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Everything posted by MoFo

  1. Wooo hoooo it is finally here....Football time, who cares if the NFL locks out (ok, ok I do but) time to put the hardware on. Good Season to all our fellow competitors in the Lone Star league, STJFL, and TIFI. Hawks will be gunning for a repeat season, and I know there will be some teams out there saying "Nope, not gonna happen"....I feel sure Warren is going to be tough again this year, and Silsbee will definitly be a contender. How are those Long Horns looking this year?
  2. anyone have a link to the state tourny bracket
  3. Can anyone tell me if there is a bracket posted anywhere for Section II 10/11 year olds
  4. kf89 as long as you have continious participation in the league, in other words my 2 year old will be able to play as long as my other sons stay involved. If for any reason they take a year off then the grandfather clause is void. Also on this note, if my sons play out (in other words reach the age of 12) and have remained in WELL then any sibling following them may join once they reach playing age.
  5. Stretch, just to play devil's advocate. How come the PN Pres did not tell the 12 year old's parents at the beginning of the season that if he plays up in Jr Division he will not be allowed to play on the 12 All Star team????? I mean it is a situation that probably does not present itself every year. Why didn't the parents look into it? Why didn't anyone on PNG board look into it prior to letting the kid shoot his chances of playing on the Major team?  Why didn't the kid opt to play on the 13 year old select team? There are a lot of questions here, but it seems it is easier to place the blame on the BCLL. I mean really, do you think BCLL is the teachers pet because PN is getting called on a MAJOR rule infraction? I mean this is not a coach leaving the dugout to pee infraction this is a absolute no no infraction. Like I said before I feel sure that some on PNLL board knew that this was not legal yet chose to look the other way. My family has been a part of the West End LL for about 8 years now, we have looked into possibly moving to another area that is close by but not within WELL boundry map. I was told by our Pres, and DA that my family is grandfathered into WELL as long as we had continious participation so I felt pretty comfortable, yet I still put a call into Williamsport to confirm it. Took about 30 minutes but I have absolute confirmation that we can remain in the WELL program from the very top.
  6. baseballmom2011, I can assure you I realize how upset you are, and I also realize the heartbreak these kids are feeling. With that said, all of the he knew/she knew stuff does not really matter. The fact is that a rule was broken, and as I said the adults are ABSOLUTELY to blame, but this is a blatent rule violation and would have been caught at some level. Lets say that this gets by at the district level, then gets caught at the sectional or regional level. Guess what now District 32 is not represented at these levels and a team that could have gone such as BC or Ned would not have gotten that chance. Heck the Bronx got through and won the world Series (we all know the Danny Almante) story. How do you think the teams that were eliminated by the 14 year old pitching "phenom" felt after the realized they could have went further than they did but were stopped short by a rule violation that slipped under the radar? As youth Board Members our job is to do one thing: Protect the Kids we Govern. These kids were let down on what appears to be several levels, and it also seems that everyone involved knew there was a fly in the ointment and just continued looking for the answers they WANTED to hear and not the truth. It took me about 5 minutes of research to find the page in the Green Book that the black and white rule was printed on.
