will be implemented as noted above for the Majors Division. The rule for tournament play in 10-11 is noted below. Rule 6.06(d) in the Baseball Rule Book has been amended to read: A batter is out for illegal action when - (d) The batter enters the batter’s box with one or both feet entirely on the ground with an illegal bat (see bat specifications rule 1.10) or is discovered having used an illegal bat prior to the next player entering the batter’s box. Note: If the infraction is discovered before the next player enters the batter’s box following the turn at bat of the player who used an illegal bat: 1) The manager of the defense may advise the plate umpire of a decision to decline the penalty and accept the play. Such election shall be made immediately at the end of the play. 2) For the first violation, the offensive team will lose one eligible adult base coach for the duration of the game. 3) For the second violation, the manager of the team will be ejected from the game. Any subsequent violation will result in the newly designated manager being ejected. Summary and Implementation: For the 2012 season, this imposes penalties for the use of an illegal bat in a game.
  14. I am sorry but due to age, and weights being so different between the sides I think this game is a mistake.
  15. Hey  sometimes it happens, I had it happen so I assigned another MPR person to sit in stands and help out, coordinate with my sideline MPR person at half time and end of 3rd quarter.  No warning from the board, other team did not know it happened, and I did not know it happened until one of their parents told me at the next practice. I felt like a democrat mascott, and it did not happen again. So did the Silsbee players that did not get their time in get some reimbursment from the Silsbee coffers? I am sure those parents paid the same amount to have their kid play?
  16. Yes that is his name, McCain has very quick moves, and unbelievable open speed, and like I said, a great kid. Good work mom and dad.
  17. All I can say is Silsbee is no slouch.....I have been coaching (for more years than i care to mention) I have NEVER seen speed like the Silsbee running back has, and to top it off he is one of the humblest and politest young men that I have met.
  18. you need to check with the Silsbee coach they won the Lone Star Superbowl
  19. Do I hear the sound of tragichippie crying because football is over again.....he is such a softie for the game....LOL
  20. Don't know who BearHawk is but they are not associated with the HJ senior team. I was the coach last year and the only STJFL team we spoke with was BC and it was a great close game by two solid teams
  21. We lost to a tough, fast Silsbee team. They came in and took care of buisness. Good group of athletes and Coaches.
  22. Queen never I would never make fun of ya......unless you were there to hear and see it..... ::) ;D
  23. Uh Oh.......HJ made the Super Bowl........no longer a matter of when..... :-* :-* :D ;D
  24. Way to go Queen, I must say I do not keep up that much with the STJFL, but I know how big of a fan you are, and I am glad your son made it in his last year. Good luck
  25. Funny, I did not see [color=blue][size=10pt]WHEN[/size][/color] in my comment..... ;D
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