  7. Ispeakjive I agree that LL has some “quirky” rules to say the least. I went to an umpire clinic in Dallas about 6 years ago, and a lot of those rules such as coaches can not warm up pitchers, once dropped from an all star roster player can not return, no jewelry, and even the no rubbing licorice on a ball rule were discussed and the implementation of that rule was shown. (great seminar by the way). I have 4 boys and all (except my 2year old) play both select and LL. Yes we have community pride. As far as “exposing young players to the best baseball” goes I will say this my middle son’s best friend plays little league, and he will openly tell you he is BY FAR not the best baseball player on the field. Yet these 2 cut up, laugh, have sleep overs, and solve world problems sitting in that dug out side by side. This is something I would not change for the world. Now on the other hand he plays select also, now the traveling, competitiveness, and overnight hotel stays are a blast, but just not the same. He wants to elevate his game and select baseball is hands down the way to do it. Now to the point: How can LL international, following a rule written in black and white cause anyone to complain? Was this an adult mistake that will affect the kids? Absolutely! I feel absolutely sure (knowing some of the PNG guys) this was a MISTAKE plain and simple they were not trying to get the edge, and followed what they thought were the proper channels. But in the end the RULE is the RULE, and they will follow it. Now in select, while much more competitive, I find the rules tend to vary from tourney to tourney, with the Tdirectors given some freedom of manipulation. That is all well and good until you want a Black and White rule enforced. Last year in a 12u SELECT World Series tournament a team shows up with 4 Premier players, now the Nations Rule states a player must be on a roster 12 hours before a tournament. We printed this teams roster and these players where not on it. Well with a couple of phone calls, and a swipe of a pen these players are allowed to play with 100% approval from tourney and Nations directors. Needless to say the walked through the tournament with out a hiccup, so in this case a Rule enforced would have been a welcome thing.
  8. I agree, the sad thing in this situation is that it is an adult mistake (on whatever level) that will effect the kids.
  9. Mrs boymom, I do not think anyone was putting down, or judging the player, or the coach for that matter. I have 4 boys, and short of my youngest (who does not play yet) I am sure all of them have "set" something down with more force than needed out of frustration. I dont think the coach meant any disrespect to the ump by leaving the dugout, but in this case you had a ump make a call that was perfectly within his right to make. Lesson learned by all.
  10. just for reference this is on page 33 of the 2011 green book
  11. Scalp'em to answer part of one of your questions Williamsport recognizes ages from 9-12 as MAJOR league. In the green book (which I have for you LOL) I quote "Regulation I The League (a) 1.The Little League (Majors) Division is to accomodate participants league ages 9-12.   Also under regulation IV (a) It states If a player is selected to and/or participates in one or more regular season games on a juniour league team, he/she will be ineligible to participate in the major division from that point forward in regular season and/or tournament play. During International tournaments, a player deemed ineligible under this regulation is subject to removal and his/her team is subject to forfeiture by action of the tournament commitee
  12. Excellent Tim, and I agree 100%. I can remember catching an attitude on the field once when I was about 11, I can also remember my grandfather standing at the dugout door when I came off the field (not at the end of the game, but at the middle of the inning) lets just say I got myself an attitude adjustment.     I have umped for many years, I have never thrown a coach or a player out. I have had a parent removed from the stands for conduct unbecoming (vulger language). I have had a few talks with kids and coaches who have shown attitude, and like I said in an earlier post I may be guilty for advancing thier attitudes on the field. Also a 100% ABSOLUTE YES, there are some umps who feel as if they are putting on a bullet proof vest and strapping on a side arm when they are getting suited up, they always find a time in EVERY game where they have their "EVERYONE LOOK AT ME MOMENT" but I will also state it is usually the fellow umps that weed these guys out because everyone knows who they are and no one wants to work with them.
  13. Scalp'em I got your book ready, plus a copy of the RIM (Rules Instruction Manuel) the learning manuel that is used in Umpire Clinics. It may cost you a hook up at Buffalos for some wings with the youngins......
  14. I agree with Scalp'em about the rules not being followed some of the time during the regular season, while it is the role of the umpire to enforce the rules, I think more involvement from the coaches is needed to teach the kids the rules. Just a few examples -There is NO on deck circle in little league, but how many times do we see not one, but multiple kids out there swinging the bats. -No jewlery is allowed in little league, but I cant count how many times I have had to stop a game while the batter takes off bracelets or necklaces. -dangling throat protectors, and chest protectors with the crotch guard are MANDATORY in little league, but how many times do the catchers come out without them? -No stickers, painting, or drawing is allowed on a batting or catchers helmet that is not produced and/or approved by the manufacturer, and yes this includes writing your childs name on the bat or helmet, -No coaches are allowed outside of the dugout during game play (except base coaches) yet how many times do we look over and they are haniging out the door or ever worse squatted on the fence? Now when umpires call this stuff or bring it to the coaches attention then the umpire is just being uptight, or nitpicky, but in actuallity they are enforcing the rules that you as a coach should be aware of.  I think more responsibility needs to be put on the coaches to be more aware of the rules and this in turn would cause MANY less of these situations
  15. Jasper brought the lumber there is no doubt about that.
  16. I am an umpire and have been for many (more than I care to mention) years. While I have never ejected a player for throwing equipment, or their behavior, I have given some warnings. As I watch games now, and get onto forums such as this, it is obvious that we, as umpires, are letting our leagues down. I say this for several reasons 1) I have witnessed WAY to many games of pitchers not getting strikes called (usually because they are not throwing them) they slam their glove on their leg, or kick the ground, or look at the coach or mom and dad and throw their arms out as if to say WTH!!!!!!! 2) I have had conversations with WAY to many coaches or parents that have recently lost the "BIG" game. Not because they got out played (which is exactly why they lost) but because the umpire was unfair, or did not like them, or of course my favorite line "THE WORST OFFICIATED GAME THEY HAVE EVER SEEN"...their kids come off of the field and the first thing you hear their parents say is NOT "its ok, you played hard you will get them next time" instead it is " that umpire was terrible he cost yall the game" 3)Far to many times have I seen the batter look back at the umpire on a called strike as if to say OMG you are an idiot, and then get that reinforced by the coach, or parent in the stand (the same parent who is to afraid to put on the ump gear but can clearly call a better game than you from the stands)\ 4) I have seen helmets thrown, gloves thrown, bats kicked, tears, under the breathe cursing, and pitiful looks to the stands for mom and dad to step in and protect them from this horrible monstrosity behind the plate. So I say most of us have let our leagues down because we have let it come to this. I umpire a lot with a great man at the West End Little League, and he will not hesitate to walk out to the mound and tell the pitcher to buck up and play baseball and let him umpire. He does not embarass the kids, but if they want to pursue their bad behavior it will not be a pleasant expeirence. I can say that the kids on his field will maintain a sportsmanship attitude or suffer the consequences. So maybe a few kids and coaches need to be tossed, and maybe a few sets of bleachers do need to be cleared to get the point across that baseball is a game, and games have rules, no one is allowed to pick which rules on which nights they will follow, and if you think about it LIFE follows the same path, so maybe in the long run that one ump that stands up and says WE WILL PLAY BY THE RULES may be doing some of these kids (and parents) the greatest service.
  17. The West End/Kountze game was a great one. It was a pitchers duel. I believe both pitchers had a no hitter going into the 4th inning. The coaches and players were all class acts. I feel certain these 2 teams will see each other again. PS ump crew was top notch as the Amelia group always is... I did miss harassing Hatcher though.... but did get a few shots in on Talley
  18. My question is will we get to see (or hear) the wood blocks being slammed together, or the bells being rung to rattle the nerves of the opposing NINE YEAR OLDS .......and yes I am being condescending......Sorry it just drives me nuts when parents do this to rattle the nerves of 9-12 year olds.... I like the way most say "hey we are doing it to show support for our team" ok then do it when they take the field and not when the game is in play. ..... my 2 cents....
  19. I feel your pain usually takes us about 5-6 hours to get are 9s - 12s picked, and then 5-6 weeks to field all of the complaints.
  20. Well it is getting time for All Star voting. I put this little video together and if anyone has been in a All Star meeting you will appreciate it. [Hidden Content] Rich
  21. Sportsman04 tell Lauren Parker that Richard Morreale said hello, she was one of my personal training clients. If I could get her to teach her work ethics to some of the ones I train now they would be All World
  22. I say teach your kid to hit a solid .450 average every year and he will never have to step on the mound, and they will alway find a spot for him....LOL...
  23. On the wall ball issue I have to disagree. I know I have seen on more than one occasion a kid not be able to pitch because his arm hurt from playing wall ball all the night before while his brother was playing in a game
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